Chapter 4- Damage?

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Chapter 4- Damage?

Jillian's POV

They called her name and I stopped breathing for a second. I got up from the hospital seat and slowly walked over holding Cassandra's hand.

He lead us into a room and I felt like suddenly breaking down crying. I can't. I have to be strong for Cassy. I owed Abbs that. So I pushed back my tears and faced the doctor.

“Your friend Abigail Janet had quite the fall. How did it happen?”

I knew Cassy wouldn't be able to answer that question without breaking out into another fit of sobs, so I would have to answer it.

I just looked down.“We were playing volleyball and she jumped up to hit the ball, when this girl kicked her in the leg. She fell and well.......” I couldn't finish my sentence. I didn't trust myself enough to say it without crying.

The doctor nodded and looked down at his clipboard.

“Well, Ms. Alegado has broken her left arm, sprained the same wrist and she has a concussion. Her arm broke in just one spot so it will heal quicker. She blacked out because her body was in shock, but she is making a speedy recovery. I say, she will be awake by some time tonight.”

He smiled at us. I don't know what I expected. An arm and wrist can heal, I know that for sure. A concussion is a bit more dangerous. In school, I remember reading a Current Event article about concussions in the NHL. It was a few years back.I remember that it was based on the events when Sidney Crosby got 2 concussions in the same week I think. I remember after that, he was out for a really long time.

What if Abby's concussion is like that? She won't be able to play sports or anything for a long time. That will crush her because she plays too many sports. She plays soccer, volleyball, basketball, badminton, tennis. She does track running and high jump. Then she also does competitive dance. If she can't do any of that, she just won't be Abby.

In that article, I remember one line very clearly. Once you get one concussion, its easier to get your second, then your third, and so on.

I was lost. I couldn't take in everything, it was just too hard.

“Would you like to see her? If you would like, you could spend the night with her.”

I looked up at Cass. I saw a girl who was broken. There was no sparkle in her eyes and she had tear marks all running down her cheeks. I hear coach speak up for us.

“Yes, we would please.”

The doctor just gave a small smile and led us silently down the hall. I wasn't paying close attention to where we were going. We stopped in front of a big door. The doctor turned to us.

“I would like to inform you, Ms. Alegado is sharing a room with someone else. For that reason, we would like for there not to be too much noise please.” He just smiled at us then continued, “I'll come back in 5 minutes and then you can tell me whether you would like to stay.”

Then, he walked away. Coach slowly opened the door to the room. It was white and kind of depressing. There was a white curtain dividing the middle of the room.I saw Abigail, in the bed closest to the door, sleeping.

I hear Cassandra muffle a whimper. She had her hands over her mouth like how she did when we saw Abby in the ambulance. I'm sure it was all the wires and IV's that worried her. I couldn't blame her. It was hard seeing your best friend asleep in a hospital bed, wearing a depressing, ugly hospital gown with a bunch of cords and needles connected to her. The room was just silent for while. The only sounds were Cassy's crying and our breathing. Then coach turned to us.

“Girls, I can't stay. I have to take care of the rest of the team back at the hotel.”

We just nodded. “We'll stay. I wanna see my Abby awake again.” I tried smiling a bit.

Coach returned my smile. “It only seemed natural.”He went over and kissed Abby's hair. “I have to go. Bye girls.” We heard the door close softly.

“Lets go to sleep Cass. If Abby wakes up, we wake each other up.” We settled in some chairs and slowly fell asleep early. We didn't care what time it was. We just wanted this nightmare to be over and get our Abigail back.


Do you guys like it so far? I'm having fun writing it but thats just me I guess:3 but I would like to thank my amazing friend Snoopy for helping me write this story. So thanks babe:D & if it interests you, Jillian is actually based off my best friend snoopy anoopy. Cassandra is also based off of my other best friend. & We really did meet the same way as I explained in the book. And this year is our 9 year friendaversairy:D haha but anyways, as soon as I am done writing a chapter and editing it, I will post it up. kay thanks for reading my rambling, byeee<3

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