Hitboxes: Hybrid on Eucalyptus

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Switching bodies is faster than changing clothes.

Theoretically, if I were in a tight dress & had to run, it would simply be faster to switch out to one of my siblings, who are in less restrictive clothing, than it is to switch & choose clothing. For one, switching bodies is a task you're capable of doing mid-run whereas changing clothes requires you to temporary stop & have your attention.

This would significantly increase our chances of getting caught as said threat is moving closer every second. Just like speedrunning, every delay second will build up. Remember, every second counts no matter what.

That's why it's faster to switch weapons than reloading.

You'll also get other potential benefits over switching bodies than changing clothes. For one, you could change to someone who runs faster in general. You can also change how big your hitbox is too.

For example, let's say Hayan is in a bit of a fickle during some fancy-ass event & needs to run as fast & far as they can. Firstly, they'll need to change into either Will or Whitney, assuming the two are in dresses more suitable for running. Most likely, Will will be a more suitable choice in the matter as most of the time, human males tend to be less elegant than females, meaning he'll most likely wear a simple tuxedo.

Great! Now Will's outta there, but now the threat can shoot projectiles!

Not to worry! Due to being a member of the female human(-ish) species, Whitney will have a smaller hitbox! Not only that, but due to her smaller mass, she can sprint longer (& lighter, possibly a little faster too), legs aiding in her thrust speed.

But wait! What about her dress?

Don't be afraid! Due to having more time in the spirit world, she'll have enough time to change into more efficient clothing by the time Will switches to her! Now she can fulfill her objective of escaping the threat! What else is wrong?

Whitney's hitbox may not be as wide as Hayan & Will's, but it is more elongated than the average one.

She is now in a situation she must go into a small space in order to fully negate the threat. There are a few possibilities depending on how White fused into reality that day:

1) The amalgamate: White was fused into the world. They would have to unfuse in order to fit in. Any form of Grey's would do as long as all of them are wearing clothing that does not inhibit their ability to move. By this point, Reshiram would've had more than enough time to change in the spirit world.

However they are more limited in their choices of bodies as Shiro, Shiromi, & Shiroshi have different hitbox sizes, unlike Grey's case.

If the gap is more narrow, Shiroshi would be the best to use due to lack of breasts as a human-like male. If there's a gap in the ground afterwards, Shiromi would be best utilised during the jump to decrease weight.

The above is less likely to happen as Shiro will most likely pull a trump card & switch out their muscular legs & breasts for Shiroshi's torso & Shiromi's slimmer legs. This would not only rule out any issues with jumping & size, but they have also significantly increased flexibility due to the use of Shiromi's lower body & a flatter chest surface.

2) Reshiram: Take previous scenario above, but remove Grey.

Boom. A good 7.69 seconds was saved. Mainly because it takes more time to unfuse than changing forms.

3) Kyurem: Same thing as the first option, but without Reshiram. Easy, right?


There's a certain flaw not many would consider: Grey's lack of leg strength. With the knowledge of human anatomy, we're gonna have to leave out Kyurei completely as she has less muscle despite having the same hitbox size.

With this in mind, we need to know who would be the most effective sprinter & has a small hitbox.

This eliminates Geom-eun, Hayan, Korrina, & Will because their hitboxes are too big. This process also kicks out me, Tanjiro, & Trinity because alas, we're too big.

This only leaves Brandon & Whitney. For a backup, Hoesaeg or Gure will be used.

The most effective way to utilise them is using Brandon for more effective sprinting & Whitney for jumps & open spaces. Gure will be used in narrower & shorter areas.

Congratulations! They made it out!

On the battlefield, Brandon & Whitney are the best choices for smaller hitboxes and more speed. However, Will & Korrina are slightly more tankier & stronger.

To fully optimise their abilities, Hayan & Geom-eun will be the best choices.

The two have the speed, defenses, & attack strength plus an added bonus for being "the main". The only cons of using them is a bigger hitbox & starring at Geom-eun's eerily cursed face because you're too used seeing Brandon & Korrina's faces (which look weird without glasses & whaddya know! Geom-eun's face is basically that).

Also Hayan appearing similar to Will. You know, more chances of picking the wrong body.

Remember kids, Will has a low, side ponytail, Hayan just has a low ponytail. Whitney has a high ponytail & a shit-ton of hair. Will & Hayan are Jojo characters, Whitney is slim(mer). Whitney & Hayan have legs as thick as logs, Will's legs are just well defined.

Geom-eun's fucking thicc, Korrina's just curvy. And Brandon's a fucking stick with a fine-ass. Brandon & Geom-eun's ass cheeks clap when they go down the stairs, Kori's does not. And Geom-eun doesn't have glasses, I guess.

And there's literally little to no change between the normie Kyurem's other than their clothing and the fact that Gure has glasses.

I'mma be honest, Will & Hayan are quite similar & the only reason I know who's-who is the fact that Will has better sleep than Hayan.

Geom-eun would literally appear like Korrina if you're not observative & not notice their lack of glasses.

Speaking of Geom-eun's face being a more cursed version of Brandon & Korrina's face, I have people note my face looks bare compared to Tanjiro & Trinity's.



Y'all give those two too much praise considering how stupid they are.

Wait a minute.

I'm half of those two combined. That means I have the collective stupidity of both of those two.



What have we done?

I'mma do it again

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