Chapter 18- Glass Doors are Stupid...

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I think you might like this chapter. I think it's pretty cute and funny:) There is also a long authors note at the end I would like you to read. Anyways, enjoy<3


Chapter 18- Glass Doors are Stupid...

Cassandra's POV

The night before was amazing! Or as Jill and Abby would say, amazayn. We let the boys stay the night in our room because it was really late and Louis and Harry both said they were both too tired to drive. Excuses, excuses excuses.. Not that I was complaining, because that meant Zayn was staying!

Most everyone went to bed right away, except me and Zayn. I didn't even expect him to still be up then, I still kinda had jet lag and wasn't able to sleep. I got out of the king bed me, Abby and Jill were sharing to make room for the boys and headed to the kitchen for some milk.

I was digging around in the fridge for the carton, when I felt a pair of strong hands grip my hips and my stomach began fluttering.

“Fancy meeting you here,” Zayn whispered in my ear and spun me around to face him. “I love how you always blush when I'm around you." I felt the blood rush to my cheek and he smiled cheekily.

“I was going to say this was a pleasant surprise, but never mind now. I do not blush...” He raised his eyebrows and gave me a crooked grin “...Too much,” I finished.

“What ever floats your boat baby.” He winked at me. I rolled my eyes and pushed his chest away. Oh sweet lord, why did I touch his muscles? I'm sure any and every girl would have a mental screaming moment like I did, if they ever touched Zayn Malik's chest.

I looked down and all he had on were some Calvin Klein boxers. Oh gosh, as Abby says, that made my imagination run wild. I feel like a nasty girl for thinking that. I couldn't focus.

“I would feel much more comfortable if you had sweats and a shirt on right now,” I looked him in the eyes because I didn't trust myself to look anywhere else without drooling. Wow, that just sounded kinda sad.

“No problem, I was getting cold anyways,” he smirked cockily at me. When he came back from changing into a tee shirt and sweats, we sat on the couch and turned the TV on. We put the volume really low so we could talk.

We talked about anything and everything, never losing a topic. Talking with Zayn was almost as easy as talking with my best friends. We talked about our childhoods, high school and just aabout ourselves in general. We were learning a lot about each other and when we looked at the clock, it was 4:00am. At that time, I was starting to get tired and decided I should go to bed.

“I'm tired, I'm gonna go to bed. G'night Zayn...” I got up and started walking to the room, but he reached for my wrist, causing me to stop and in one motion, he pulled me to him and kissed me. The kiss was soft and sweet and as soon as his lips touched mine, I kissed him back. After a few seconds, we slowly pulled away and I rested my forehead against his.

“Cassandra.” I could feel his warm breath on my face and I looked into his eyes. “Would you like to go out with me tomorrow? Like, on a date,” he asked and I couldn't help but giggle at how nervous he seemed. Why does he have to be so cute!

I stayed quiet, teasing him a little bit, before I replied. “I would love to.” He leaned in again for a quick peck, and wished me good night. Then, he walked into his room with the boys, leaving me there to my thought.

Zayn is a great guy, he wouldn't want to hurt me, would he? Of course he wouldn't! What I am thinking! He's different, he's not like all the jerks I was dumb enough to date before. I've been known in the past for making bad decisions in men before, but hopefully Zayn wouldn't be another one of those stupid mistakes.

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