Coming Clean

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"I don't understand why you won't just talk to the man Jessie" Lia said pestering me again about the Elijah situation from yesterday. 

I moved out of the kitchen ignoring her once again, I took a seat on the couch and turned the tv up once again. 

Rya and Kristen went out to get us the rest of the items for our party, since we couldn't exactly go to a club with alcohol and smoking around. I told them they could go and just leave me here so I could catch up on my school work, but they insisted that it wouldn't be the same without me and that they had a surprise for me tonight.

So here I am listening to Lia blob on and on about how I should just talk to Elijah and stop giving him such a hard time. 

"Your on his side so much Liana i'm starting to wish you were the one pregnant by him so I don't have to hear your mouth so much" I said snappily "So with all disrespect will you leave me the hell alone" I said glaring at her, "I told you, I told every one of y'all that I didn't want him to know, I didn't want to tell him, Kristen and Rya seems to understand but something doesn't seem to click with you in your head, you go behind my back and called him to tell him we were at that store, your trying to force me to talk to him when I simply don't want to! I don't understand how you say you will support me but do the things that you are doing, so Lia again leave me alone" I panted trying to catch my breath when I realized I wasn't breathing as I spoke to her. 

She was about to speak when I got up and stormed out of the room, Lia wasn't someone to play with when she was angry, but neither was I especially when I felt like I had been double crossed. I sat on my bed surfing facebook when a message from an unknown number popped up on her screen. 

Unknown: My offer is still up to talk, it seems we have a lot to catch up on

Jessie: I'm sorry you must have the wrong number. 

I sat the phone down and picked it up as soon as it buzzed again. 

Unknown(Expected to be Elijah): I know you know its me Jessie, just let me in okay... tell me you'll meet me at Starbucks tomorrow.

Jessie: I'm sorry I thought you had a business to run. 

Elijah: I do and I have people to run it for me, now stop avoiding the elephant in the room, will you meet me tomorrow at starbucks? 

Jessie: No now go kiss and tell Lia that i'm not so both of you can leave me alone

Elijah: Fine, I'll see you later then

I sighed and put the phone down again, I don't understand why he wants to talk to me so much, yeah i'm pregnant, yeah it's his child to, but its clear I want nothing to do with him and i'd like to think he wouldn't want anything to do with us either, but apparently thats not the case and i'm getting tired of fighting him and Lia off my case.

"Jessie come on out it's time to partayy!" Rya said opening my door and poking her head in. "Babe why aren't you dressed?" She asked stepping in and looking at me on my bed. 

"I didn't buy any party maternity clothes" I said "only work, school and lounging around clothes" I said being honest, I figured I wouldn't need any party clothes since I would't be doing any partying while i was pregnant. 

Rya chuckled "babe you look gorgeous in what your in now, so come on and lets get this party started" She said holding her hand out for me. I sighed and took it. 

"I'm only staying for an hour then i'm going to bed I have work in the morning" I told her following beside her. I could already hear the music playing from upstairs. 

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