McSpanki: Enamorus

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I love my snek.

He is gorgeous. He is precious. I love him & I'll die for him. I've moved out of Sinnoh just for him because it was getting too cold. He must be protected. He must be loved.

I will snap the neck of anyone that disagrees.

Bonus: Retcon & New Info

•the ₽100 = €1 conversion rate used to be true, however the government realised it was making the currency worth less so the transition to adding in a "0.01" currency was made. Nowadays, the price tags are written as everyone expects, but some old timers & those of the Nichitochi parts of Kodoka (Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh) still write it as if it still acts like Yen. As of currently, ₽1 > €1.

•Kyurem has have 40 year runs before, but they are few in-between.

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