Updates: Hayan

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Hello, it's been a while.

So, there's not really much to say other than formatting the second episode into words is a pain in the ass. Secondly, I have to do some work on the remaster of the Unova arc, which mind you, is hours of voice acting & mixing. Also had to help Geom-eun take care of themselves 'cause summer is always the time most of us are very miserable.

And I mean very miserable. Our moods tend to affect our morals, so let's just say we are less likely to help you unless you explicitly request for assistance.

Continuing on, I'm still advocating for Reshiram & Zekrom to get a psychiatrist's help 'cause they've really gone down bad recently. Kuro has overworked themselves again while Shiro has relapsed into what's basically alcoholism again. I literally had to go into their house & force them to check up on Kuro just to prevent both of their mental healths from worsening. They're doing better down, but I do fear for when a relapse occurs again.

Honestly, I think I should just do the same thing Shiro did to me months ago; it worked for ourselves. Not sure if they'll approve of it though.

I swear, anytime they're away from each other for more than a few days, those two would begin spiraling into emotional hell. I'm really starting to doubt the introversion of Reshiram because of it though they may be simply an anniversary like ourselves. Why must O made them this way?

Should I tell them relying on each other for happiness is just gonna make them miserable? Damn, they really do need a fuck ton of therapy.

Let's get back on track. My family & I are going to Wales in July to visit the Talyllyn Railway for a special event. We also do plan on seeing the Corris Railway too. Wales is such a nice place to visit; we learnt Welsh for a reason. The locals are nice & it's a history nerd's heaven.

Fun fact: England would've been called Sexland in a different timeline. Heh. That's what you get for claiming Welsh mythology as your own. Unfortunately, that did not occur here.

Nextly, Pride Month is coming up. I'm debating between setting my LEDs into the asexual, demiromantic, & acearo colour scheme. Perhaps I should simply do the aspectrum flag to encompass my orientations. Perhaps my hair should represent the white in all of the flags, perhaps not. Now I just need some black...

Moving on, I found out Seol's gonna visit in the fall. You guys might not recognise them & that's fine. They're just a friend of Gyeoul that we've known ever since Grey's "birth". They're like an aunt/uncle to me. They'll pop by once in a while & give food to us. You may or may not see them more often, but I'd rather keep my personal life out of the public. If we ever want to include them in this ensemble book, permission from them is required.

Lastly, yes. Yes, Kyurei talked shit about Amber Heard's lawyers in her new video. No, we don't regret it. There're objectively bad. Johnny Depp may lose the case, but the public's opinion on Ms. Heard is already tainted because of her lawyers' tomfoolery. Simple as that. I won't say who I believe is right, but just know if Mr. Depp wins, this marks a new era for domestic abuse cases for men outside of KD. Took ya long enough.

Anyways, it's still probable for another hiatus to occur again. Life just gets in the way sometimes. It's out of my control & I must deal with it accordingly.

[Unovan] Have fun; bye. Also Meloetta, if you translate this, you are a dickhead.

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