Girl's Night Out

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Girls Night Out.

Boom! Bang!

Waking up from my slumber with a scream, I sat up in my bed to find my best friend Kristen digging through our closet like her life was in danger. Wiping my eyes from the stray tears of being woken up I spoke. "Kristen what are you doing?" I asked grabbing my phone to check the time.

12:23 I guess it was time for me to get up anyways, but still I didn't want to be waking up thinking I was about to be attacked.

"I'm trying to find us an outfit to wear to the club tonight Jessie, you should be up anyways, your acting like you worked all last night" She said throwing clothes my way as a sat there, rolling my eyes.

"I did work all last night Kristen, that's why I'm sleeping now" I said "And anyways can't you guys go without me? I have school in the morning" I said, knowing she would catch my lie because we share the same college schedule.

"Its spring break, so shut up, get up and go take a shower" She ordered in which I didn't comply.

"Your not my Mommmm!" I whined tucking myself back into my comfy bed. Next thing I knew I was being hit in the head with a hanger.

"Ouch!" I shouted holding my head. "You Bitch that hurt!" I whined still not getting out of bed.

"Sorry not Sorry" she said unapologetically

"I don't want to go out tonight Kristen, I've got school work and stuff to do, besides y'all would have more fun without me being in your way" I said pouting as I moved to sit on the edge of my bed.

"Your the life of the party Jessie Believe it or not" She said pushing clothes around as she searched for whatever she has been looking for.

"No I'm not, I'm a Debby Downer who doesn't want to go be around filthy old men who are probably married with kids and drunk college boys who don't know how to treat women" I said

"You need to live a little Jessie" She said coming out of the closet to look at me with a scolding look, "This is all part of the experience of being a grown ass woman in college, and yes there will be filthy old men but they never bothered me or the others before and their not going to start now" she said "Besides everywhere we are you are, so you'll be safe" she said

"What do you mean? I am living, I go to work everyday, I'm in school to better myself and I still manage to look this good" I stated sitting cross legged on my bed as I watched her. "And when you three are to drunk to remember who I am? Then what am i gonna do? I can't get all three of you in our car by myself" I stated.

"We've managed to make it happen before Jessie, so stop trying to talk your way out of it and get ready" she said throwing the shortest dress I have ever seen in my life next to me. "I'm not wearing that" I said pushing it as far away from me as I physically could.

"Its not for you" She stated clearly throwing another dress at me "This one is, Now get up and get dressed before I call Lia in here"


I sighed as I got out of the car slowly, everyone else was pumped and ready and I was slowly regretting calling out of working a double shift.

"Jessie babe lighten up, its going to be fun" Rya said wrapping her arms around my waist. "We've been to this club with you a thousand times and you have never acted this way. What's up?" she asked her worry for me finally showing through.

I shook my head, "its nothing, just tired from work" I said as Lia flirted our way to the front of the line and into the building.

"Well if that's the case then let's get you drunk and not so tired" Rya said pulling her and the girls to the bar.

"Baby Girl
What's Your Name?
Let Me Talk To You
Let Me Buy You A Drink
I'm T-Pain, You Know Me
Konvict Music nappy boy oh wee
I Know The Club Close At 3"

"This is my song!" Rya sang "Its perfect to drink to" She said holding on to my hand as she ordered us all a club soda.

"What's the chance of you rolling With Me? Back To The Crib Show You How I Live Let's Get Drunk Forget What We Did" We sung as we waited for the drinks.

"Here you go ladies, enjoy" The bartender said setting the drinks in front of us with a smile before going to attend to his other guests.

"Drink on three!" Kristen said handing us all our drinks. I took my happily holding it to Kristen's, while Rya and Lia joined.

We clinked glasses and chugged our drink down on three. I smiled and signaled for another round when the Bartender came back around.

As Cardi B Came on to the stereo, Rya and Kristen grabbed Lia and I's hand pulling us to the dance floor.

I twerked on Lia as Rya and Kristen danced together. I laughed and smiled as I danced with my best friends.

After a while of dancing to a bunch of songs I told them I was going to go sit at the bar.

I slid through the dancing bodies and found a seat where I could still see my friends. Asking the Bartender for a stronger drink that the club soda he was currently giving me, I played with the rim of the glass as I waited.

Thanking him again danced in my seat listening to the music.

"What's a pretty Lady like yourself doing here by yourself?" a deep dark voice said behind me as I sipped on my drink. 

"I'm not my Girlfriend is on her way over now" I said in which he blatantly ignored.

"Why don't you let me buy you another drink" he said placing his hand on my bare shoulder.
"No thank you, now please leave me alone" I said politely even though I wanted to puke.
"The lady said leave her alone" The bartender said coming to my rescue.

When he left I looked back to the Bartender and thanked him.

Ordering another drink, a deep velvet voice came up beside me, he ordered a drink before looking at me.  "Want to hear a joke?" he asked me, I kept my eyes on my empty glass while answering him.
"Do you know the difference between a US Savings bond and A grown man?" he asked me
"No what" I said still not looking up

"A US Savings bond actually matures" he said with humor laced in his voice.

I laughed softly before looking up at him, my breathe hitched, he was a walking Calvin Klein model.

With his long jet black hair pulled into a man bun, his eyes crinkled in laughter as he introduced his self.
"I'm Elijah"


 Thank you AndressaVan  for the amazing cover! I wish I could use all of them

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Thank you AndressaVan for the amazing cover! I wish I could use all of them.

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