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By the time Saturday came around I was already moved and settled into Elijah's 10 bedroom mansion. Why he need something this big and he was by his self was beyond me. I rubbed my belly softly as I walked into the kitchen to fix me something to eat.

The girls said they would come over later, wanting to give me time to settle in and make sure everything was in order. I hummed "Alright sweetie what do you want to eat today?" I asked my growing baby. Smiling when I came up with something I spoke with her again, "Your so smart, Good Choice" I told her with a smile as I took the eggs and everything out for the omelet.

"Are you talking to yourself?" Elijah asked coming in the kitchen rubbing his eyes. "What are you making?" he asked me again sitting at the table.

I shook my head "No dummy im talking to my baby girl" I said "Well I hope for a girl but could be a boy so im just talking to my baby" I told him before shrugging "An omelet with a bagel on the side" I said "Want one?"

Elijah laughed "Well I hope for a boy" he said before nodding then realized I didn't see him nod. "Yes please" he said smiling "Want me to help?" he asked me and I quickly shook my head. "No you go do whatever you do when your by yourself and I'll cook breakfast" I said waving my hand in the air dismissively.

"Okay, I'll be in my office if you need anything, or you can call Glynn she'll be able to help you to" He told me before leaving the kitchen and heading to where I assumed his office was.

I have yet to actually tour the place and my curiosity was literally about to kill the cat.

Turning back to the counter I sighed and starting cutting the ham and tomatoes before turning the stove on and melting the butter before I started on the eggs.

Five minutes later I fixed the plates before leaving the kitchen to go find Elijah in his office. Turning down a random hall I saw an open door at the end and figured it was his office.

Walking down I knocked on the door seeing him sitting down at his desk. "Hey food's finished if your still hungry" I said giving him a smile.

"I'll be out in a minute Jessie, Just have to finish this paperwork and send it off before I can relax" He told me and I nodded.

"Well why don't I just bring you your plate so you can keep working?" I asked him smiling softly. I was trying to be more nice and understanding of him since I am having his child and currently living in his house.

"No No I'll come out now I'll just finish this when I'm done" He said standing up from his desk and walking over to me with a smile.

"Oh yeah okay" I said looking up at his tall figure, "well I'll go now eggs are getting cold" I said turning quickly and leaving the room back to the kitchen. Sitting down at the table he sat down next to me and started to eat his food.

"Thank you for breakfast Jessie, it tastes delicious" He told me with a smile as he stuffed his face.

I smiled "Thanks Elijah, but you don't have to suck up it's just eggs" I said laughing softly as I started to eat my on omelet.

He chuckled and finished the omelet. "Well I have some work to do this morning, but when I'm done I need you to be dressed because I'm taking you out on our date tonight since you skipped out on me Thursday" He told me standing up from the table and putting his dishes in the sink before walking towards me.

"And agree with it or not, your gonna be mine sooner rather than later jessie" he said placing a quick kiss on my cheek before leaving the kitchen.

I rolled my eyes "Yeah when pigs fly!" I shouted after him before finishing my food.

I don't know who he thought I was but I might have gotten pregnant with his child but I won't for the life in me be pushed to date him because of it. I stood up putting the dishes in the sink before opening the diswasher and cleaned it out.

I knew Glynn would disapprove but why put her to work when I have perfectly good hands to do it myself.

When I finished I made my way upstairs to find a comfortable yet pretty outfit for my so called date with Elijah.


Soo this is more of a filler chapter just to show how jessie is doing now that she's moved in with her baby daddy. Next chapter will have more drama so look out.

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