Chapter 22- Confusion & Mistakes

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 Chapter 22- Confusion & Mistakes

Abigail's POV

 I don't know what to think and I don't know what to do. For once, my mind goes blank. Absolutely blank. Then, the only actions being registered in my mind is Harry moving his lips against mine.

I feel a sudden chill go through my veins and a buzzing warm heat in the pit of my stomach. I am so consumed by the pleasure I get when he presses his lips to mine that I kiss back hungrily, only wanting more. I wrap my arms around his neck, bringing him even closer. He bits my lower lip to deepen the kiss and I willingly let him in. He firmly grips my lower back, pulling me closer into his body. I feel him smiling into the kiss.

I find my fingers suddenly in his hair, playing with the soft curls. The feeling of the curls somehow wake me up and snap me back to reality. That's when I realize how utterly wrong this is.

Oh no, someone tell me I did not just make out with Harry Styles!

I stop for a long few seconds and with all the strength I have, roughly push his chest away. Harry falls on his back with a look of confusion on his face. I scramble back and look anywhere in the room but him.

Oh shoot, that did not happen. I can't believe I let this happen. I can't believe I just let him kiss me. Most of all, I can't believe I kissed him back.

Harry Styles doesn't like me, I mean, why would anyone like me? I'm just plain old dorky me. I'm nothing special. Why would Harry EVER like me? Why would he just kiss me? He can have billion other prettier girls, so why waste his own time and play around with me? He could have a French supermodel or a British actress, so why would he ever even think about me? Hes just being his charmer self, I think. He probably just kissed me for the fun of it. I've seen guys like that, who just make out with random girls because they want to, this isn't any different.

To him, its a game and I'm just a pawn. Nothing would ever happen between us, why would something happen? It wouldn't even be possible for us to have a relationship, so that's out of the question.

I want to feel mad at Harry, I want to be furious with him and scream in his face to never do that again. I want to yell at him for playing with me like that and accuse him of lying and to take back all the things he said, but no matter how much I try to conjure up anger, I simply can't. When I try to tell him to never kiss me again, my vocal chores don't work.

Regardless of what I try, I can't be mad at him for kissing me, and I hate it. I want to hate that he kissed me, I want him to regret the kiss, to take it back like it didn't even happen.

But I can't. I can't wish the kiss didn't happen, and that's the worse part.

Harry's POV

 It was amazing, those few moments I was kissing Abby, or rather snogging. It was so different from other kisses I've shared with girls because this one actually meant something. I really wanted Abby and I to happen and if everything worked out the way I hoped, to eventually have her be my girlfriend. I finally thought I had won her over with this date.

When I pressed my lips to hers, she responded and kissed me back. At that very second I thought I had won her over, but just when she was really getting into it and letting her hand wonder through my hair, she stopped and pushed me away. It wasn't a playful push away or a teasing push, but a full on shove. That really surprised me. Maybe she pushed me harder than she intended.

My back hit the ground and when I sit back up, Abby has put some distance between us and avoids my eyes. Maybe she did mean to push me.

“Whats wrong Abby?” I ask and try to take her hand, but she slides it out and crosses her arms. Oh fuck, what did I do now?

“Abby.....” I turn her chin to look at me and I am surprise when I see she looks so vulnerable and on the brink of tears.

“Can we go now? Please?” Her voice is quiet and pleading while her eyes are begging.

I nod and stand up off the blanket. I offer my hand to her but she doesn't except it and gets up by herself, still avoiding eye contact. My heart drops and I stand there in the middle of the room watching Abby walk away without me.

Maybe I shouldn't of have kissed her on this date, maybe she wasn't ready for it. I guess it was a bit too early, but I couldn't help myself. If I lose her because of this, I'll be hitting myself for this for a long time. Maybe this is why my relationships always fail, because I go in too quickly.

I realized Abby was probably waiting for me at the exit, so I rushed out of the room to find her.

I knew Abby was different, so why was I treating her the same as I would treat any other girl? I realized, if I really wanted her, I was going to have to re-write my book and treat her special because she was. I couldn't get my special girl if I used my normal tactics, I had to change it up and design it specially for her.

If only I realized this before I made my dumb ass move of kissing her. I want Abby to know I really fancy her and she's not just like every other relationship I've been in, she'll be the special one.


Sorry its short, it just seemed like an okay place to stop. Sorry for such a long wait for this short chapter, but I've had my mind else where. About 2 weeks ago, I was planning to write this after soccer practice but that didn't work out. At soccer, something happened and I hurt my MCL. I had to go to emergency and get crutches. I'm getting better, but doing certain things still hurts. I went to my doctor and she told me with the amount of swelling on my knee it didnt look like a MCL and it could be worse, so I have to get an MRI done in the next week or two. So I've been worried. Sorry I couldn't of posted this sooner. Anyways, since nobody said which boys story they want after this book I'm doing the Harry fanfic. Hope your okay with it. Thanks:)


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