Twelve: Cinderella Fairytale

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Zoe's POV:

As I waved a goodbye to Ali a tidal wave of anxiety washed over me as I turned around and realised I had to go back there and explain what happened, which I don't want to do, at all.

For one, Caspar will be there, up to no good and the twins will have questions, which won't be fun as then I'll have to explain to everyone.

Maybe it's best if we just go back home, give myself time to think things through, let Joe know.

Oh no, Joe. I have to tell him, how will I be able to tell him that his room mate and best friend ruined Ali's secret. Maybe I should wait, I already told him that Ali is Caspar's girlfriend or supposedly since he mustn't care for her much if he dropped that bombshell.

As I turn to face the entrance I let out a few deep breaths in attempt to calm myself down so when I go back in I can be in control of the situation.

When I get back I can just see the twins sat there on a bench and Louise stood up talking to someone on the phone, she looks up and sees me and gives me a small smile. The first thing I notice is a vacant space, Caspar the coward is gone, no surprise. I let out a sigh and walk over with a smile on my face, you get used to the ability to give fake smiles after a while, as if everything's okay and nothing's wrong.

The twins stand up and before I give them the opportunity to even ask questions I signal for them to follow me. Without another word they do so, and so does Louise, we get to the car park and I unlock my car, get inside and start the engine. The three of them look at each other then get in, the whole journey back we all remain in silence, I feel so on edge and that's never a good sign.

As we arrive back to my house I walk in and call for everyone to come downstairs into the lounge. Alfie walks in first and notices I'm tense, he gives me a long hug which doesn't make me feel at ease in anyway, I pick up Nala and give her a hug, dogs always make things better, sometimes they give better hugs than boyfriends.

Everyone comes in and sits down, Marcus and Niomi, the twins, Louise, Tanya and Jim, Alfie, and Dan and Phil just exchange the same look of confusion. An empty seat on the end of the sofa where Caspar should be sat, since it is his fault in the first place.

"There's something that I have to tell you and I have no idea how I'm supposed to well explain." I started, trying to think of how I told Louise and Alfie and how Ali and Joe told Caspar. Yet nothing comes to mind, its up to you now Zoe, all on your own.

"Remember in the Disney film Cinderella how her step family kept her away from the Prince and having her happily ever after, what if they kept her away because it's what she wanted, forget the fact that they were evil and hated her guts but focus on the idea that Cinderella had a choice; to either stay away and remain the person that hardly anyone knows, or become a princess that everyone will know about. You with me so far?" I ask looking around at everyone, I see Jim trying to figure it out and re explaining it to himself and Niomi just sits there slightly dumbfounded along with the others, whereas Alfie does nothing, he looks as if he is barely breathing.

"So anyway, the point is there is a real life Cinderella and she had the choice to stay hidden away from the prince, and she has a loving family who respect her decisions and trust her completely. Except word got out when her family had friends who found out about her in different ways, they were trusted with her secret as it's what she wanted. One day one of these friends told some people about Cinderella and were confused, they tried and tried to ask her family but they didn't want to go against Cinderella's choices. But when worst comes to worst, all you can do is tell the truth. Which is what I'm doing right now." I paused for a moment, letting all the information sink in, metaphorically speaking, Ali is the Cinderella in my story.

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