Chapter 17- The Town That Dreaded Sundown Pt2

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Toni walks me to Sweet Pea's trailer then walks to her own which is only a few trailers down. Fangs is already at the trailer with another one of their Serpent friends
"So what's the plan?" I ask hugging my boyfriend
"We we're going to head over to the Whyte Wyrm, you in?" the Serpent who's name I don't know says
"Sure, let's go". We're walking towards the Serpent bar, Sweet Pea has his arm around my shoulder
"So when are we going to call you a Serpent?" Fangs asks, I look up to Pea who's tightened his jaw a little
"Not sure" I say, but I hope it's soon
"Bet Sweet Pea is excited to see you doing the dance hey bud" Fangs pushes Pea a little and they have a fake fight walking around the corner making me look at the ground laughing and shaking my head
"Hey" Sweet Pea shouts. I shoot my head up to see what Sweet Pea is shouting at. It's Archie spray painting a circle on some doors
"Oh shit" I breath out, no one else hears me as Pea carries on shouting
"What the hell are you doing?" he angry asks and starts to run up to Archie
"Back off I'm not here for you" Archie says then looks at me angrily
"Oh yeah? Then who's this message for huh?" Sweet Pea pulls him away from the wall
"Sweet Pea chill"
"Aurora, I don't think dad will be to happy that your walking around in the dark with them"
"Yeah? well I don't think dad will be to happy with you spray painting and carrying on with this red circle shit" I huff crossing my arms
"Oh hell don't tell me it's for the Black Hood. Can you believe this guy?" Sweets turns to look at fangs "and people say we're the troublemakers" Archie looks annoyed and put the spray paint can away in bag and tries to walk off, but Sweets and Fangs stop him
"Woah" they both say
" Southside Serpent country. You  can't just come here and tag our turf" Sweet Pea continues
"Guys let's all just calm down" I say trying to keep the peace. Pea looks at me then back at Archie
"Just get your ass back to the Northside?"
"Archie just go. Go home please"
"Yeah, before someone gets hurt" Sweet Pea has to comment
"Get out of my way. Or someone will get hurt" Archie threatens Pea
"You've just made a big mistake" Sweet Pea, Fangs and the other Serpent get out their pocket knives
"Sweet Pea, Fangs what the fuck" I yell slightly "he's my brother remember" I say wide eyed. Archie then reaches into his bag and pulls out a fucking gun
"Oh my god" I almost scream as Archie points the gun to Sweet Pea. Archie grabs me and pulls me behind him
"Hey let her go" Fangs says trying to get Archie to let my wrist go. His grip tightness
"Who made a mistake?" Archie moves closer
"What the hell man?" Sweet Pea yells
"Who made a mistake?" Archie yells
"Pea just go"
"No, what if he hurts you?"
"He won't, he's my brother. It's ok go" Sweet Pea takes off with the other boys close behind him
"You are a fucking idiot Archie" I yell at him as he puts the gun away "home now" I sternly say.
The walk home is quite. Just wait until dad hears about this.

The next day Archie and I go to school, I still haven't spoken to him since last night. I just can't believe he would do that, I mean where the fuck did he get a gun?
We go to our class, I sit next to Kevin as Archie sits next to Veronica
"What's up with you?"
"Archie" I coldly say
"Oh no, you guys arguing? the last time you had a fall out you didn't talk for nearly 2 weeks" Kevin chuckles
"I think for it to be an argument you have to actually talk, or yell. He did something stupid last night and I'm really mad at him, so mad I haven't said a word to him since last night"
"What did he do?" just as I was about to think of an excuse Principal Weatherbee comes into the room with Sheriff Keller
"Sorry to interrupt, Dr Phylum. Sheriff Keller and I need to see Archie Andrews in the hallway"
"What the fuck did he do?" Kevin looks at me as Archie stands up
"I'm sorry Principal Weatherbee, but the T-shirts were my idea not Archie's" Veronica says not knowing about last night
"This is not about T-shirts. Aurora your name wasn't given, but as Archie is your brother do you know what happened?" I feel my breathing almost stop
"No she doesn't" Archie quickly says
"Aurora?" Sheriff Keller asks looking at me
"Errm no sorry I don't know anything about last night. I was errm"
"With me, then I walked her home from Jughead's" Kevin says smiling at his dad
"Ok. Archie follow us" Mr Keller says and they walk out of the door
"Ok talk, what happened last night?" Kevin whispers so only I can hear
"I can't say" I shake my head and look back at my chemistry book.

"That hood isn't mine, it's Reggie's. He came by trying to scare me as joke dad" Archie says sat at the kitchen table. Dad throws the kitchen towel into the sink clearly annoyed
"Yeah well I don't know what to say. I'm at a loss Archie. Keller and Weatherbee think your a threat so they bar you from school property. I can't tell them any different. You and your sister haven't spoken one word in nearly 2 days. What is going on?" dad asks trying to understand what's happening "I was shot and the man who shot me is still out there playing some cat and mouse game with this town and he scares me, but not as much as you do right now. I have no idea what's going on in your mind and I don't know what your going to do next"
"Archie?" Arch looks up from his hands to look at me "I'm scared too. I'm with dad on this one" I get up off the the stool. Dad walks to the door as I walk over to the sink to make something to drink
"Wait can't we talk about this?"
"Yeah when I get back from the town hall we can talk. If your ready to be honest with me an let me back in. Just stay home, both of you" dad walks out the house, closing the door behind him
"Archie what the hell were you thinking last night? not only having gun but pointing it in Sweet Pea's face" I yell
"He had a knife Aurora. I don't see you yelling at him" Archie yells back
"Oh don't worry I will be telling him off, but you, you should know better. Where did you get it anyway and where is it now?"
"At school"
"Fuck Archie" I rub my hands over my face.

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