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A/N: I don't own Smallville or any characters and places in the DC universe. Nor do I own the episodes that these chapters are based and contained from.

I also don't claim to be a writer. My inspiration is simply to get a creative outlet going.

I only own Tyla Nevin and what pertains to her character story.


Visits to see his father taxed the millionaire greatly. They always resulted in him having a drink and debating on whether the older Luthor really had plans for him. Chloe was missing which meant his father was inches away from leaving due to a mistrial. Tyla was still preoccupied on being a witness at the last resort which meant that Lex would be worried about protecting her. On top of it all, Clark and he were no longer friends. With this last visit, it was more nerve-wrecking. His father's words still echoed in his head; "You'll never know when it will happen, but it will happen. Each swallow of wine you take. Every key you turn, every friend you make, you'll never have a moment's peace."

Lex shuddered as he glanced into his wine glass. He almost didn't hear Tyla walk into the study if it weren't for the heels of her black shoes. "Oh no..." she murmured. "If you're grabbing a huge bottle of wine like that, then you must have talked to your father." He turned around to see the blonde eye at him, cautiously as she placed her bags on the couch. She must have gotten back from work. Lex opened his mouth and paused. He looked back at the glass of wine in his hand when she spoke again. "What happened?"

"The usual punishment for betraying him," he replied.

"Ah," She gave a quick nod towards him as she walked over to take the glass from his hand. "There might be some Pastis left from Paris," she said, softly as she gestured towards the cart that he stood in front of. While the two of them were in France, Lex had introduced the drink to her. As a result, the woman bought two months worth. Because it wasn't Lex's favorite choice of drink, it would be the least likely to be spiked. Red wine, like the one he had poured was what got him in trouble to begin with. "Your father's threats hit you hard, I assume." She knew the feeling all too well.

Lex nodded and checked underneath to see the blissful looking drink. He unscrewed the glass decanter and pour himself a drink as he watched Tyla collect both the bottle of wine and the glass. "You don't have to worry about me, Ty," he reassured her.

Regardless, the woman dumped the contents of the glass in the trash and placed a note on the bottle to get it tested. She looked back at Lex and placed the bottle on the windowsill. "But I do," was all that she had said. "It's technically my job."

"Your job is to take care of things." He corrected her although, he knew she was speaking more to their personal life together than their professional ties. "This will be taken care of soon enough."

"Doesn't mean that I don't see what it is doing to you." She could hear him shuffling restlessly outside of her bedroom at night, making his way to the study. It was obvious that he would rather work than be alone with his thoughts. If she didn't bring him something to eat or drink, he would have probably died from the stress and paranoia. When work wasn't preoccupying him, the trial was.

Lex poured her a glass of Pastis. She was here so he didn't need to worry about drinking alone or who may find him if he got poisoned again. "My compliments to the lady for keeping an eye on me," he retorted as he raised his glass to.

"Lex...I'm serious," Tyla sighed, although she grabbed the glass and took a sip.

"So am I. You're not like anyone I know. You're different." He nursed his drink and relished in the embrace of the spirit.

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