No Peace

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6 weeks later

"Maybe we should go to the doctor Jessie" Lia said holding my hair for me as I threw up in the toilet.  It felt like my head was going to fall off. My stomach was burning so bad from the acid leaving out the wrong way that it felt like I was on fire from the inside out. I have never felt anything like this before but I didn't have time to go sit in an office for hours just for the doctor to rush me out saying I was stressed. 

I shook my head "No.. I'm fine I probably shouldn't have eaten all of that food last night before going to bed" I said wiping my mouth with the toilet paper Kristen handed me while she sat on the side of the tub. 

Rya was standing behind me leaning against the wall with her arms crossed when I stood up and turned around. "I'm fine guys I promise, its probably just food poisoning" I said trying to reassure them. 

"And the recent weight gain?" Rya said looking at me up and down like she's finding all of the parts of me that has gained ten pounds each. 

"I'm just eating a lot more than normal thats all, i'll start hitting the gym next week" I said Looking around the bathroom at my best friends trying to figure out why they all looked in lost in thought. 

"That's another thing Jessie, your eating a heck of a lot more than you used to, you have a lot of stomach aches and you're  throwing up almost every morning" Lia stated her face full of pity like she knows something that I don't.

"And the mood swings--" 

"Hell those are the worse"  Lia and Rya said at the same time. I crossed my arms clearly getting agitated. 

"Can you guys drop it okay! I said I am FINE!" I yelled pushing past them and stormed to my room ignoring their calls for me to stop, before shutting the door I yelled once more. "Why don't y'all mind your business!" 

I don't know why they were all on my case like I need a intervention for drugs or something, I just like to eat. I've been stressing out a lot more than normal, thats why everything is all wonky with me, thats all, their just over analyzing everything. 

I flopped down on my bed and reached in my drawer for my stash of rainy day snacks to find it empty. I raised my brow in confusion as I sat up straight, that drawer could have lasted me a whole two months before I had to refill it.  

I got up off my bed and stormed out stopping short when I saw a bag filled with pregnancy tests in front of my door. I picked it up and frowned. They thought I was pregnant?  Thats why they were pointing everything out, they have officially gone crazy. I held the bag in a tight fist and went to find them. 

Finding them in the living room I dropped the bag on the table and frowned at them. "I'm not pregnant so you can take these back to the store to get your money back" I said "and who in heavens tarnation snuck in my room and ate all of my snacks from my snack drawer" I asked my hands placed on my hips. 

"Take the damn tests Jessie before I go in there and force you to take them myself" Lia said "I'm tired of your attitude" She added her eyes still focused on the tv. She was currently watching Armageddon and I knew she never watched it with us before so I did the one thing I knew she would hate. 

"He dies in the end, and everyone goes home safe and sound" I said watching her turn the tv off she stood up. 

"go in there and take the damn tests Jessie" She said holding her temper in because she knew i was trying to get her off topic.

"Fine but don't get upset when you realize you wasted your money" I said grabbing the bag and turning around angrily hitting her with my hair before going up to my room but not before hearing her say.

"I swear she better hope she's pregnant because if she's not im gonna beat her ass into next year" 

I laughed to myself before closing the bathroom door quietly. Dropping the bag on the counter I took a box out and opened it. 

"Time to prove my best friends wrong" I mutter sitting on the toilet. Completing the steps of the test I sat the stick on the toilet paper I had laid out on the floor. 

Waiting ten minutes before picking it up again, I almost had a heart attack. 

"Impossible!"I cried out throwing it on the floor and grabbing a handful of the boxes doing the tests over again.    






"No oh God don't be this cruel to me" I said when the door opened and Rya, Lia, and Kristen came walking in. 

They looked at the handful of positive sticks I had in my hand before pulling me into a group hug. "I can't be pregnant, I swear I thought he used protection" I rambled "I don't- I'm not ready to be pregnant, I'm still in school, I don't have enough money saved up to care for my baby by myself" I said 

"Shush Jessie, you know we're always going to be here for you, Until Death do us part remember" Rya said rubbing my back comfortingly 

"I love you guys" I said beginning to cry before pulling back, "I'm going to be a mom" I said "I have to tell my family" I muttered before being shushed again. 

"We can talk about that later, let's get this cleaned up and then we'll make a doctors appointment for a check up" Lia said pulling away from us to grab a trash bag from under the sink. 

"I better be the GodMother, I will fight for the spot" Lia said picking up my sticks and putting them in the bag. She looked up and glared at Rya and Kristen as in daring them to challenge her for the title. 

I laughed "All three of you will be my baby's godparents" I said "No competition" 

"So I do have a question though" Kristen said chewing on her bottom lip in thought. 

"Are you going to Elijah?" She asked me. 

oh right I should probably think about that. 

"I probably should... Shouldn't I?" I asked them looking around and seeing them all nod their head in agreement. "But don't you think it would be kind of suspect if his one night stand-- who by the way don't remember half the night-- is pregnant with his baby?" I asked worried of the judgment I knew I would face for coming up pregnant with then stranger's child. 

I'm not sure if I am ready for the scrutiny-- from him, his family or mine. "Jessie, it doesn't matter if you remember it or not--which I know you do, because I saw the journal describing EVERYTHING, especially the sex part" Lia said wiggling her eyebrows and laughing before dodging the pillow I threw at her head. "if he is a man like he seems to be then he will want to be apart of his child's life." She added getting back on topic. Everyone nodding their heads in agreement. 

"And if he doesn't rest assured I'll kill him" Kristen said causing us to laugh because we knew she was serious. 

I sighed, I guess I should start searching for his number or something. 


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