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A/N: I don't own Smallville or any characters and places in the DC universe. Nor do I own the episodes that these chapters are based on and contained from.

I also don't claim to be a writer. My inspiration is simply to get a creative outlet going.

I only own Tyla Nevin and what pertains to her character story.


The blonde found herself more preoccupied as of late. Although she wasn't expecting to be taken seriously, Lex had really seized the opportunity of having her officially move in with him. It dawned on her that he was having the dog stay with them for her sake. The keys to the mansion, every room, that was for her sake too. Hell, he had even suggested buying her a new car just to show that they were equals. It was like he was making this house into a proper home. But Tyla was happy just mixing their belongings together. Even if Lex had clearly owned a lot more than she, it was the gesture that counted. Thus, she was now in the study reorganizing the library in alphabetical order with both his books and her own. The study would present books of leisure, books that could be lent to her friends should they fall upon a title of choice. One of the rooms that she used to commandeer would be the new library; the one where the most precious books would lie; away from others. One featured book was Pushkin, the first literary piece that Lex had given to her.

She currently was fixing up a complete collection of English classics at the top part of the study, when Lana was being led in. If it wasn't for Xander who stayed closed to the woman, she would have ignored the teen's presence completely. She barely heard Lana. The rottie padded over, uttering a low growl in warning as he sniffed the young girl. Tyla arched her head over the balcony's banister to see the girl, and subtly check if the rottweiler was going to become overly defensive.

"You guys got a dog?" Lana asked, letting Xander sniff her hand before petting his square head.

"Only temporarily as Lex will constantly assure you," Tyla replied, shifting the handful of books in her arms, and stepped down the stairs. "He isn't here. I'm surprised you wanted to see him since-"

Lana blinked and then sheepishly crossed her arms. "Oh, I don't want to see Lex," she said. Tyla raised an eyebrow and sighed. Lana hadn't spoken to Lex since he had complained to the police that Jason Teague was dating a minor. It put a strain between their friendship and although Lex acted indifferent, his girlfriend knew that he hated feeling like he disappointed the few friends that he had. "I was actually.... just wondering if I could speak to you."

A small dry laugh escaped the Miracle Angel's lips. "Sure, it seems I'm starting to inherit the sage advice role. What is it?" She asked. She dumped the armful of books on Lex's desk. It was clear that she couldn't really organize the study while the teen was nervously looking around, no doubt wondering if Lex was going to walk in on them. The rottie looked at the teen skeptically and whimpered over to Tyla.

"I was hoping to talk to you about Lex."

"About?" She coaxed, impatiently.

"Well, I don't understand why he fired Jason only to hire him again."

"Well, if we knew what goes on in that billionaire's mind, we would have a much easier life, wouldn't we?" She watched as Lana looked cautiously towards the door. "Stop it, you're making me anxious. Lex isn't here."

Lana blinked again. She could hear the irritation in the older woman's voice. She pushed her nerves down and took a deep breath before speaking again. "It's just, you two work together a lot and Jason has worked with you. I just want to know what Lex is making him work on. This task...He says he's looking out for me-"

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