Say Yes

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I had to have been staring at Elijah for about ten minutes before I snapped out of it. "Whoa Elijah, I would say yes but I- its only been 6 months, my belly is huge and- and" I said but he shook his head.

"Jessie I am madly in love with you, why do we have to keep fighting the inevitable, I'm not going to let you go, I'm not going to give you up to another guy who won't deserve you" he said "So say yes, we don't have to get married now just engaged okay" he said "We can get married whenever you want to" he told me

I nodded biting my lip nervously "Okay" I said softly "However even though I'm not marrying you for your money fame or power I do want a big gorgeous wedding okay" I told him with a grin, "And I think since I'm going to be living him for a very long time—which by the way when I gt married I'm staying married so you have to be sure" I told him "And I will sign a prenup if you ask me" I told him

Elijah chuckled "Of course I wouldn't have it any other way Jessie, we can have gigantic wedding if you really want, and no pre-nup Im in it for love and I know you are to... I think" he teased me, I punched his shoulder laughing before nodding "I am"

"No matter how much I really tried to deny it and try to say I hate you I think I always had feelings for you and when you kept pushing and coming back I fell for you" I told him putting my hands in his soft hair with a happy smile.

"So is that a yes?" He asked his smile widening as he took my outstretched hand and put the ring on my finger.

"YES Elijah" I said giggling as he Brought me into a hug spinning me around.

"I love you Jessie Owens" He said smiling as he kissed me.

I pulled away from the kiss quickly with a grin. "Uh uh its Jessie Bell remember" I said proudly as I placed my lips on his again continuing our kiss.

"I have to call the girls, their going to be so excited" I told him with a grin. "Oh and babe your going to be a father of two" I said grinning as I grabbed my phone and sped wobbled out of the room knowing he was going to want to know the sex of our twins.

"Jessie Bell get back here, What are we having! Don't leave me in the dark" He shouted after me, not running because I was slow.

"You have to wait until the gender reveal tomorrow" I said grinning as I held onto the stair rail before slowly descending from them.

"Ugh your such a tease, you better be happy your already pregnant or I would have you over my bent knee" he teased catching up with me and wrapping his arms around me protectively. Kissing my forehead as he helped me down the stairs.

"I got it Elijah I'm not that huge, Ms.Gylnn Guess what" I said practically hopping into the kitchen where she was cooking.

"What is it sweetie?" She asked turning around to look at us.

"When I tell you and the girls tell you act surprised okay, they'll be upset if they didn't know first" I told her before showing her my hand. "We're getting married" I told her happily.

Gylnn had to hold onto the counter to keep from falling, "Oh I knew it was going to happen someday, Congratulations you two!" She said "But next time don't give me a heart ache I'm 67 for goodness sake" She said "Now you two go celebrate I'm changing dinner plans into something more celebrationy" She said

I smiled and nodded "Come on Elijah You can help call the girls to tell them to come over" I said the smile unable to leave my face as I grabbed his hand again and tugged him out of the kitchen. 

When the girls finally made their way over, I was waiting in the living room with a grin. 

"What's up, did yall have another fight? do i need to be him to a pulp?" Lia asked me. 

I shook my head "No no its good news, oh and do you guys have everything ready for the gender reveal?" I asked her as I hid my hands underneath me. 

Kristen nodded "Yup the apartments all set up so you cant come over until tomorrow sorry boo" She said "Now i think i know what the news is" She said grinning

"Really what is it?" I asked her 

"You told Elijah they your having triplets" She said when Elijah walked into the room. 

He fainted, he actually fainted. 

"No But you just did" I said "Lia can you wake him up? and no one tell him what gender for goodness sake" I said sighing as the surprise was ruined. 

Yes Elijah's monsters beat the odds and made three baby's instead of one, which came as a surprise to her and the doctor and her friends when they heard three heartbeats instead of just one. 

Lia nodded and went into the kitchen to get a couple of water before coming back and pouring the water on my fiance.

He yelped "Oh did i faint?" he asked us. I nodded with a grin. "Did i hear you say triplets? I thought you said twins" He said looking accusingly at me. 

"Well it was suppose to be a surprise, im sorry" I said grinning before getting back on topic. "We have news though so listen up girls" I said grinning 

"I'm GETTING MARRIED!!!"  I screamed covering my ears when the room went loud with screams.


Alright so this is officially then end of the story, there will however be a epilogue so be on the look out for it either today or tomorrow. 

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