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I sighed getting up from my seat quickly to rush to the bathroom. I left the tv on the news as I rushed out dropping in front of the toilet to puke out my breakfast. I groaned and flushed the toilet. 

I shouldn't have pushed the girls out the door earlier to go get us groceries. I sighed brushing my teeth after I washed my hands I made my way back to the living room and plopped myself down on the couch and turned the tv up. 

I sat up propping my head in my hands as I watched Elijah, the guy I am currently pregnant by walk out of the airport with cameras flashing and paparazzi chase and call out for him. I listened to the woman on the screen talk as I bit my lip. 

"One of the highest most successful billionaire Elijah Bell has come to an agreement with Teevon Industries  and Grevion Construction to build one of his very own Hotels in Jacobsville Georgia. We should expect for the two companies to start construction on February 1 of this year. Expect delays and more traffic starting then. They are expected to be finished by the end of the month and open-- 

"Oh my God" I said ignoring everything else she said. I covered my face as I thought about how I was going to go by this. "Oh my God, I slept with and Got pregnant by a billionaire" I muttered "he's going to think I did this on purpose, that I- Oh My God" I said standing up to grab my phone but didn't to when the person I needed to speak with came through the door.

"Hey Jessie! We grabbed you some Chocolate, Rice Krispies, and - wait whats wrong?" Liana said coming to stand in front of me, I crossed my arms glaring at her. 

"When we went out 8 weeks ago and you came to tell me you were leaving with that guy, you recognized Elijah didn't you" I accused continuing on when I saw that I was correct, she was about to speak but I interrupted her. "You knew who he was and you didn't tell me, Now I'm pregnant with his kid and if I tell him he'll probably think i'm some whore who's trying to trap him for money" I said ignoring the pain that slashed across my best friends face. 

"Jessie thats harsh and you know it, we were all drunk and Lia was just trying to let you have fun" Kia said coming to Lia's defense. 

"Oh really? well y'all arent the one sitting here pregnant, With a damn boss who doesn't seem to understand that I won't be able to keep coming in for long hours and not get a break, or a professor who wants his ten page paper due on time" I said I was angry and didn't mean half the things I was saying, but I was upset and shit happens. 

"First off its not my fault you don't keep up with the celebrities, second off It is also not my fault you didn't keep your legs closed Jessie, so big damn deal I didn't tell you who he was. Everything else that happened that night was on you" She said before storming out of the room 

"Well she has a point Jessie" Kristen said rubbing my back before going back into the kitchen to put the groceries up. 

Rya eyed me for the longest before i gave up and spoke up. "What Rya" I asked sitting back down with a sigh. "Come to chew me out to?" I asked her turning the tv from the news. 

"Your trying to find reasons why not to contact him and tell him your pregnant Jessie, that fight you picked with Lia was just you trying to change the focus of our worry to you and Lia and not you and Elijah" she said leaving me to think about what she said. 

I sighed knowing she was right, but what Lia said still hurt a little and I wasn't going to apologize until she did. I huffed before standing up going to my room. 

I had to figure out what to do before it too late. Grabbing my laptop from under my bed I sat down and started searching up ways to contact Elijah.  Finding his business page and how to reach him, I put the number in my phone before getting up from my bed to get dressed in some stretchy clothes. 

"Rya I'm going out for a walk, call me if anyone needs anything" I told them grabbing my keys from the side table. 

"We can come with you" Kristen said I quickly shook my head no, "I need some air to think, i'm just going to head to the park" I told her quickly shutting the door behind me. 


Tell me what you think, its a fairly short chapter but next chapter we're going to time skip some. 

like comment share anything would mean a lot to me. 

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