Chapter 2- The Volleyball Game

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Chapter 2- The Volleyball Game

Jillian's POV

I am so freak'in nervous and stressed out right now. Its the 3rd set in our match and games are up to 25 points, no win by 2 points rule. First team to 25 wins. Even in the third set, its first to 25 points. Its 24-24.

Our team is serve reciving and I'm setter. It's been pretty even all game but they have this one giant girl who plays power who has made 3 girls on our team get bloody noses. She was one of the best hitters I have ever seen! Well, other than Abigail. She has a killer arm and wrist. Abbs had her fair share of beautiful hits in this game and I could tell the the giant tower girl didn't like it.

The huge girl did her pre- serve warm up and hit a killer over hand serve to the back line and the ball almost hit ground. It would have too, if Cass, our magnificent libero wasn't there. Chelsea got Cass's bump and directed it toward our middle, Reyne who tipped the ball over the heads of the 2 blockers on the other team. The ball was recovered and put back over to our side. The 2nd hit came to me and I set it.

Noooooooooo! It was too short for Abby to get so it went to Reyne, who spiked it pretty well, but it was recovered. Damn, it was a good hit to me and I messed it up.

The other team hit the ball 1st to recover, 2nd to set, and the 3rd hit was going to be spiked by the giant girl. She hit it hard and it was perfectly placed. I saw their team jump as they thought they won. I have to admit, I thought it was over too.

Then suddenly, I saw a flash diving across the floor and the ball hit the hand of Cassandra as she pancaked it. That was one of the most amazing things I have ever wittnessed! I was amazed, but I didn't have much time to stare in awe at her because her perfect save was headed right to me so I could set it to Abbs.

I focused on the ball and I felt how right the ball was in my hands and let it fly. It went at the perfect hieght and it was soaring to the perfect power position. OhMyGosh I just made the most perfect set ever!

I saw Abby's face light up at the beautiful ball I had just given her as she came in from the attack line to do her spike run up. She timed the ball perfectly and had the perfect position to make the match- winning spike as she jumped crazy high. Abby in volleyball mode was amazing. She was like a bird and a kangaroo.

She was just about to slam the ball down when I saw the giant girl swing her leg under the net and hit Abigail hard on her left calf.

I had to watch one of my best friend's surprised face as her body drooped left and started hurtling toward the floor. I had to watch my best friend land on her left arm and hit her head on the hard floor. I had to listen to the scream of pure pain and aggony escaping my best friends mouth as she broke into a mixture of screaming and tears. I saw the blood bath on the gym floor. Then I had to see the smirk on the tower girl's face as she saw all the pain she put my friend in.

I instantly felt my fists ball up at my sides and my legs starting to move to the girl, but a gentle hand clasped my shoulder and stopped me. I looked into Cassandras eyes and I saw the meassage.

Don't do it, she's not worth it. Please, what would Abby do if she knew you were kicked out of the tournament to get even with someone who hurt her?

Cassy was right. She always was about these sorts of things. I was 5'1 and the tower was at least 6ft. I bet I could still take her because big things come in small packages. It took all my strength to not go over there and punch out that beast and cause her as much pain as she caused my friend, whos body was now getting limp in the arms of our coach.

Abigail's POV

Its funny what can happen in 5 seconds. 5 seconds ago, I was on top of the world about to do the winning spike for our team. The next second, I felt my self falling side ways. I couldn't register anything in my head other than I was falling and this would hurt alot.

My arm hit the ground first and it felt like there was a fire in it. It burned like hell and split my bone in 2 parts. I knew I broke my arm even before my whole body fell on the ground. Next, I felt my head smash into the hard wood and I felt all the force put onto one side of my head. Wow, just when I think I'm having an awesome day... Then this happens. Just my luck.

I hear myself scream at the unbareable pain multiple times and I feel hot tears fall over onto my cheeks. Oh gosh! It feels like my head is literally pounding and the fire is attcking there too. I started feeling really drowsy. Uh no! Cass and Jill are probably really worried right now. I need to tell them I'm okay.

Now, my vision starts getting black and fuzzy around the edges. I feel a pair of muscled arms craddle me like a weak child. Soon the black fuzz is taking up all my vision and I can't see anything. I sense my eyes closing and the last thing I hear is Jill yelling insults and talking smack about the other team. At least Jill is still being Jill. Those were my last thoughts. That's when my mind goes blank.

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