Chapter 25- Jiall?

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Hey GUYS! I'M BACK!:D Oh my gosh I've missed you guys so much! Its been so long since an actual chapter of APF came out. Sorry for this being so late though:$

Oh and if anyone was wondering, thing are better. My dad had his surgery and everything and he's doing physiotherapy now. Though, things are still really rough for my mom. She's going through her weeks of Kemo therapy. It's really hard on her, but for everytime she gets a treatment done, one of her 4 sisters flies in from San Diego to be with her, so that's really sweet. She's doing well and her hair has fallen out, so she looks like Mrs. Clean :3 LOL but my mom's cute, so she's able to pull off that look ;) She hasn't been feeling the best because of her treatments, but as my mom is, she is still trying to do everything she did before. My grandma told me when my mom was still preggers with me, she acted like she was pregant superwomen and this one time, she was standing on a stool trying to reach a can and sardines and fell. Thats when she went into labour with me. I fell on my head even BEFORE I was born XD Sorry, I just find that funny. Oh, and I'm on the 5 month waiting list for ACL surgery, so that's all good too! I'll be back on the soccer field in a year or so!

Thank you for all of your support and well wishes, it meant so much and it helped me a lot knowing people who I barley knew were praying for my family. These past months for my family have been the craziest ever. Just thank you. Every single one of you. It meant so much and I love you all.

Anyways, hope you love the chapter all you Jiall shippers :) It's long so enjoy :)

Dedication to @theLuckyOne28 for loving Jiall so much! I missed you too!


Chapter 25- Jiall?

Niall's POV

 To say Jillian was evil was an understatement. She was a devil in disguise as an angel! Or the devil reincarnated as an adorable person.

Jill and I were running away from our friends, who were chasing us for locking them out and eating a whole bucket of ice cream. They were quickly gaining and almost caught us a few time, but somehow we have managed to escape. The real evil part, when Jill and I were cornered by Cassy, Abby and the lads, she yelled “you can have the boy!” Then she pushed me into a couch and ran away! She left me to die! She sacrificed me to save her skin! When they got a hold of me, they tortured me! They tied me to a chair and ate a bag of Sun Chips! SUN CHIPS! And they didn't give me any! It was torture! Absolute torture! Then when they caught her, she whined that it was her birthday and friends don't torture other friends on their birthday. They let her off without torturing her! She doesn't understand my pain. She sacrificed my life to save herself and I had to watch as people ate Sun Chips right in front of my face without being able to have any! If that's not real pain, I don't know what is.

Jillian may be evil, but I can help but laugh, even if she did cause all those things- is this natural? Plus, she's pretty cute, so that helps. Cuteness always helps. So does food and puppies... And food and cute girls. Food and cute girls helps the most.

“Niall! You coming or what?” I look up and see Jill wildly waving her arms at me while jumping up and down. I chuckle to myself. How can one girl be so cute and irresistible? How can one girl be so... perfect? She wasn't everyone's definition of perfection, but I guess she was mine. All I need is a girl with pretty eyes, a nice smile, a cute personality and who isn't afraid of being herself; even if that is an evil girl who loves food almost as much I do. It was just she had that one thing. Oh great, now I'm quoting our own songs. I feel like banging my head against the wall. I really needed this break. Or maybe this girl just makes me act like I'm in middle school again. Well, that's what Louis observed, but he could be joking. I really hope he's joking and it's not that obvious. If it is that obvious and Jill noticed but doesn't return my feelings I'll feel humiliated. From what I remember, she hasn't given me any signs since that one time while we were racing to the cafeteria and she almost kissed me.

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