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A/N: I don't own Smallville or any characters and places in the DC universe. Nor do I own the episodes that these chapters are based on and contained from.

I also don't claim to be a writer. My inspiration is simply to get a creative outlet going.

I only own Tyla Nevin and what pertains to her character story.

Warning: Sexual Content in this chapter.


The hallway was vast, filling up with people quickly as they entered the auditorium. Laughter and clinking of glasses echoed. A piano set the ambiance of the night. Lex Luthor, among the throng of people, leaned against a high table, smirking to himself as two women eyed him. But he was not at the orchestra for just dallies. No, it was for one specific woman whom he found himself watching as she sipped from her champagne glass.

Tyla stood across the room with one hand skimming the white railing as she overlooked the people below. Her hair was straightened, a part was pulled back together with a small silver pin in the shape of an olive branch. Her dress glittered a shade of coral. Beads of silver adorned her bodice and hung down in lace and sheer silk, leaving just enough for the imagination so Lex would not be inclined to do lewd things across that particular railing.

He would have aptly called her a lady of the lake, with the way she looked and how even the smallest actions such as placing her champagne on a passing waiter's tray were full of fluidity and grace. Her pull made her seem like the only woman in the room. The only woman worth talking to in Lex's opinion. He set his empty glass on the table and slowly strode over to her.

"You seem uncharismaticly weary," he commented, considering she was all too eager to spend this evening with him in Seattle.

A flush of red appeared on her cheeks. "I'm embarrassed," she pursed her lips together and looked back at him. He was always perceptive.

"About?" He raised his hand to rest on the small of her back. He lightly stroked the fine lace and led her to come down the stairs with him.

"I-hm, out of all the dates that you've taken me to," she paused, trying to think of a way to not hurt his feelings. "This isn't the one for me."

Lex blinked. "The orchestra?" She sat through the entire two and a half hours without telling him?

The redness in her cheeks darkened. "I'm grateful for the introduction," she reassured him. He had taken her to the ballet countless times, knowing that she loved it. He had even introduced her to the opera which became a newfound passion for her. "But I would rather see you play than watching a conductor wave his stick around and-why are you laughing?"

Lex let out a chortle before laughing loudly and causing a couple that passed by look at him questionably. He shook his head, leaving a large grin on his face as he rubbed the back of his neck. "For someone so eloquent, you sure can make something sound trivial."

His girlfriend couldn't help but smile back. They stopped in the middle of the reception area, aware that there were a few paparazzi outside. From the corner of her eye, there was a flash of light and a couple of them trying to peer in to get a good look at the attendees. "The champagne was good at least.".

"Duly noted," he replied, trying again not to snigger as she looked around. She looked adorable when she was feeling out of place. He reached for her hand and guided her to the far left of the reception area. "This type of outing can be reserved for winning over potential business partners and not you. Now, is there anything I can do to ameliorate the situation?"

Tyla scanned the main floor once again. Her eyes rested on a woman with a red dress pacing over to them. In her hand was a pink mp3 player. She looked almost happy to see them or perhaps it was Lex that she was focusing on. "I'm sure she would have an idea or two," she said, unapologetically.

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