Conga: Hybrid

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A chorus of cheers followed as upbeat music played along. All of my siblings were in a conga line with other legendaries & mythicals. The entire house was lit up by the loud stomping & clapping with the occasional explosion of energy balls.

I sat on a chair in the lobby room as I slugged through my food. There were so many beings I barely knew anything about, yet there were my siblings dancing among them. Yet I'm not with them. I was rarely, perhaps never, with these beings like this.

My mind couldn't help but think of how disconnected I felt. There was no need for me to join, yet the deafening distance only added a weight in my mind. I-

"[Hello,]" A voice from someone spoke.

I looked to my left & met an unfamiliar face that my mind argues I do know. By the time I could've just used truth seeking, I've already asked them of who they are.

"Koraidon," The being answered. "[You are one of Kyurem's siblings, right?]"

"/What?/" Was this Spanish or Paldean? Either way, my in-built translator must be broken because I have no idea what they're saying to me.

I mustered up the best modern standard Kodokan I can. "/Could you...say that again?/"

"Qué?" The legend tilted their head like a confused dog. "[Oh right, sorry. I forgot you're still learning modern Kodokan languages & your truth-seeking is still quite a bit slow, haha.]"

My mind tried to process what they just said as I stared at them emptily. I pleaded to my translator to hurry up, but their talking speed & unfamiliar accent made it take longer. I awkwardly chuckled as my sweat squeezed out of the spores of my palms like a sponge.

"Ahh, [This doesn't seem to be working...]" Koraidon's head darted around while their hands fidgeted with each other. "Umm... (Are you one of Kyurem's siblings?)"

So that's what they're trying to say... "Ja."

"Oh, (I see,)" Koraidon sat down on the chair next to mines. "(So you've just been here for about 2 year, right?)"

"(Yes, I have,)" I turned my head in their general direction. "(How did you know?)"

"Ah, (I have one of Kyurem's many contacts,)"

"(Oh. I see. How long did you guys know each other?)"

"(I think 4 or 5 years. I met the white one first)"

"(Oh! How did you meet them then?)"

"(Ah well, my trainer & I were offered a vacation opportunity around the country after she won the Paldean Pokémon league. When we got to Unova to meet up with the branch there, we got lost trying to find the tourist attraction to meet up with another trainer & Miradon & had asked some guy one the street for directions.)

"(They tried to use some Unovan, but I guess they could tell they was struggling with it because they responded with Paldean. From that moment, I could tell they were definitely not an ordinary being. When we went our way, I got chills from looking at their eyes.)

"(When it was time to met the Unovan league formally, we knew that some important figures like some legends would be there. What we didn't expect was to meet that guy from earlier again in the form of your brother! My trainer didn't even notice until I poked at them enough for them to draw parallels.)"

"(Oh, that makes sense.)" My brain printed out some information about Koraidon. I glanced over the summary & saw a peculiar nugget of information.

"(Are you a paradox Pokémon?)" I have no idea what's that.

"(Yes, I am. I'm just a Pokémon imported from a different period of time, specially the past. By all means, I'm technically not a legendary, but due to how I exist, how rare I am, & what I did, I qualified enough to be one. Same thing applies for Miraidon.)"

"(Ah, I see.)" Chanting from the conga line across the room filled the pause. "(Has your trainer ever made you a sandvich?)"

"(Do you mean it as a sandwich or the Team Fortress 2 one?)"

"(The TF2 one.)"

"(No, but a friend of theirs has.)"

"(How was it?)"

"(All sandwiches taste good to me, so I don't think I'm the best being to ask that.)"

The music changed into the Kazotsky Kick music.

"(Speaking of TF2, wanna join the kick? It's very fun, I promise! Quite a bit of leg exercise though, hahaha.)"

I look at the beginning of the Kazotsky Kick line then back at Koraidon.

Eh, why not? That doesn't look too bad.

I got up from my chair.

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