Breathe Me

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"Jessie tell me your actually going to think about it" Lia said laying down next to me in the sand. I nodded " I'm going to think about it, and then I'm going to come up with my decision of a hard no tomorrow" I told her with a smile.

"I know its hard to think that I'm passing up a great opportunity to give my unborn child Lia, but I don't want people to think I forced my way into his life by having his baby, I'm not in this for money you know, I want to you know actually make my own money, raise my baby how I want to without the worry of him or her being corrupted." I told her sitting up to watch kids run and down the beach.

"I know, but Jessie who gives a care in the world about what people think when you have a child to take care of, and when you happen to have the baby father wanting to be in you and the baby's life why would you push him away?" She asked me and I shrugged.

"Yeah but he has all of the money, that leads people to think they have all of the control and if that's the case with him I don't want to be in any form of a relationship with him, Lia I just I wish I never did anything with him so I wouldn't be in this situation right now" I told her running a hand through my hair as I looked out at the pretty blue water. The day had turned out so great I convinced Lia and the girls to come out to the beach with me.

"I get it, I do Jessie, but just think about it okay, not every person with money wants to be controlling and dictating" Lia said as Kristen and Rya walked back over to them and sat down in their beach chairs.

"What'd we miss?" Kristen asked drying her hair with her towel. "The water feels great you two, you should really go out and play in it" She told us

I nodded "Nothing much just chit chat" I told her before standing up "Yeah I'll go splash around at the edge for a little bit" I told them leaving my phone on the towel as I walked away from my friends to the water.

I sat down at the edge of the water staring off in to space, as I thought about everything that has happened in these last few weeks of me being pregnant.

He's very persistent when he wants something, and I don't just give in easily. I said about to get up when I heard squealing from behind me. I sighed about to turn around to look before I changed my mind, it was probably just a boyfriend teasing his girlfriend with something.

I watched the birds fly across sky when I felt someone come up behind me. I turned around to see Elijah in some swim shorts and no shirt. "Hey"I said no longer bothering to ask what he's doing here. I Patted the sand next to me which he took quickly.

"Have you thought about it?" He asked me looking out at the water. "i left a surprise for you back at your apartment to, Your friends helped me, so I hope you don't mind" He said playing with the water with his foot.

"Why do you keep insisting to barge in my home?" I asked him rolling my eyes before looking back at the water. "I have thought about it and I'm going to have to say no" I said.

"Oh come on Jessie stop being so stubborn!!" Lia shouted from her spot. I rolled my eyes and flicked her off.

"I don't want to impose on your bachelor life style Elijah" I lied "I don't want to make you change up your life because I'm pregnant with your child" I told him.

"Cut off the Bs Jessie, your scared of moving in with me" he said "I understand that, but I'm not going to hurt you, I can promise you that, I don't have a bad bone in my body to hurt anybody and especially not the person who is going to be the mother of my child" He told me reaching over and rubbing my shoulder.

"How would I know that Elijah, I got pregnant by you in a one night stand I know nothing about you, and you could just be feeding me lies to bring me into something that I won't be able to get out of" I said looking over at him. Watching him unclench and clench his strong jaw.

"Go home and find your gift, it's in your room and then call me with your decision Jessie" He said standing up from beside me. "And if you still don't want to move in with me for the sake of our child, I'll get you and your friends a bigger apartment" He told me before walking away from me.

I sighed what the hell did I get myself into.


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