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A/N: I don't own Smallville or any characters and places in the DC universe. Nor do I own the episodes these chapters are based on and contained from.

I also don't claim to be a writer. My inspiration is simply to get a creative outlet going.

I only own Tyla Nevin and what pertains to her character story.


The clink of steel sounded in the halls, almost in a rhythmic chant. Back and forth. The sound of two rapiers from a pair of fencers echoed in the study. Both graciously danced along to the music. One fencer blocked the attack and pushed the battle forward, keeping the other at bay. The opponent to the left lunged forward, causing the other to jump back. Only too soon after did the opponent lunge again, losing their footing. The right fencer stepped forward about to tag her, but the block came swiftly. The left fencer combed around him, causing their orientation to change. Once more, a lunge from the female figure was parried this time. More batting away from the two of them caused one of the assailants to push his sword forward. As he leaned towards her, the other fencer parried the sword away and quickly tagged him. The man raised his hands, accepting defeat. Lex tugged off his helmet, revealing a large smile of pride. "Very good," he praised as Tyla took off her own.

"The student becomes the teacher?" she questioned.

"Not quite, you forget the rules when you get frustrated and when you do that, you get distracted. Makes you open," he began to lecture, tossing the helmet and his sword onto the couch before he started to unhook his jacket. From the corner of his eye, he could see her posture change from being self-assured to doubting. He licked his bottom lip and turned to her. "But you went from miracle angel to avenging angel. Just...reign the emotion a little more."

It seemed to perk her up. A quick smile graced him as she placed her helmet and her fencing sword on the coffee table. She all but skipped over to him, a reimaging joy back in her eyes. "I appreciate the lessons," she thanked him. She tried to unhook herself only to struggle.

Lex gave a low chuckle. He strode so that he was behind her and unzipped the jacket for her. His fingers swiftly, freeing her from the clutches before he shrugged off his own. "Well, I figured this would help." It was slightly an understatement. He offered to teach her how to fence to bring her confidence up. The somber blonde was like a ghost in the mansion's halls, and it pained the man to see her like that. After gentle prodding, he realised that it was self-deprecation. Specifically, all those classes of self defense and she couldn't prevent herself from being kidnapped. So, with the promise of help, Lex took it upon himself to teach her the sport of fencing. Once she got the hang of it, he would probably have her blend what she learned from those classes and what he was teaching her. For now, she still had a ways to go. "Now, why don't we go out and toast to how quickly you have been learning?"


"Tonight. There's a Spanish restaurant just on the other side of Metropolis...dark intimate booth, a personal fire pit, away from curious and otherwise prying eyes." He leaned back against his desk, watching her neatly place the fencing gear together.

Feeling his gaze, Tyla turned around. She paced to him and placed a quick kiss on his lips. "Sounds interesting," she cooed. "And rather suggestive, can you handle that once more?"

He knew what she was getting at. "There is no one I would rather be with," he replied in a low husky tone as he pulled her close to him. His voice became rather low as he ran his knuckles against the small of her back. "I just...I can't stop thinking about that other night."

Tyla smiled as she ran her hands down his chest. That other night. One that bordered between the mile high club and voyeurism. It ignited something within her, some fantasy that she didn't know she had. It released a very obliged Lex Luthor to fulfill that wish for her. "I know," she matched his tone. "I can't either...or I have a feeling that there will be repeat performances of that kind for a very long time."

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