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A/N: I don't own Smallville or any characters and places in the DC universe. Nor do I own the episodes that these chapters are based and contained from.

I also don't claim to be a writer. My inspiration is simply to get a creative outlet going.

I only own Tyla Nevin and what pertains to her character story.


As she drew him towards her, Lex drew her in for a kiss. It was as if this would be the last time that he would see her. She was going to National City for revelry, but she assured him that she would be a phone call away be it work or otherwise.

She pulled back and wrapped her arms around his neck. "You know you can always come with me, right?" She finally said, with bated breath. It almost took her a while to realize that they were still in the conservatory with Lex practically pinning her between the edge of the marble countertop.

Lex's lips met with hers once again. It was quicker than the last time. "I would if it weren't for the manuscript that's currently residing in my study." He spoke. The manuscript was the latest R&D venture before it fell into the vaults. With Tyla's Russian and the collector's authenticity, he was able to figure out what it depicted; the victory of the Grand Prince Donskoy over his enemy Mamai at the Battle of Kulikovo. But that wasn't why he was interested in it. Rather, this manuscript held the key to one of the stones that he only glimpse at during the summer. The only problem was that he was having trouble finding it.

He also felt that he would hinder her festivities. From how she spoke about her friends back home, it was a week-long party that would put movies to shame. With his preoccupied mind, he would be barely present if he went.

Tyla shrugged. "You will be missed," she said, her face coming close to his again. She closed her eyes and kissed him. The rest of the room slowed but her heart raced as Lex deepened the kiss. Then, it felt more like a leap or a whoosh as she felt him raise her up to sit on the countertop. She playfully nipped his bottom lip, sending jolts of excitement and anticipation through him. "But...I think we can work out something to hold us off for a few days."

He smirked and pulled her in an embrace, swiveling their heads back and forth the way actors kissed in films. The world was back at a standstill as Tyla completely flowed into his arms and he didn't dare let her go. He impatiently wriggled his tongue against her hot, opening lips and pressed his mouth to hers so hard that their innocent kisses became dangerously suggestive.

Their steamy make out session was rudely interrupted when an alarm blared loudly in their ears. Tyla flinched away from Lex in fright and both looked over to the direction of the study. The blonde hopped off the countertop just as two bodyguards ran in to check on them, but Lex was already walking towards the study, motioning them to follow. Tyla hurried over, adjusting her clothes and following the men as they opened the doors to the study. "Clark?" She heard Lex say. "What the hell are you doing in here?".

Tyla managed to get the closest bodyguard to her to lower his weapon and saw the empty case where the manuscript once rested. A headache rose to the surface from the ear-splitting blare. She couldn't think. She walked over to Lex's desk and opened a wooden case from the right-side corner. She took out a remote, punching in a four-digit code so that they were greeted with silence. Lex took a deep breath and motioned the guards to leave. He walked over to close the doors behind them while Clark stared at the empty case in the middle of the room.

"Oh boy," the blonde finally spoke as she walked over to the alcohol cabinet. "First of all, how did you get in here and what happened?" She perused through the contents to find some sherry. If she wasn't going to get a good night's sleep, she most certainly was going to get her rocks off.

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