Dont fight it

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After we got back from our date, I climbed up the stairs, ignoring Elijah as he called my name. I closed the door behind me not bothering to lock it, because I knew he had a key to all of the doors, in case he got locked out of one on accident.

I trusted him enough for him to not break my trust though, sitting on the bed I stared at the wall, confused as to why I was jealous of the woman. I don't like Elijah, I can't like him, but I fear I already started liking him the day I met him, the sweet, charming, smart, caring and observant man might have crawled his way into my heart and I hated it.

"Jessie, why are you upset with me?" He asked through the door. "Everything went great after the whole Ginger situation, why are you in your feelings?" He asked me, I didn't reply because I didn't know how to tell him that I liked him, and I didn't want to think of another woman being with him, I didn't want to think of the possibility that another woman could have been his, that she would have been his everything.

"I don't now!" I shouted instead "Its your fault though! You got me pregnant and now I can't think straight" I said when he opened the door slowly,

"Can I come in then, we can figure it out together" He said softly staying outside of the door as he looked at me.

I nodded "Yeah whatever" I said wiping at my eyes quickly not wanting him to see me tear up. "Why didn't you marry her?" I asked him when he stopped in front of me on his knees.

"Because she wasn't for me, she just wanted my money and power not what I want a girl to want me for" He said softly rubbing my belly. "I want a girl that's only after my heart, the money and the fame as a option not a neccessity" he told me looking up at me softly.

"Someone like you Jessie, a fighter, a woman who can handle her own, who doesn't needs me but wants me anyways" He said "I like everything about you, I knew that from the beginning when we met at the bar, although I didn't mean to get you pregnant, i'm glad I did, because w wouldn't be here today" he said softly

I teared up about to wipe my eyes when he did it for me. "I like everything about you to Elijah, I liked you from the very beginning, I just didn't want to seem like I got pregnant by you on purpose for money or fame, I'm not that type of girl and I know you know that now" I told him reaching up and caressing his cheek before the tears started to pool out of my eyes. "I like you, a lot but I'm scared your going to leave me for someone better when you realize you don't want m or our child" I admitted

Elijah shook his head quickly "Oh baby that will never ever happen, your it for me, and I know we're not together but I'll fight for you until you see that I will never ever need anyone but you and our baby, and just so you know I want more by you" he said with a grin, officially ruining our moment.

I slapped his arm softly "You'll get one and we'll see about more later, after you put a ring on it" I told him "And that might be never since you take forever to ask me to be your girlfriend" I said grinning.

Elijah laughed "I had one better than that though" He said getting on one knee and taking a box out of his pocket.
"Jessie- know its only been a month but I know I want to be with you, for the rest of my life, I want to cherish and love you and our baby with all of my Heart. I will forever be in love with you" he said watching my face.

"Oh my God Elijah" I said softly "your serious?"

He simply just smiled and took the ring out of the box, "Will you marry me Jessie?" He asked me


Last Chapter will be next.. I wanted it to be longer, but i dont want to draw it out so, they will have their ending in the next chapter depending on how i feel at the end. their will be a epilogue after the chapter so expect a double update.

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