Three: Bring It On, Alfie

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You know when you slowly drive away from the best place ever, filled with disappointment and longingly looking back, and you just sit there, driving on, looking back at that guy in the doorway, ugh this is the perfect film scene. Except in films the girl is pretty successful at the end and gets prince charming.

Now I'm sat here, aimlessly driving around having no sense of direction on where I should go. Maybe I'll head to the beach for the afternoon, I drive towards the beach even though I'm not in beach attire I'll just grab an ice cream and relax in the sunshine. Ah, bliss.

I parked and got to the beach quickly got a ice cream and sat down listening to music on the wall by the beach, I saw many people laughing and playing and I smiled. I heard louder laughter and some voices which sounded familiar. I quickly turned my head to see Zoe and her friends, me being the stupid person I am forgetting Zoe mentioned she would go to the beach on a good day, I went into a panic eventhough none of them know me.

Me panicking looked like I was being attacked by an invisible seagull, I flapped my arms about and fell face first into the sand, with my ice cream now smushed into the sand.

"Great. Just great." I moaned, pulling myself back out of the sand and I felt a shadow hovering over me. "Can I help you?" I ask the shadow as I clear sand out of my eyebrows, ugh at least its not in my mouth. I manage to open my eyes and see a familiar figure stood over me, offering me a hand to get up, I accept and dust off the sand. "Thanks." I mumble they smile back to me.

"You alright? Can I buy you a new ice cream since yours is well." He pointed to the smushed ice cream covered in sand with seagulls attacking it, I nodded and we both walked to the ice cream van, he paid for the ice cream and handed it to me.

"Why thank you kind stranger." I said then began to walk off, back to my car. When I got to my car I saw him stood there, like a lost puppy completely bewildered. He walked over to Zoe's group and began to talk to them, he looked like he was telling them what just happened, and was describing how tall I was.

My phone suddenly went off and I answered it. "Yelloo?"

"Ali...what did you do to Jack? He seems a bit well freaked." I heard Zoe say, I played dumb.

"What whose Jack? That nice guy who bought me an ice cream! I know how kind." I said enthusiastically. So his names Jack, suits him.

"Ali.. "


"Will you please meet my friends? End the mystery? Pleeeeeaaassseee?" Zoe asked kindly.

"What's the fun in that, anyway I better get going, I don't want Jack spotting me again, tata for now dear sister, bye!" I hung up the phone and sat eating my ice cream, maybe this week could be fun after all.

*A few hours later* Zoe's POV

Ali can be well, stubborn.

Now that we're back at ours and setting up a movie night I've found the perfect chance to sneak out and go upstairs to call Ali, if she answers that is.

As I sit with my phone on my ear listening to the repetitive endless ringing Alfie walks in, I smile and he sits next to me he mouths something but I can't quite make out what it is.

"Hello?" I hear a familiar voice ask.

"Bout time too!" I tell her, being the responsible big sister I am.

"Zoe, never would've guessed it was you." she said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes, I'm don't have the patience to deal with her comments right now so I hand the phone over to Alfie and walk back downstairs to a room full of my friends and Joe, only my other sibling missing now.

Ali is one of those people who is set in their ways, I understand her reasons for not wanting to be known, being who I am comes with a lot of pressure but I can manage it, just. With Ali I don't know if she could manage it, trying to keep low key and if that would be possible for her if she told everyone.

I head on over and sit by Jack and everyone groans, I look to Louise who gives me a 'don't ask' look but I turn back to Jack who looks sad.

"What's wrong Jack?" I ask then everyone groans and says different complaints.

"It's her! That girl! I don't know who she is and I can't get her out of my mind!" He said dramatically, geesh this guy falls hard, he met Ali today, twice and he seems to be troubled by her existence.

"I'm sure you'll find her eventually, anyway I'll be back shortly." I jump up and head back to Alfie.

As I head upstairs I hear Alfie talking in hushed tones so I creep by the door and stand there, planning to scare him.

"No no Ali! You can never tell Zoe what I did! If you did she would hate me, she may even hate you for telling her, if you tell her I could make your life a misery." Alfie said in a hushed serious tone.

Am I hearing this correctly? What is wrong with my boyfriend? My amazing boyfriend who couldn't hurt a soul? What are he and Ali hiding, I run to the bathroom and shut the door, then I hear movement from the bedroom and the door opens and Alfie calls my name like his usual self.

Can I trust my own boyfriend and sister?

Alis POV

I managed to check into a hotel for the next three days, then I think I'll find somewhere else to go it all depends.

I look at my phone and see I'm getting a phone call. I quickly answer it and greet whomever I'm talking to.


"Bout time too!" Zoe answers, sounding slightly frustrated.

"Zoe, never would've guessed it was you." I replied sarcastically, I heard an irritated groan then some hushed discussions then Alfie answered.

"Hey Ali, listen Zoe's gone downstairs, I need you to promise me that you will never say anything about that incident." Alfie asks, he sounds slightly petty.

"Alfie, I can't keep that from Zoe she is my sister! It's all your fault you shouldn't have been there in the first place!" I raise my voice slightly, I have a voice my opinion deserves to be heard.

"Listen here Al, I can't loose Zoe she means too much to me. But you? I think I could make that sacrifice, things used to be easier before I found out who you were, now when I vlog I can't be open I have to avoid you at every cost you know what that's like for me?" He says in a patronising tone.

As if he has it hard I'm keeping myself safe, and if he cares for Zoe which he claims he does then he would care for me and my privacy, how dare he say such things, as if that's going to make me keep quiet.

"Alfred. It's my choice I'm going to tell her!" I try to remain calm, I'm not one to scream or shout, I like to keep my cool if I can.

"No no Ali! You can never tell Zoe what I did! If you did she would hate me, she may even hate you for telling her, if you tell her I could make your life a misery." He quickly hangs up before I get a chance to respond.

I know there's consequences to such a thing I will tell Zoe, but Alfie knew of these consequences when he did the dead in the first place, he can give it all he wants trying to make my life a misery, but do you know what I say?

Bring it on.

Hi guys thanks for reading so far, what do you think has happened between Ali and Alfie? All will be made clear soon, happy reading :)

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