Chapter 14- Staying Strong

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 Sorry for the late chapter! I felt guilty about not posting on Saturday or Sunday like I normally try to do so I wrote it now. It might not be as good because I didn't really have my mind in the story. I have a really important French improv orale exam tomorrow and I'm extremely nervous! So sorry if the chapter isn't very good :/ And thank you for all the votes!!:) It makes me happy when I see new votes:)



Chapter 14- Staying Strong

Niall's POV

The short girl grabbed my hand and dragged me and Harry away from our group, down a different hallway. We walked in an awkward silence, letting Jillian take the lead. Before I knew it, we were on the side walk of the city streets, walking to a near by McDonalds. Good, because I really needed food to take my mind away from things.

When we got there, Harry went to get us a table in the back of the restaurant and me and Jill went to order. I ordered Harry's regular, Jill ordered two Double Big Mac, large coke and double cheeseburger. I ordered 3 burgers, large chips and a large Sprite.

While we were waiting for our food, I noticed some guy staring intensely at Jill's butt. She's still wearing her spandex volleyball shorts. I felt my fists tightly ball up at my sides. Calm down Niall, hes just being some pervert, who has no respect for women. My fists clenched tighter. Okay, that was a bad thought.

To try to distract myself, I took out my wallet and looked at the coins. Me, being the clumsy boy I am, dropped some of the coins. Jill quickly bent over to pick them up for me, but I really wished she didn't, because behind me, I hear a guys voice mutter “awh yeahhh.”

I could feel my fingernails starting to cut into my hand. Niall, calm down. If you do what you want to do, which is punch that kid in the face, then that would be bad publicity. That was the only thing between my fist and that guys face, bad press.

We are not staying here with that creep. When our food came, I asked to get it in a take out bag so we could leave. As we were walking to the table Harry saved for us, I felt someone gently hold my hand. I ended up looking down into the stunning gray eyes belonging to Jill.

“Whats wrong? You're really tensed. I think your hand is bleeding”

There was some worry in her voice and it felt good to know she cared for me. She unclenched my fists to see that there was warm blood dripping from the cuts made by my fingernails. She quickly reached her small hand into the McDonalds bag and pulled out a few napkins. Then, she carefully wiped the blood from my hands.

“Thanks,” I quietly replied and gave her a grateful smile. She smiled back at me, exposing an adorable dimple on her left cheek. Oh damn, that's cute! Is this what girls feel like when Harry smiles at them? Probably. Harry. That reminded me, he was still here.

I think Jill was thinking the same thing too because she took my hand and guided me the rest of the way to his table. When we approached, he looked up from his phone, face completely emotionless. He saw the bag and got up. We all walked out the door and started to make our way back to the hospital.

Harry's POV

We ended up in a tiny, charming roof top garden in the hospital. Jillian had dragged me and Niall here after getting our McDonalds. I didn't know many hospitals had beautiful areas like this.

“C'mon, lets sit here!” Jill said rather enthusiastically, while motioning us to the bench she was sitting on. Slowly, me and Niall followed her. She took out our food and we began eating. I tried concentrating on my food, but I just couldn't. I had a nagging voice in my head, concerning Abby.

Is she really okay? Why did it have to happen to her? This wouldn't of had happened if Liam didn't run off with her and he was more careful. Then, after when she's crying, she's hugging Liam! He's the reason she was so upset! He brought that onto her and she was still clinging to him like no one else mattered! Then when I talked to her, she tried simply explaining what happened. When she looked into my eyes, pleading that she didn't do anything wrong, I was so surprised with her tone and my heart nearly broke. She hugged Liam tighter after that. He didn't deserve that. He didn't deserve her forgiveness, but she still gave it to him willingly. That should be me. Liam made that amazing girl cry, he didn't deserve her kindness.

“What are you thinking Harry? You haven't said a word this whole time, what's up?”

What's up?! Her best friend was just mobbed by a bunch of our mental fans who made her cry! And she's asking me 'what's up' like nothing happened!

“For gods sake Jillian! Your best friend just got traumatized by some of our fans to the point where she was bawling her eyes out! You're acting like nothing happened, like you don't even care!”

When I looked up at her, I saw hurt and anger in her eyes. “Harry, you honestly don't think I was worried? Abby is like my sister. She knows pretty much everything about me! I was so fucking worried, you don't even know. When we were hiding under the bleachers, I wanted to run out and kill anyone who stood between me and her! The only thing stopping me was Louis' and Zayn's arms forcing me to stay where I was, or do you not remember?” Honestly, I can't remember that very well because I was in my own world of worry.

“You know Harry, Abby's a lot stronger than you think. Let's head back to the room now, it's getting chilly.”

We got to Abby and Zayn's room to see Lou and Cassy huddled around Liam, comforting him. Cassy whispered one more thing to Liam and she hugged him. I attempted to push away any bitterness towards Liam because if he thought I held him responsible, which I do by the way, he would be down on himself all day.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, the door swung open and a smiling, laughing Abby pranced into the room with Zayn. She's smiling?!

“You're happy!?” Liam questions, obviously very confused and shocked.

Abby let out a breezy laugh and answered. “Yeah, why wouldn't I be? Me and Zayn are free from the hospital! That means I can finally get my Peak Freans cookies! YAY!” She cheered like a child.

Did I just hear her correctly? I hear a muffled giggle and looked over at the source, Jillian. “See, you're surprised. I told you Abby is a lot tougher than you think she is. All Abby needs is one good thing from a million bad things to find something to be happy about.”

I focused back on Abby. She had noticed the McDonalds bag and ran over to it, contently squealing and taking out the box for 1 Double Big Mac. She opened the box and the room filled with a loud scream. “JILLIAN!! You ate it!”

“That was mine smarty pants, open the other one, I got that one for you.” Jill yelled back.

Abigail clapped her hands like a happy little baby and dove into the bag for the other box. She opened the box and screamed again. “JILLIAN!!!! There's only half left! You ate my burger!” She whined again, like child. It was actually extremely cute. Abby just had something about her face that made her look innocent, cute and kind.

Jill had a smirk, “fine I did. To repay you, how about we go back to the hotel? I miss our room! Reyne was talking was stealing it y'know!”

“Girl, oh no she didn't.” Cassy added with a lot of sass, doing the head and finger thing.

“Louis, will you take us? Please.....” Abby begged.

“Lets go!” Lou yelled while grabbing mine and Jill's hand and running out of the room. We piled into the car and set off to the girls hotel. This could be interesting.

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