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A/N: I don't own Smallville or any characters and places in the DC universe. Nor do I own the episodes that these chapters are based on and contained from.

I also don't claim to be a writer. My inspiration is simply to get a creative outlet going.

I only own Tyla Nevin and what pertains to her character story.


He stood close to her and for a moment, her hands reached out and came to rest on his chest. Tyla could feel his arms wrapping around her waist loosely, gently bringing her closer to his body. She found herself gripping the front of his black shirt. As soon as his lips were pressed against hers, her legs became weak, and she felt him holding her up as he guided her back against the Talon's exterior wall. Over in the distance, Tyla's security detail seemingly focused on activity around the cinema theater turned café for the sake of Lana Lang instead of the little makeout session that was happening at the side of the building.

The billionaire took it upon himself to give her an anniversary that she would never forget. Now with the wee hours of the morning sneaking through, he didn't want to miss a beat with her. He offered to drive her to the Talon so that she could take the teen out for breakfast. However, it seemed to him that they were acting like impulsive adolescents, with other things on their minds.

With the blonde's back against the cool brick, he lifted her up so she could curl her legs around his waist. She could hear a deep moan escape from him as she bit down his lower lip in a teasing manner.

His hands held the side of her face as they couldn't get any closer than they already were, closing in for another liplock. The only things that separated the two of them were their clothing. Lex seemed to conclude that as he snaked his fingers underneath her light blue tank top and lifted it up past her stomach. Just as he went for her bra, Tyla made a small moan of protest and grabbed his wandering hand.

"Mmm, but Lana," she mumbled, breaking from their kiss.

"A little young for me," he retorted. All joking aside, he looked perplexed as she uncoild from her and moved away. This was her idea to begin with. He only planned the day not the morning after.

"No, I mean, I'm here for Lana, be propped up against your property," She combed through her hair with her fingers. She looked down at her brown boots. "Not that this know what you do to me." She gave him another deep lasting kiss, threatening to bring Lex back to pinning her against the wall.

"I do," he murmured against her lips before taking her hand and leading her out of the alley. "But I'm a grown man. I can hold off until your return." Although a part of him was disappointed. He could always focus on moving her things back into the mansion, but he had a feeling that she would rather do it on her own.

"Can you?" She teased.

"You sure you don't want me to accompany you?" He changed the subject. "I can send them home and wait by the car." He nodded towards the black car of his security, parked just in front of his Maserati.

"It's okay, Lex. You're not much for girl talk. Besides, security won't be needed for long," she squeezed his hand in reassurance as they reached the front of the Talon. Reluctantly, he unearthed the keys from the pocket and unlocked the door for her. He wouldn't admit that he was worried for her. With Genevieve still out there, both Tyla and Lana were open targets. Even if Tyla took the stone, she be truly safe when it was safely in the vault.

But he could only muster a "have fun" in contrast of his thoughts. He leaned forward and gave her a quick peck.

"Don't wait up," she added, cupping his face, and kissed him back before she turned around. As she walked in the dark café, it gave her an eerily feeling. She was used to the place being lively and full of people. Even closing time sported a calming effect on her whenever she picked up the books but with the early morning, the place looked truly dead.

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