Taco Time

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Scott woke up the following morning to the smell of breakfast. It took him a minute to remember that Hope had stayed overnight at his house. He got dressed and went downstairs and saw Hope making eggs and bacon. His personal favorite. 

"Hey, you didn't need to make breakfast, you know," Scott said as he filled his plate with food. "Well, since you let me stay here last night, it was the least that I could do." She said, walking over to the table with her plate of food. 

Before Scott could reply, they both got text notifications. They were from Bruce. "He says to meet him at the Avengers Compound in ten minutes." Hope read aloud. "Wow, he knows how to talk to people in advance," Scott said sarcastically. 

"Speed breakfast, in 3...2...1!" He said and dove into his food. Hope laughed. Oh, how she had missed his big kid attitude. 

They finished their breakfast and, then realized, "We don't have a car." 

"What about the Hot Wheels case?" Scott asked. 

"My dad had the remote on him when he...um..." Hope stopped, and her eyes started to water. It was still hard for her to think that her dad was gone. 

Scott looked at her understandingly. "We'll bring them back." 

She smiled at him. "I know we will." She said wiping away her tears. 

"So, how are we going to get to the compound in less than ten minutes?" He asked her. "Even if we run, it'll take at least fifteen minutes." 

"Fortunately for you, my suit can fly." She said and then flipped her helmet on. 

She and Scott were already wearing their suits, just in case of an emergency. 

"What about me?" He asked. 

Hope smiled mischievously.

"No, I won't do it." He protested. 

A minute later they were flying through the air. They both were small, and Hope was flying, but where was Scott you might ask? Well, he was holding on to Hope's hand. 

They had done it once before, but it ended in Scott falling from a very high altitude. Hope caught him before he hit the ground, but he still wasn't particularly excited to do it again. 

"Hope, this is a very bad idea!" He yelled through his radio. 

"Relax, if something happens, just grow again, we're not very far from the ground." 

"I'll relax, but please focus on not dropping me." 

"Of course," Hope said grinning. They were making great time. They just had to go a few more yards and then they could grow to full size. 

They made it to the gate, where Natasha, Steve, and Bruce were, and scared them out of their senses when they grew to full size. 

"You guys should give us a warning before you just pop in like that." Steve said, recovering from the shock of two so-called "insects" growing into humans. 

"Did we make it in time?" 

"Yeah you did, but it doesn't matter, because Bruce lost his keycard and he told us not to bring ours because he was bringing his," Steve said, obviously annoyed. 

"So what do we do now?" Scott asked them. Before they could answer, a sports car roared up the road and pulled up next to them. The window rolled down and it was none other than Tony Stark. 

"Why the long face, let me guess, he forgot his keycard?"  

"Amongst other things, yeah," Steve admitted. 

"What else did he forget?" Hope asked. "His notes." Nat and Steve said in unison.  Hope stifled a laugh and so did Scott. 

"What are you doing here?" Steve asked Tony. 

"You know what this is?" Tony asked, holding up a watch of some sort. "It's a fully functioning time-space GPS. I just want peace, as it turns out, resentment is corrosive and I hate it."  

"Me too."

Tony walked to the trunk of his car and pulled out a shield. Captain America's shield. "You know, I have to get this out of the garage before Morgan takes it sledding," Tony said handing Steve the shield. "Thank you, Tony," Steve said gratefully. 

"What made you change your mind?" Natasha asked. "Well, someone reminded me that my family isn't the one in the world," Tony answered and looked at Hope. 

He unlocked the door for them. 

"Thanks, Tony," Bruce said, looking at the floor. 

"It's okay big guy, maybe next time," Tony said, patting him on the back, and then everyone went inside, except Hope and Tony. 

"Thank you for changing your mind."

"I wanted to apologize to you about what happened yesterday."

"Well, I hope that you learned your lesson." She said and then went inside, and Tony followed. 

She was met by Scott, who was holding two plates of tacos, and he was smiling ear-to-ear. "They have tacos here!" He said, obviously excited. 

"Seriously, Scott? You just ate breakfast not even an hour ago," Hope laughed. 

"I know, but they're tacos!" 

Well, at least she knew what his favorite food was. 

"Okay, let's eat." She caved. 

They went back outside and found a bench. "These are probably the best tacos I've ever had," Hope said, finishing her taco.

"Really?" He hadn't even touched his taco yet, and Hope had already finished hers. 

He was about to take a bite when it was knocked out of his hand by the strongest wind he had ever felt. It was like a tornado. When it died down, he saw a giant spaceship on the grass. 

Hope was still beside him, but she was shrunken and on his shoulder. She grew back to full size, and Scott said, "You know, I should have probably followed your lead on that one." 

A blue alien and a raccoon walked out of the ship, and the raccoon asked, "Hey humies, where's big green?" "Uh, the kitchen, I think," Scott said in shock. 

A raccoon had just spoken. 

"Rhodey, careful on re-entry. There's a woman and an idiot in the landing zone." The blue alien said into her radio. 

Before they could react, War-Machine landed not even ten feet in front of them. "What's up, regular-sized man?" Rhodey asked, recalling the last time the two saw each other. 

"That was odd, to say the least," Hope said, and then Bruce walked over to them and handed Scott another taco. 

"How much weirder can this day get?"

She was about to find out.

                                                                     Author's Note

Just a few things before I post the next chapter. 

In this universe, Thor didn't become Fat Thor because it's only been two years.

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