Physics: Shiromi

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The physics of this country are broken.

But not in the way you think of.

You see, Kodoka technically shares the same physics engine as the rest of the world, but there's a catch: we have ✨~magic~

In order for Pokémon to use their moves, human sorcery, & most of our weird-ass technology to work, we must have an element called Kodokium (creative name, I know) in it's chemical composition. From the creation of this country, there's a large deposit of it in central Kodoka, basically making any being that lives there mad strong. There's a reason why Pokémon were feared during the Hisuian periods of Sinnoh; it's closer to central Kodoka than any other Nichitochi (you know, the "Japan-like" ones) region.

Central Kodoka is a whole other beast. We don't talk about it 'cause anyone that isn't from there will get butt-fucked by the wildlife. If not, it's the stupidly hot climate.

To add on, any part of the world that has Pokémon is probably a part of Kodoka & definitely has Kodokium, but not in the same density as central Kodoka.

Kodokium from the ground will then get absorbed into our plants, thus making them act like the food & potions in Minecraft depending on what you're consuming. Then any living being, like a Deerling, would eat it and boom! Magical deer. Of course, we can go all the way up to the top of the food chain to, if you do please. Considering the fact that everyone that lives in this country eats this shit every day without notice, it's no wonder our women of this country is as strong as our men here.

Seriously, why was I bitching about my- oh yeah, right; beauty standards were cracked for everyone. Anyways, back to lecturing about Kodokium.

Basically, if a normal human came over here & lived here for at least 5 years (lowest estimate), you may have gained some abilities of some normal types (and if you're lucky, fighting or psychic). Your powers may increase the longer you expose yourself to the environment and food here, basically disqualifying yourself for the Olympics. Seriously, Kodoka can't partake in it because our team is too unfairly strong; we have to go against ourselves.

Now, it should be noted that everything in the vicinity of Kodoka is adapted to this element. That's why those of mixed Kodoka ethnicity have an increased chance of gaining magical abilities than those without any Kodokan blood; genetics play a factor too. Central Kodokans have an easier time gaining Kodokium's affects while borderline Kodokans, like Hilbert, has less of a chance to have supernatural abilities, though it is much higher than those born without Kodokan blood.

However, there are exceptions.

Let's say a baby was conceived in Kodoka & the mother consumed Kodokan food during the fetus's growth. The Kodokium will get absorbed into the fetus's bloodstream through the mother while it's developing. This greatly increases the chance of having abilities, though the genes that were not adapted to this element may hamper its strength. In the end, it kinda depends on whatever the fuck the parent(s) were trying to achieve with their child 'cause according to Kyurem, the birthed baby will be gain Kodokan citizenship.

It should be noted that the genes for expressing Kodokium's affects are considered mutations that happened to stick around for a very long time. Pretty any Kodokan (Pokémon & human) will have this gene; however not breeding with another Kodokan will dampen its expression. If it only showed up once from 4 generations ago in your family tress, congratulations: you're still a normal living being.

It's definitely different for bacterial organisms though; they just stay as buffed as they were 50 generations ago.

For viruses, I believe it depends on the host. If the host does have Kodokium in the cell composition, then it will evolve into a huge fucking problem for everyone; especially non-Kodokans. If not, everyone's good except for whoever got that virus.

Corona wasn't a huge deal here for a reason; we were more afraid of it spreading when it does evolve over here. We're just gonna pray not letting any human nor humanoid in or out of this country will curb that chance & hope that the few people that do have it here will have the jacked-up version for researchers to use for vaccines.

Having Kodokium is a big-ass double-edged sword; on one hands, cool powers & buffs. On the other, the shit I said above this. That's not considering the fact that if you have not consumed it or been exposed to it in a while, you will lose those abilities. Seriously, Kodokium's a very finicky element to deal with; it's only consistent with non-organic materials.

Now, here's the worst part of it: sorcery resets. These happen once every year: a Palkia comes to refresh the Kodokium supply & keep the damn metal's properties. This also means nobody can do batshit when it does turn off for 12 hours; for some cities, that means no electricity. We're lucky Giratina can inform us of this ahead of time so that everyone can get ready. Surprisingly, crime doesn't even rise during this time; it actually decreases 'cause the methods for committing it are harder to perform.

Magic is both a blessing & a curse to every being here.

Oh yeah, also the entire country is off Earth's map during that time too. There'll be no planes or buses (don't question it) going in or out of Kodoka to prevent people from getting stuck in one place for too long.

Whelp, that's all to it for Kodokium from the top of my mind. I could've dove into it's properties as a metal, but I feel like none of you guys will understand it. It's like cobalt, except it stays blue outside its powderized form. Before you freak out, just remember everything technically has metal in it; just at an atomic level. If there's too much of a concentration of metal for organic forms or in the air, it's probably not doing too great. Just putting it out there before you guys freak out about Kodokans eating raw metal (you're not wrong, but you're not right either).

TLDR: everything & everyone here is cracked af because of Kodokium.

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