Chapter 15- Gossip & Hate

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 Long Chapter as an apology for not updating last week:D Hope you like!

-Shalimar<3 :)


Chapter 15- Gossip & Hate

Zayn's POV

Louis parked the van and me and the boys all put our hoods up. We put our sunglasses on too, just to be cautious, we don't want another one of the girls getting hurt. I tried moving quickly but it was hard trying to keep up when you have to use crutches to walk.

We all made it inside their hotel without drawing too much attention to ourselves and scurried into the room the girls were staying in. It was quite the room for just 3 girls, I bet at least 5 more people could fit, just saying. Lets just hope they don't kick us out now.

“Wow, this is a pretty nice room. How'd you get it? I thought you were staying here with your team?” Harry asked, his shock obvious as he scanned the room. The room was very nice, not what you would expect for girls staying in a hotel at a sports team's expense. I don't think they could afford to give everyone on their team a room like this, that would easily rack up to a few thousand.

Cassy voice answered from beside me. “We are staying with our team, but there wasn't enough regular rooms available, so they had to get one executive suite. When we got here a day ago, we were the first people to make our group for sleeping arrangements so we got first pick for our room, and now here we are.” She explained.

Just then, there was a loud knock on their door, followed by girls screams. Oh shit, lets hope those aren't fans. Me and the boys all groaned. Don't get me wrong, we love our fans, we wouldn't be where we are today without them. Just sometimes, it was hard having girls screaming and throwing themselves at us 24/7.

“Those girls are some pretty crazy 1D Stalkers” Louis mumbled and I widened my eyes, agreeing with him. Our fans knew where we were almost ALL the time. After a few moments of silence, the room erupted with three feminine laughs.

“Stop being so full of yourselves Lou, those are just our friends, not your crazy fan base.” Jill smirked at him. The girls to start giggling again. Better to be friends and not be more fans.

Then, the shouting and pounding on the door got louder. “ABBY!! YOU BETTER OPEN UP THIS DAMN DOOR BEFORE I RAM IT DOWN.” An different aggressive voice screamed. There was the sound of someone running in the hall and a very loud thud in the door, followed by the voice moaning in pain and annoyance.

“Boys, go hide in the bedroom please, if Reyne has Kristen with her, things might go a bit crazy. We wouldn't want fans tearing down our hotel room door. That's a mission, so do it and you'll get cookies.” Cass stated while pointing to the door on the other side of the kitchen.

Louis decided now was the time to go all James Bond, so he started running towards the door in a very dramatic fashion and then summer salted into the bedroom. Me and the lads shared a look; oh Louis.

“Now that your all done rolling your eyes at Louis, please leave now. All of you except Louis have failed your mission because you are all WAY too slow. Only Louis gets cookies. Now out!”

Cassy started pushing me to the room. Jill was roughly shoving Niall and Abby was having fun, yet struggling to direct Liam and Harry to the door. “Sorry Zayn, just we just don't want our friends fan girling over you guys.” Cassy whispered. That's the only reason? Then Cassy continued, “also, Kristen has a bit of a thing for you, so I don't want her being all over you. Truthfully, I think I'd hit her. ”

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