Taking Him Home

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"I'm Jessie"  I said with a smile holding my free hand out for him to take which he took quickly. "Are you here alone?" I asked him curiously because he was good looking and a guy that looks like a walking sex God, shouldn't be walking around the club alone. 

I watched him sigh before he nodded his head taking gulp of whatever drink he got. "Yeah I had a long day at work and didn't feel like going home to an empty house" He said setting his drink down as Please me came blasting on through the stereo. 

I was getting tired of hearing this song already but it was to catchy to resist singing and humping my seat to. I wasn't bothered that I was giving Elijah a show, because if i was lucky he would want to take me home to his empty house and give me a personal tour. 

Elijah chuckled and stood up next to me. I sighed thinking he was bored with our conversation and was about to leave but instead I felt his warm breathe on my neck. The goosebumps every where on my body coming alive. "Dance with me?" he said sounding like he was asking but I could tell it was more of a statement than a suggestion.

I put my hand in  his outreached hand as I stood up. "One dance then I have to get my friends home" I said standing close to him as he guided me to the dance floor. he placed his large hands on my waist before spinning me around so my back was pressed to his chest. I took it from there and danced seductively against him. 

I haven't had this much fun or male attention since my ex-boyfriend Tristan two years ago. I moved up and down his body as I bit my lip, losing myself in his touch I could feel a certain part of him was growing already. I smirked to myself before standing straighter and turning around to face him. "Someone's really happy" I teased before he could reply Lia came up to us with a blonde guy trailing closely behind her. 

"Hey Jess- sorry- jess I'm going home with Aiden tonight, Kia and Rya has already left something about feeling sick and needing to puke or whatever their light weights" She said drunkenly as the blonde guy named Aiden was feeling her up. 

"Uh Okay I'll check on them when I get home I guess" I said before raising a brow at her when i saw she was gawking at Elijah. I turned to look at Elijah to figure out what she was looking at but he just shrugged at me. 

"Liana why are you staring at him like that?" I asked she shook out of her trance before shrugging "Oh its nothing, he just looks like someone on tv" She said before Aiden was tugging on her impatiently. "Okay bye guys I gotta go!" she said before pulling Aiden away and out of my sight. 

 I looked up and down his body slowly before connecting eyes with his tense face. "Why so tense all of a sudden?" I asked him playing with his long silky straight hair. I scanned his body once again because hell why not?  I was somewhat drunk and the liquid courage was feeling so good right now. 

He changed the subject when he saw me looking at him again. "Like what you see?" He asked me and I grinned and answered as I started dancing again when another song came on. "I might" 

"If I kissed you right now" he started licking his plump sexy lips "What would you do?" He asked me but before I could answer he leaned down the rest of the way  and connected his lips with mine. I responded quickly wrapping my arms around his neck again as I stepped up to get closer to him.

"Come home with me" he whispered huskily into my ear when we pulled away for air. Hell if his kisses felt like he was sending me half way to heaven, I need to know what that D feels like. 

I nodded "hurry before I change my mind" I said licking my bottom lip as he picked me up and placed me on his shoulder.  I squealed before hitting his back "Why'd you pick me up!" I squeaked giving up on trying to get put down, Plus I loved the view of his Behind. 

"I couldn't give you the chance to change your mind" He said his voice laced with humor as I heard laughter around us, soon the music disappeared and the cold winter night hit my bare skin. 

"How far is your car?" I asked him because it felt like he has been carrying me for ten minutes non-stop. 

"I live ten minutes away from my cl- the club" He told me  "I decided I would I walk instead of having a uber take me" He told me. 

"Well if thats the case Elijah, we could have taken my car" I said "My knees are about to die off" I said just as he stopped walking and placed me on my feet.  He held onto my waist protectively as  he walked me into the five star Apartments that I wish I  could afford in this lifetime. 

"What do you do for a living, This place must be super expensive" I said in amazement as I looked around the inside of the lounge area. He guided me into the elevator and pressed the tenth floor.  

"I work in Construction" He said as he pressed me onto the wall. "You smell so good" he said sniffing my hair before placing small teasing kisses on my neck, pulling my hair out of his way, he kissed my shoulders while my hands roamed his muscle filled body, I couldn't help but let out a moan, with each kiss he feathered on my skin I was close to my big O and he hadn't done anything but touch and kiss me. 

When the elevator finally opened he picked me up, I automatically wrapped my legs around his waist as he walked us to his apartment door. All the while his buddy was pressing against my leg, I didn't know how he was going to fit but one thing I did know was that I was going to be sore in the morning. 


Pleasee tell me what you think so far! I would really appreciate it.

Next chapter is their skin to skin, so please only read that chapter if your comfortable with it and old enough to be reading that kind of content. 

Thanks y'all and please like and comment what you think. 

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