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Two Months Later

"Time to head out Jessie, are you ready?" Lia asked me sticking her head in my door as she waited for me to answer. 

She was still upset with me for blaming her for my pregnancy but worse now because I still haven't gotten into contact with Elijah and told him about my pregnancy. 

"Yeah we're coming" I said pushing myself up off my bed. "Do you have the list?" I asked her grabbing my purse and keys before walking her way. 

Lia nodded "Yeah, Kia and Rya have to head into work, so its just going to be us making all of the decisions" She said moving out of the way as I walked past her. 

"So can we get a bunch of junk food then?" I asked grinning to myself before it dropped when she said no. 

"Your feeding your baby to Jessie, he or she cannot come out looking like he or she weighs six hundred pounds" She said shutting the front door behind us. 

At the Grocery Store

I rubbed my hand over my growing belly as Lia and I walked down each aisle to make sure we weren't missing anything from our list. I had managed to convince Lia to let me get a couple bad choices before we headed to the meat section. 

"I read that you shouldn't eat a lot of beef" Lia said "I closed out the page before I finished reading but you know safety reasons lets just get chicken and Turkey" she told me guiding our cart to the chicken section. 

"Let's get some of everything, Legs, Wings and Breast, I'm sure we're going to be needing it this week" I said looking at the different prices of the chicken legs before settling for the two cheapest ones and putting them in the cart. I placed my hand on my belly as I looked up hearing commotion. I raised a brow but shrugged it off and went back to searching for food. 

Lia placed the breasts in the cart before placing her hand on my shoulder as if she was trying to brace me for something. "What is it?" I asked her looking at her worriedly, then looked at the area she was staring at. I turned around quickly pulling my hair in front of my face. 

"Can we just finish shopping and get out of here?" I asked her "If we don't go his way he wont even notice us" I said but she wasn't listening to me, she walked away from me and to the guy I have been trying and succeeding to avoid for two months. Even when he managed to track down my phone number and the place I lived when I was 9  weeks and barely showing.

"Liana What are you doing!" I scream whispered to her trying to keep my voice down as to not cause attention. I sighed and pushed the cart trying really hard to speed walk away from them before they caught up. 

How could she go against what I asked about my baby, if I wanted to tell him then I would have, I had made up my mind and she just called him over like I wasn't standing there asking her not to. 

I heard my name being called behind me, but I kept walking not wanting to stop and talk to him, I didn't want to see Elijah, I didn't want to be reminded of that amazing night we had, I don't want to remember any of it. 

I only stopped when he grabbed my elbow forcing me to turn to him. I was wearing my favorite tank top that I was lucky to find again in the maternity section of Old Navy, he could very much see my bump. 

I knew he did when his breath hitched and he looked up at me about to speak when I pulled my arm from his unable to keep taking his soft yet rough hand on my bare skin. I looked away from him and turned back to the cart about to walk away from his frozen body. 

"We should talk" He said "We can go to my place and catch up, you can tell me about yourself" he said his eyes kept falling to my stomach as I turned back around slowly. 

"I can't sorry I'm pretty busy" I said when Lia came back to my side placing my favorite chocolates by my purse. 

"She's not busy, she stays in her room all day, only comes out to go to work, or feed her and the baby" She said I sent her a glare before turning to Elijah, "Fine I just don't want to talk to you then" I said turning back around to the cart and began to push. 

Lia stayed back with Elijah as I left, I don't know why she's being such an A grade bitch but its really starting to tick me off. I checked out quickly, wishing Lia would hurry up and stop being a traitor. 

When she finally showed up, I put the bags in the car and closed the trunk. "You go ahead i'll call an uber" I told her, I wanted Cold Stone and I wanted to be alone. 

Lia sighed "Either you get in this car or im coming with you, so drop the damn attitude it's getting old" She said rolling her eyes. 

"And your a traitor so drop the tone I can have a freaking attitude if i want because you knew i didnt want to talk to him" I said walking away from her before stopping when I see Elijah again walking towards us.

I got my angry behind in the car quick and shut the door. I would rather go home with Lia than face him again for the second time today. 

I watched Lia in the rearview mirror say something to him before coming and getting in the car to take us home. 

I have a right to be angry with her, she knew i didn't want to talk to him and yet she still went and got her like my wishes didn't mean jack squat. 

When she drove us home I got out of the car quickly and went inside and straight to my room. 

I currently in this moment actually think I might hate my best friend. 

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