Meeting the Ex

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4 months later— total of 6 months pregnant

"You'll love this" Elijah told me with a smile as he opened the door for me taking my hand when i was out of the car. "This is my favorite place to eat."

I looked around eyeing the outside of the restaurant before looking at Elijah. "You know I don't want anything fancy Elijah, why couldn't we just go to a burger king or something?" I asked him with a frown when he stayed quiet and tugged me along.

Pacing his hand on my lower back. "I know Jessie, but I want to show you what I could offer. I know it's not what you want but its something you deserve and I want you to see that" He told me. Holding the door open for me.

I walked in with a sigh "Fine but next time I want something simple or i'm walking out on you." I told him walking inside the restaurant looking around.

He chuckled "Sure you will, You're a foodie, at least thats what Lia told me and with ur baby growing inside you. You're going to need to eat." He stated point blank.

I rolled my eyes "Why are you never at work" I changed the subject when we sat down.

"Because as I've told you before sweetie. I have people who can do it for me" He told me pushing my chair in when I sat down before he at down in front of me.

I rolled my eyes ""Ugh so am I going to be around you all day every day, because that can get old super fast" I teased him.

He laughed "You're going to fall in love with me and we're going to be the power couple" He states with a straight faced. I almost spit out the water I had took a sip of. "Did you- you just said I was going to fall in love with you Elijah, you are delusional" I said laughing as I eyed him. "I hope you were joking."

He chuckled watching me like a haw. Before his straight mouth turned into a smile, "You'll see Jessie." He said smiling as a server came up serving us our food, I looked at the food confused.

"I called ahead and ordered for us. I hope you don't mind" Elijah said thanking the server before focusing on me again.

"How'd you know I would want a burger?" I asked him confused.

"The girls told you didn't they" I asked him.

He nodded with a smile "Yeah, they've told me almost everything about you. Apart from why you are the way you are, they said I would have to ask you that myself" he told me as he cut into his steak.

"To bad you will never know." I said picking up my burger with a smile and started to eat with a smile. "Oh my God this has to be the best burger I have every tasted." I said holding back the moan that was very tempted to escape my mouth.

He grinned "This place is the best, I told you that." He told me with a smile. "Thats why I brought you here, it isn't a fancy restaurant it only looks like it" He told me grinning. "Although it has fancy food it also cook food like fast food" he told me with a smile.

"Well i'm glad they do because i'll be coming here more often than never." I said grinning as I took another large bite out of my food.

"Why do you dislike me so much Jessie" He asked me as if it has been bothering him for so long.

I shook my head wiping my mouth with a napkin. "I don't dislike you Elijah, I just wish I would have gotten to know you better before I got pregnant by you thats all. " I told him

"Elijah!" a voice called from behind him.

I looked up to see a tall brunette coming our way. "Eli I thought that was you! how are you" She said smiling as she stopped in front of our table, completely ignoring my presence. I chewed on my bottom lip as I ate my burger content with ignoring the two.

"Oh Ginger, i'm good, i'm on a date with my fiance though so if you don't mind." he said I looked up at him shocked before covering it up with a grin.

The girl who's name was Ginger turned and glared at me, "Your marrying her? we were together for four years Elijah and you never proposed to me!" She said her voice raising a little. Distaste in her voice. I glared up at her before looking at Elijah my eyes telling him to get rid of her.

"Because you weren't wife material Ginger. You were barely girlfriend material now leave before I get Mario out here." He said ignoring her presence looking back at me. "Now babe where were we?" he asked me, "Ah can go to that amazing wedding venue downtown and see if they have everything you want." he said I smiled playing along with his game.

"Of course handsome. We an go now since we're our dinner is being ruined" I said glaring up at ginger who was still standing there watching us.

"I call foul. But enjoy your dinner i i hope she breaks your heart into a million pieces like you did mine." She said before storming off back to wherever she came from.

I looked at Elijah with a raised brow. "You dated her for four years and didn't even offer her marriage" I said "Why would you think. I would ever think you'd want to marry me" I said

I finished the last of my fries. Standing up "I need to use the restroom if you'll excuse me." I said walking to the back of the restaurant where the bathrooms were.

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