Chapter 3- The Waiting Game

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Chapter 3- The Waiting Game

Cassandra's POV

“Someone, called 911!” Coach yelled out for everyone to hear.

I heard many screams in English and I hear some people screaming in other laungages, but I never really heard them. I was too devistated to pay much attention. I felt my eyes burn as I looked down at Abigail's montion less body.

Jill was still screaming at the girl on the other team who kicked her. Why would this happen to my friend? Why her? I could hear sirens getting louder by the second. Please, could they come faster. I burst out into sobs, and a few seconds later, I felt someone pull me into a hug. I just cried into Jillian's arms for what felt like an eternity, until the EMT's came and rushed onto the gym floor. I closed my eyes. I just couldn't watch this. I would have nightmares about this for a long time.

“Cass. Hey Cassy, listen to me” I hear Jill whisper. The gym was extremely loud but I concentrated on her voice. “Everything will be okay. Abby will be okay. She can't be hurt that badly....” Her voice trailed off and it kind of sounded like she was lying to herself. “Nothing bad can ever happen to a girl who does nothing but good.” I hear her voice tremble.

I pull back to look at Jillian's face. I saw a single tear escape her right eye. I felt a change in the air. I'm sure Jill felt it too because we both looked to where Abby was. The EMT's were rushing to get her in a gurney, and coach was slowly aproaching us. Jill quickly collected herself before coach could see her. I on the other hand, kept my feeling open and ran into the waiting arms of my best friend.

“Girls, I want you to ride with Abigail to the hospital. The EMT's say she is unconsious, and it would help if people she loves talk to her. They said they don't think she is in a coma and that her body is only in shock.” I hear Jill whimper a bit. “I will meet you girls there as soon as I can.” He gave us both a quick awkward hug before he left.

An EMT came over and guided us to the ambulance and helped us get in the back with Abigail. I had to cover my mouth with my hands to keep another wave of sobs from coming out when I saw her. She had a bunch of masks over her face and their were a lot of cords.

I just couldn't watch this. Maybe this is all just a horrible nightmare. A really horrible nightmare. A nightmare about my wonderful friend. For some reason, I thought back to our summer before senoir year.

Abbs had been gone pretty much all summer with her camping trip around British Columbia and Alberta. Then, she went to vist her family in San Diego, California, in the USA. She came back 3 days before school started and we hung out together. I still remember what she told us when she gave me and Jill a huge hug.

“I've been having nightmares for a few weeks. It happens whenever I'm away from you 2 for too long. All of them end with you too saying you hate me and I'm not your friend.” She said it all in an urgent voice like suddenly we might snap and tell her we hate her like in her horrible dreams.

“Abby” I laughed out. “We will never, ever hate you! And if you ever have one of those dreams again, tell yourself it's not true. We love you, you know that.” I smiled at her and hugged her a bit tighter.

She sighed, “I know, but sometimes I feel like if I'm gone too long, you'll stop”.

Jillian pouted. “It hurts that you have no faith in our 11 year, relationship, sometimes Abbs”. She had her hand over her heart as if she had been hit there.

Abigail just gave a breezy laugh and hugged us again. “Your right, I mean, how can you not love me? You know you want it”. She winked at us. Now it was our turn to laugh. “Pshhhh, you guys don't have to deny it. Dont worry, I know. But when Jacob asks me out, your gonna have to share me, kay?” She smiled beautifully.

I knew she said it as a joke but I knew for a fact that Jacob did like Abigail, and alot. That girl just didn't think she was beautiful. When people told her she was pretty, she would laugh, smile and say thank you to whom ever said it. It never really occured to her that she was pretty though. She just thought people told her to be poliet. You would think an honours student, with a 4.0 GPA would finally get it after the 1000th time.

I decided to let her comment slide and not say anything about Jacob actually liking her. Maybe when we get back to school in a few day, that great boy will finally grow some balls and ask her out.

This was torture. Pure torture. We just sat in that waiting room with a bunch of other people worried about their loved ones.I prayed that call would come when we would know what happened to her, but I also prayed it wouldn't come out of fear that I would hear the nightmare of what happened.

There was nothing to do and I didn't want to think about the whole situation so I just looked around the room and watched people come and go. Many people looked very normal but there was one group that looked a bit odd.

It was a group of 4 boys, who I would guess, were in their late teens early twentys. They were huddled closely together wearing big sweaters with the hoods up. All of the boys also had sunglasses on. One of the boys looked over and I think he made eye contact with me. He had sunglasses on so I couldn't tell. A bit of his curly hair was escaping his hood and I just remember thinking his hair looked a bit familiar. He gave me a quick little smile and then left with the other 3 guys. They were all gone, just as quickly as they came.

It was weird when I saw those boys. It was like my brain knew it was a puzzle, but couldn't get the pieces to fit right to create the whole picture. I was still trying to put the pieces together when I hear someone from the door of the hospital said “Abigail Janet Alegado”.

I looked up where the voice came from and I saw coach zoom over to meet the doctor. Me and Jill just walked up slowly, all while holding hands tightly. The doctor just motioned us into a small room and offered us a seat. I don't need to sit, I wanted to scream at him. I just want you to tell me what happened to my best friend. I just hoped I was ready to hear what he had to say.

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