Chapter 5- Who the Hell is behind that Freakin' Curtain!?

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Chapter 5- Who the Hell is behind that Freakin' Curtain!?

Cassandra's POV

That night, sleep overwhelmed me. As soon as I put my butt down on that chair in Abby's room, I started falling asleep slowly. Next thing I knew, I was out.

“Cass. Hey Cass. Wake up. Wake uppp.”

I was still really groggy from sleep. Then I felt something fling and hit my face. Okay, that just totally woke me up. I was about to yell at who ever did it, but that's when I saw a smiley Abby sitting up in her bed with her eyes a bit squinted.

“Good to see you're awake sleepy head.” She smiled at me. I ran over and hugged her.

“OMG your calling me the sleepy head, when you've been passed out for 8 hours. YOUR the sleepy head here not me!”

Her eyes widen as she processed what I just said. “REALLY?!”

Oh my friend, sometimes she was so silly. Oh my friend! That reminds me, I have to wake up Jill.

I ran over and yelled in her ear, “JILL! WAKE UHHHHP!” in a sing songy voice.

“Uggggggggggggg, leave me alone Cassandra!”

I just giggled.

“Yeahhhh, now how does it feel when its the other way around Missy.”

Jillian was clearly now awake after hearing the blessed voice of Abigail. She looked over and saw the same sight I woke up to too.

“ABBBBBBBYYYYYYY!!!!!!” She ran over and gave Abigail a huge hug and they were arguing about who was the bigger lazy butt face. Funny how lost you can feel when one person isn't in your life for about 8 hours, huh?

Abigail's POV

So Cassandra told me I was out for like 8 hours. The hospital clocks said 4:00am. Damn, 8:00pm.... I never sleep that early. I'm not planning on doing that again, that's for sure.

“Abbs, did you hear how Jill totally flipped the other team off! It was amazing and SOO funny!! First she was yelling in English and for some reason, the other team didn't understand and stared at her blankly. Then she point to the girl who kicked you and did the universal sign for F-you. HAHAHAHAHA! It was sooo funny! Like she was screaming at them for like 5 minutes and they didn't understand a thing. Then, she makes the whole team start flipping out with just a hand motion! She's a genius!” Cassandra gushed.

I looked over at Jill and she was blushing. “Oh Cass, you're too kind!” We start laughing a bit. “Well next time she knows that Jillian Angel Smith is the wo-man, girlfriend!” She yelled out. That made us laugh more.

“OOPS! Ohmygosh Jill, remember what that doctor said. There's someone else in this room. I hope we didn't wake up the poor person on the other side of the curtain.” She looked really worried.

I just laughed a bit. “Cassy, I don't care if........” I said some random celebrity's name off the top my head. “Zayn Malik is on the other side of that curtain, I was unconscious for 8 freakin hours! They should be able to put the hell up with it because I'm not shutting up!” I did feel a bit mean but hey, I was out for 8 hours, I had a right to be a bit cranky.

I saw Cassandra carefully look behind the curtain. For a few seconds, her eyes got really big but she snapped out of it in a few seconds. “Holy shit.....”

“What?” Jill asks and she walks over to where Cass was and takes a quick peak. Her eyes are wide. “What the F-. Ummmmm... Abby? You sure about the whole Zayn Malik thing?"

“Why? Who's there?” No one answered me. Cassy and Jill just looked at each other biting their lips. I couldn't take it anymore. An other thing I hate, people keeping things from me that I will eventually find out.


They pulled back the curtain and that's when I saw it. That's when I saw a gorgeous black haired boy with stunning brown eyes reviled. OMG he couldn't be! Could he? He gave me an awkward smile and a quick little wave. That's when I saw the Yin and Yang sign on his wrist. OMFG ZAYN MALIK!

I was stunned. OH GOSH, hes been listening to our conversation for at least 5 minutes. I really hope we didn't wake him up. I finally noticed that he had his leg hoisted in a rather large cast. You'd think the first thing I noticed would be the huge cast he has on, but nooooooo. I notice all the little things like that cute, insecure smile, big brown orbs that would make any girl melt, perfectly curled eyelashes, the beautiful wave of luscious dark hair, and that little tint of rose in his full cheeks.

“Sorry, did we wake you?” I suddenly felt really guilty.

He just chuckled. “Not really, I've been waking up all night, 'cause of this stupid thing.” He pointed to his cast. We all smiled and giggled.

I noticed Zayn's eyes leave me. He looked at Jill, then his eyes stopped at the giggling Cassandra. Wow, I bet you this boy was already getting horny for this girl. Cass felt his eyes on her then she looked down and started to blush.

She squealed, “Woah. We're still in our volleyball uniforms Jill.” HAHA. Wow. They were still in their uniforms. I could tell Zayn was enjoying looking at Cassy like that. She had on her sleeveless volleyball jersey with the red maple leaf, knee pads, high red and white socks, and I'm sure his favorite part of the outfit was, without a doubt, the tight spandex short shorts.

“Cassy, coach brought us some clothes from our room so we can change.” Jill said. She wore the same thing as Cass, but Zayn's eyes never left her.

“Okay then, lets go change.” She went to grab Jill's hand and turned on her heel for the door.

I saw Zayn's jaw drop. “God damn...” He trailed off. And just when he thinks he couldn't like those spandex shorts any better, BAM! Cassandra has an amazing butt.

His little comment made Cass run to the door and caused me and Jill to burst out laughing. They ran out and the door closed. Me and Zayn were left alone. I turned my head to look at him. I felt myself smiling.

“Don't worry, I'll set you up and that wonderful girl will be screaming your name in no time.” And then I did one of my failure winks. Did I mention I can't wink? Well now you know. He laughed and replied, “I have a feeling we'll be good friends even after we leave this hospital.”

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