Chaper 18- When A Stranger Calls Pt3

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"Archie why is Betty sending you to break up with Jug for her? whats going on with Betty? First she has a go at Veronica, then me and now this"
"Doesn't matter. Why did you come with me anyway?"
"Because..." I try the think of an excuse because really I'm coming to support Jughead's last initiation "I'm going to the Wyrm with Pea and the others"
"Your literally always with them, you never hang out with us anymore"
"I was with you guys literally last night, I have the headache to prove it" I groan a little just as I'm about to knock Jughead's door he opens it up
"Archie? Rory?" Jughead says confused
"I'm seeing Pea and knew he was coming here before we go to the Wyrm so I came with Archie"
"Ok, makes sense but why are you here?" Jug asks
"We gotta talk Jug" Archie says
"Now really not a good time ok? you need to leave. You gotta go Archie"
"Why what's going on?"
"I'm serious you gotta go" Jug tries to push Archie back
"What the hell do we have here" Sweet Pea says walking over to us with Fangs and other Serpents. Of course Pea is in his Serpent jacket. God he's so handsome, and he's all mine.
"He was just leaving" Jughead says breaking my thoughts and I quickly realise I'm starting at Pea
"Wait your friends with these thugs" I turn to look at Archie "it's bad enough Rory is dating one"
"Archie" I scold him
"Sweet Pea he was just leaving" Jug walks towards Pea he then turns back to look at Archie and I "it's not what it looks like"
"Are you joining the Serpents?"
"If he survives" Sweet Pea say as I walk up to him. He immediately puts his arm around my shoulders and places a kiss on the top of my head "also go ahead and call us thugs one more time"
"Jug, these are the guys who attacked me. Who attacked Reggie and Veronica and Dilton your friends"
"Wait is that why your here? to warn me?"
"No I came here to tell you to stay away from Betty, she doesn't want to see you anymore"
"Rory did you know?" Jug asks me, looking back at Pea and I
"Kinda, only on my way here though" I nervously say. Jughead looks back at Archie
"Screw you. I just saw Betty yesterday she.. she was fine"
"No dude she's been wanting to break up with you for weeks she's been agonising over it. Since you crossed the dark side. She couldn't bring herself to do it"
"So she sent you? Betty would never do that"
"I mean Jug she cussed me out last night for dating a Serpent
"If you don't believe me, call her end feel free while your at it to tell her your a Serpent now, I'm sure she'll love that. She saw where you were headed Jughead. Hell we all did. And she knows you can't be with them and with her. Come on man you know it too" Archie practically shouts
"Tell Betty I got the message"
"Yeah" Archie walks off. The Serpents move to give him a path to walk through
"What? Did you enjoy the show?" Jug yells, I can see his hurt but also mad
"The show hasn't even started yet.

While the boys do their thing I sit in Jughead trailer waiting for them with a first aid kit with Toni
"So where's your jacket?" Toni asks
"I haven't got it yet, I still feel like I haven't deserved it yet"
"I promise you, you have. The Serpent dance means nothing to be honest it's just a show for the boys, and some of us girls, but you've done more than any of us could have imagined from a Northsider. You stand up for us, I mean look your sat her waiting for Sweet Pea and Fangs to bring Jughead back to help patch him up" I shrug
"I'm just a person Toni, a person who doesn't discriminate against where people are from or what they look like"
"Exactly Rory, you've already earned that Serpent jacket, trust me" the door opens and in walks Fangs and Pea holding Jughead up
"Wow, you errm really did a number on him didn't you?" I open up the first aid kit and start to clean Jughead up
"You're gonna have a hard time hiding that from Betty" Toni says
"Oh err Toni" I say trying to stop her but Jughead interrupts me as I place some frozen peas on his head
"I that's a none issue now. We broke up"
"I'm sorry"
"You'll be ok Jug, just gonna be a bit sore for a day or so"
"Thanks Rory"
"No problem. I'll see you guys tomorrow" I stand up and walk out of the trailer with Pea and fangs.

Back at Peas trailer we are lying in bed when I start to think about Pea and I
"What are you thinking about?"
"Us?" Pea turns on his side to face me as I'm looking up at the ceiling
"About how we haven't, ya know had sex" I turn my head to look at Sweet Pea
"Ok?" he frowns looking at me very confused
"I'm just, I dunno thankful that our relationship isn't based around sex, like mine and Reggie's was"
"Come here" Pea lies on his back and lie with my head on his chest as he wraps his arms around me "I'm pretty grateful that our relationship isn't like that as well. I've never had a proper relationship I guess, but there's always been something about you that made me know that I could never use you like that"
"I love you" I look up to Sweet Pea's face. He has a massive smile as he looks down to me
"I love you too" with that we attach our lips and I straddle him. I take off my top and lean down to kiss him again as his hands rest on my thighs. Not long later we're both in our underwear
"Are you sure you want to?" Pea asks me which only makes me want him more, knowing that he cares
"Yes" I breath out and again our lips are connected and the rest of clothes end up on the floor.

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