The Demand

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After I finally managed to get Elijah to leave, I went and got dressed into something comfortable and grabbed my keys.

"Lia I'm going to the park do you need anything?" I asked her looking around the room to see if the other two were in there. When they weren't I frowned "Where is Rya and Kristen?" I asked her rubbing my belly subconsciously as I leaned against the wall.

"They had to run to the store for something they'll be back soon" She told me as she flipped through the tv channels eventually stopping on people's court. "And no I don't need anything, do you want me to come with you? Or are you just going to clear your head of Elijah?" She asked me and I shrugged quickly.

"To be honest I haven't thought about the guy since he left" I said going to sit down, because my feet was starting to hurt. "And Since I'm being honest, i'm thinking about moving out so when the baby is born, we wont wake you guys up. I'll probably just ask Bill—Our landlord Liana— if there is any apartments open here so I don't have to be to far from you guys" I told her rubbing my 8 week old baby.

"You know we will love being woken up by him or her because we get to compete for our sweet baby's love" She said

I shook my head "that could be true but the crying and changing of diapers and our girl's nights would be cut short and you guys would start to get annoyed and I don't want that" I said. "Just- its a thought Lia I haven't put anything into action yet so it's nothing to stress about" I told her.

Seeing the look of not believing me on her face I crossed my heart "Cross my heart and if I lie I'll never eat chocolate again" I told her, saying our honesty decree that we made when we were in college.

"Okay! I believe you I swear!" She said turning the tv down. "So are you leaving for the park or not?" She asked checking her phone when it buzzed.

"Oh yeah I forgot sorry, I'm going now" I said standing up "Why? You have someone coming over you don't want me to meet" I said grabbing my phone and keys laughing at her expression.

"No! No of course not I just have a surprise for you and I don't want you seeing it" She said "now go!" She said getting up and pushing me out of the room and out the door.

"God! I'm going!" I said closing the door behind me. Laughing to myself as I went down to the lower level of our apartment building and to my car, unlocking the door I got in with a yawn and curiosity biting at my skin to figure out what this so called surprise for me that Lia has.

Cranking my car up I pulled out of the garage and headed towards east to the park. Driving for about thirty minutes I pulled into the parking lot of my favorite cafe, which has been a lot busier since a new building is being built and the traffic for every store on this block has went hay wire.

I must have been standing in line for thirty minutes before I actually made it to the counter. "Good Morning Jessie haven't seen you in a while!" Regina said behind the counter. I smiled "Yeah its been a long busy 8 weeks" I said showing off my stomach, watching her face turn from shock to excitement.

"Oh wow you go girl! Who's the lucky father?" She asked and I had to fight to. Keep the smile on my face. "I'll tell you later girlie" She said smiling "Can I have my usual?" I asked her taking my card out to pay her but she swatted my hand away, "It's on the house, I'l just tell my dad, its a celebration gift" She said

I smiled and nodded "Tell him I said hey when he comes in" I said moving out of the line for the others "And thank you!" I said grabbing some napkins from the counter before going to find an empty seat by the window, Thanking God that it was clean and free from claim.

Right when I was about to sit down someone spoke from behind me. "I'm sorry ma'am but this spot has been claimed" a deep voice said behind me , making me turn.

"Yeah uhm I don't see a name on this table or a sign saying its being claimed so, no disrespect to you my friend but I have been standing up for 30 minutes my feet hurt and this baby inside me is hungry so if you don't mind I'm sit-in down, good luck with finding somewhere to seat" I said taking a seat and grabbing my phone.

"But ma'am you don't understand-" He started to say before being cut off by a voice I have been growing to familiar in knowing.

"It's okay Diego, I know her" Elijah said coming and sitting in the empty seat in front of me.

"Yes sir, I'll be across the street making sure everything is being handled correctly" He said before dismissing him self and leaving the building.

"Eli, what are you doing here?" I asked him with a defeated sigh, I should have just given up this table.

"Well I saw you come in so I figured its got to be something good here" He said smiling charmingly at me. "Now I have a question to ask you, Now don't get mad and overdramatic okay" he said when Samuel put my coffee and sausage and egg biscuit in front of me with a smile.

"Thank you Samuel" I said smiling at him before looking at Elijah "Sure what's up?" I asked him

"Should you be drinking coffee? Isn't it bad for the baby?" He asked me instead.

"I don't think so, but if your concerned I won't drink it, here you take it" I said pushing the coffee over to him, which he took but didn't drink yet.

"Now, my question is will you move in with me?" He asked me, I put my sandwich down quickly before gawking at him.

"No way Elijah" I said "That's ridiculous why would you ask that" I said keeping my voice down to a whisper.

"And why now, why would you ask now when I'm trying to enjoy this delicious sandwich" I pouted "Now you've ruined my appetite and my mood"

"Jessie your being over dramatic baby, just think about it okay, the apartment is small your living with your friends and you guys are going to be all over each other when our baby is born, I'm just trying to make sure everyone is going to be happy and comfortable." He explained. "Just think about it and tell me your answer whenever your ready okay" He said taking a sip from my coffee.

"Okay?" He asked when I still haven't said anything. "I'm not forcing you to jessie I'm just asking"

I nodded "Okay, I'll think about it" 

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