Only Want You

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Waking up from my sleep I moved Elijah's large arm from around my waist and got up.  Getting out of my bed I left my room, leaving him asleep I wasn't ready to talk right now. I went into the guest bathroom and brushed my teeth before going downstairs to see Lia already at the table eating. 

"morning" She said after she swallowed, I moved to the fridge to find me something to cook, since I didn't feel like eating cereal today. 

"Morning" I said taking the waffles out, it must have surprised her because she dropped her spoon. 

"Are you- still mad at me Jessie" she asked me I turned to her. 

"I am because you went against my wishes and talked to Elijah when I asked you not to" I said "but i'm not as mad at you as before" 

She sighed "I'm sorry I just want the best for you and my god baby, and Elijah deserved to know, I didn't want you to regret not telling him and then one day try to find him and he didn't believe you" She said 

I put the box down and walked over to her "I know but everyone else was giving me a chance to make my own choices and you took it from me, but i should have known, you've always been like that" I said making her laugh. 

"Good Morning, I see you two are making up" Kristen said walking into the room with some guy following behind her, "Oh guys meet Chris, Chris meet Jessie and Lia" She said "Want some coffee?" She asked him 

I watched them curiously before shrugging as I watched Elijah walked into the kitchen. Everyone stopped and looked at him, 

"Uh good morning" He said smiling at them before his eyes fell on me, I looked away as he walked over to me. "I should get going, thanks for letting me stay the night" he said his voice dropping "Are we still on for dinner tonight?" he asked me keeping his hands off me but I could tell he wanted to touch my bump again because he kept looking down at it. 

"Yeah I guess" I said "I have to work today so i get off at 6 it might take me a while to get ready though" I told him 

"Yeah that's not going to work when you get bigger" he said almost sounding protective. 

"I have to work Elijah" I said placing y hand on my hips "Now shouldn't you be getting to work or something" I asked moving away from him to go fix my breakfast. 

I heard him sigh before giving up "Fine, i'll be here at seven to pick you up, i'll wait if  i have to" He said before saying bye to everyone and leaving. 

"If you guys start i'm going to throw this knife at you" I said holding it up but it didn't stop them" 

"He slept over last night?" 

"I knew i didnt see him leave last night!" Lia said "Did yall do anything?" she asked 

"Uhm I'm going to go to, I'll see you later Kristen" Chris said kissing her cheek before dismissing his self. 

"So  who is that?" I asked her when he left "And how long have you been seeing him" I said changing the subject from Elijah. 

"That's Chris and I think its been a month now, I thought I introduced you guys to him" Kristen said drinking her coffee as she leaned against the counter. "So have you two made up?" She asked me. 

"Made up? No he's forcing me to go to dinner with him tonight" I said stuffing my face with my cereal, wanting this conversation to be over with because I didn't feel like talking much. 

"I didn't force you, I gave you the option to go or me to stay" he said speaking up for the first time this morning. 

"Oh and you're going to get both, you go boy" Lia said ignoring my glare at her. "What! I'm just saying Jessie you might be finally getting your happily ever after and your trying to throw it away" She said not sounding mean or judgmental about it, just honest. 

I shrugged "Well  lucky me" I said "You know Elijah you don't have to stay, don't you have to go to work or something?" I asked 

Elijah nodded "Yeah but i've already told you I have people to run it for me" he said "mind if I fix me some cereal" he asked 

"No go right ahead" Kristen said while I sighed. "Your getting way to comfortable for my happiness Eli" I said 

He stopped "That's the first time you called me anything but a curse word or my name, I'm starting to think you like me again" he said 

I huffed "don't get your hopes up ELI-Jah" I said saying his whole name again. 

He laughed shaking his head and fixing his cereal. 

"Y'all are adorable, so have you talked about baby names" Kristen asked 

I glared at her. 

"Oh to early sorry" 

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