Holding Back the River

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I sat on the edge of the couch as I watched my friends dance and laugh with each other. The living room was small when everyone was in here dancing around, I sighed as  I watched them dance and thought about earlier with Elijah. 

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Rya came over and grabbed my hand, "Come dance with us Jess this is your favorite song!" She said, the look of happiness on her face had me up and dancing with her. 

After he left they let me stay in my room for a good ten minutes before pulling me out again and restarting the party promising he wouldn't show up unannounced again. 

When the music slowed I laid my head on my best friends shoulder, I felt like crying to this song, I felt like crying in general. 

"Once upon a different life

We rode our bikes into the sky

But now we crawl against the tide

Those distant days are flashing by" 

There was a knock on the door, I kept dancing with Rya keeping my eyes closed to keep the tears from falling out I sighed Rya patted my back and pulled away. I stilled not turning around because I had a feeling I knew who it was. 

Hold back the river, 

let me look in your eyes

Hold back the river so I

Can stop for a minute and be by your side

Hold back the river, hold back

I shook my head ignoring Rya's look of sympathy. I grabbed my phone and started to make my way up the stairs and to my room. I was halfway up the stairs when He called my name. I kept walking even though Rya had stopped following me. "Jessie maybe you should give him another chance" She said after me.

I shook my head "No I will not" I said about to open my door when he called me again this time his voice sounding like thunder. I heard the girls protest I smiled a little at that before opening my door about to step in when I felt his hand waist. 

"Remove your hand from me Elijah" I said "What the hell do you think your doing!" I screamed when he pushed me gently into my room shutting and locking the door behind us. "You've done enough so why don't you just give up and leave me alone" I screamed moving away from him quickly when he let me go. 

"I just want to talk to you Jessie" He said walking towards me "Why wont you talk to me?" 

"Because you called me a whore" I answered 

"No I didn't" 

"Yes you did, you literally said that the baby could be yours meaning that you think I sleep around" I said grabbing a pillow from my bed and throwing it at him which he dodged. 

"That's calling me a whore Elijah" I said throwing more pillows at him until they were all gone. He started walking towards me. "why can't you just leave me alone" 

"I'm sorry Jessie" He said catching me off guard when I was about to throw my teddy bear at him. 

"your what?" I asked setting the bear down before looking at him. "Your sorry for calling me a whore or getting me pregnant?" I asked 

"For insinuating that you slept away, I just, there's a lot of women who try to get one over on me for money and I thought you could be one to" he said stopping in front of me. 

"I shouldn't have assumed and I should have listened you instead" he said "So as a apology and someone who wants to get to know you can I take you out to dinner?" He asked me 

"I" I started "I accept your apology Elijah, but I'm going to have to pass on dinner" I said I was one to hold grudges and if he thought dinner would make up for assuming I was trying to get one over on him he was sadly mistaken. "Now will you please leave my room so I can get some rest" I said  when he didn't move I spoke again glaring up at his tall figure. "That was me asking nicely" I said as he took another step towards me I moved backwards. "Elijah i'm not playing with you get out" I said 

He shook his head "I'm not gonna leave until you tell me your coming to dinner with me" he said as my butt hit the mattress. He came and stood in front of me before bending down so he wasn't standing waist to face in front of me. 

"I know I came off a little aggressive like I didn't want the child, but that isn't the case Jessie, I just don't want to be trapped in a situation for 18 years if I don't have to, you seem like a smart bright and honest woman but I can never tell that from just one conversation-which you never actually gave me until now-" he said running patterns on my leg. 

I was about to speak when he cut me off. "I'm not finished" 

"I'm only like this now because I just got out of a situation where a girl got pregnant by someone else and tried to say it was mine, for nine months I was being put through the ringer by her and her family and then she tried to take me to court for child support before the baby was born for me to take a paternity test. So Jessie again I'm sorry for assuming you were like her, I'm sorry for making you think I was calling you a whore because I wasn't, I just have to be careful" he said 

"So please please please don't get offended that I ask for a paternity test when the baby is born" he said I was taken aback but I kind of understood where he was coming from so I just gave him a nod.

"Say it Jessie" He said looking up at me. 

"Okay, even though you'll be wasting your money i'll take it so you'll know" I said "Now will you leave so I can get some sleep?" 

"No you still haven't said you'll go to dinner with me" 

"Fine but i wont be dressing up and no fancy restaurant" I said reaching up and brushing my hair out of my face, my shirt lifted and his eyes once again fell to my stomach. 

He looked up at me in question and I nodded. He placed his hand hesitantly lifting up my shirt the rest of the way and placing his hand on it. 

I stayed quiet so he could have a moment with the baby growing inside of me. 

"Hey you" he whispered his face moving closer to my stomach "I'm sorry for the way I treated you and your mommy, I promise i'm going to make it up to you both" he said "I promise" he added placing a kiss on my stomach before pulling my shirt down and moving away from me. 

"I guess I should get going now, I'll pick you up tomorrow at seven" he said moving towards my bed room door. 

I sighed knowing I was going to regret this. "Elijah wait"  

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