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This is an explicit chapter so please 

                                            ONLY READ IF YOU ARE OLD ENOUGH!!

But please enjoy!!

A moan escaped my lips as he pushed me against the door. We hadn't  even made it past the porch before he took control of my body. I could feel his hands making their way tortuously down the side of my body. My hand in his silky hair and the other right on top of the jack pot. 

When did I get so bold and brave? 

He picked me up quickly his lips never leaving my skin as he used his free hand to dig for the keys in his pocket.  

I broke the kiss only to slowly kiss down to his neck. I was going to leave my mark on his body all through out the night. Sucking and licking his neck as he finally managed to open the door. I could feel his friend down there poking me very adamantly wanting some attention. 

Trust me friend I'm coming for you real soon.

"Elijah" I moaned right before he slammed the door behind us quickly capturing my lips with his again.  

My hands in his hair again pulling and tugging as he slammed me against the wall again, seeming not to be able to take a few steps before he had to stop. I pushed away from him making him drop me before I started to take his suit jacket off. 

My eyes on his lips before quickly working on his shirt and him working on unhooking my bra. When did he take off my shirt??  my mind didn't stay on that thought for long before I felt the bra unclip and my double c breasts came falling out. 

A gasp leaving my lips as he clutched onto them quickly and his mouth latching onto one of them like his life depended on it. Letting him enjoy them for a while I bit my lip and tugged on his hair. "My time" I whispered my voice husky with want and needs. 

When he looked up he had an almost animalistic look in his eyes. A gasp leaving my lips as I felt myself grow wetter at the look. He was biting his lip as he slowly nodded. 

I grinned sexily at him before planting my lips onto his and unbuckling his pants and pushing them down quickly before doing the same to his boxers. 

Pulling away only to look down at what would soon be inside me. "fuck" I groaned as I gawked at the monster down there.

He chuckled "Backing out baby?" He asked his voice somehow deeper than before. Shaking my head quickly. 

"Say it" he demanded a switch in the mood. 

"N-No" I said before shaking the doubt out of my head. I've had sex before I can handle him... I hope. 

I kissed him again before pulling away kissing down his chest until I was on my knees face to face with the monster again. 

Wrapping my small hand around his shaft looking up at him as I slowly slid him inside my mouth.. what I could anyways. 

A hiss leaving his lips as I started to bob my head up and down at a tantalizing slow pace teasing him a bit while trying to grow accustomed to his size. I'm not a pro but I can deep throat real well, or maybe my past experiences was just small. It didn't take long before I had his seeds spurting in my mouth. 

"Fuck baby" He groaned his hand in my hair as I looked up at him and cleaned him up with my tongue before licking my lips with a grin. 

"I aim to please daddy" I said the grin stuck on my face before he pulled me up by hair. Something I thoroughly enjoy. Pulling me in for a kiss again he picked me up quickly. My legs wrapped around his waist and his friend who was already standing up at attention again pressed right underneath me. 

"Now its my turn" He said before carrying me up stairs as quickly as he could before walking into what I am assuming is his room. I didn't really have time to look around before I was thrown on the bed with his face right between my legs. 

"Y-you don't hav--" I tried to say before his tongue started attacking my rose bud. "Fucckkkk" I cried out my hand going to its favorite place, gripping his hair tightly I moan loudly, really hoping his neighbors didn't mind, but at this point I didn't really care, once his large finger slid inside the pool that was beneath my legs. 

I don't know what he was doing down there but-- "God!" I cried out his mouth leaving my other sets of lips "Don't call on God baby girl, you call my name" he said his fingers speeding up as if its a punishment. If I wasn't so on edge I could have laughed, but I could feel my self ready to burst. 

"Elijah please!!" I moaned my eyes fighting to close as he went back down to give me what I wanted his eyes never leaving mine. 

That smirk he had on his face as he pleasured me was enough to send me over to the other side. All while calling out his name. 

I could barely catch my breath before his face was right over mine and his friend poking me right where I wanted him. 

"Now my love for the fun part" he said his voice husky. 


Yall I really hope this wasn't too much for yall but I kind of got into a zone and I couldn't help it. but let me know what yall think and if I should tone it down some. 

Let me know what you think in the comments and please like this chapter to let me know you liked it. 

Love y'all

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