Chapter 35- Brave New World Pt3

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I help dad and Archie hand out food for the Serpents
"Good boy" dad gives Vegas some bacon as I bring a plate of food over to Toni
"Thanks" she smiles at me
"All right 2 dots and a dash" dad plate up some food giving it to one of the older Serpents "2 chicks on a raft, here Jug" dad gives Jughead a plate "and there's a stack of Vermont up. Yeah that's right I worked at Pops for a summer. Come on" I shake my head laughing
"Hey babe" Sweet Pea wraps his arms around me
"Hey. Sleep ok?" I ask
"Best sleep I've had for a very long time" Pea rests his head on mine
"Rory, get moving. The coffee isn't going to serve its self" dad says handing another plate off. I sigh getting out of the warm strong grip of my boyfriend and head to the coffee machine
"What's going on here? You do all this" FP walks into the house
"With an assistance from Rory and Archie. Toledo's gonna have to wait"
"Maybe so. Bulldogs helping Serpents, Fred Andrews opening up his house to a bunch of snakes. There goes the rest of your Northside vote buddy" FP shares
"We're all neighbours here. Alright bacon" dad walks off from the conversation
"Do you want a coffee FP?"
"No thank you Rory" I take the pot out of the machine and begin going around with it in my hand
"Hey Rory" I turn to look at Jug head "thank you. You and Archie really came through"
"You know I always would and will" Jug smiles at me
"Hey how many Serpent jackets you think we can borrow?"
Not sure why?" I frown
"You think enough for the whole school?"
"What are you thinking Andrews?" Jug asks

The next day the whole school are wearing Serpent jackets, stood outside Principal Weatherbee's office, a few minutes he walks out. I take Sweet Peas hand in mine and squeeze it
"What's the meaning of this?" he asks
"It's a show of support sir for the Southsiders who are being wrongly transferred out of our school. Everyone's ready to walk out Principal Weatherbee" Archie says
"Any student who walks out better keep walking because they'll be expelled" I sigh feeling like we've been defeated
"Your a good man Principle Weatherbee your not the kind of person who discriminates and if you are. Then expel me because I don't wanna be a apart of that" there's a long pause
"Everyone get to class" I look up to Pea who's already looking at me smiling. He wraps me up in his arms and I look to the side to see Cheryl and Toni flirting

Over the next few days we have to vote on who we would like our student council to be. Most of us I think vote Archie, I know the Serpents did and with their vote fingers crossed its Archie.
Then we wait to find out who won. I'm sat on Peas lap, playing with his rings
"Attention riverdale high students. The result of your student council election are in" this grabs everyone's attention "your new student body president is.... Archie Andrews" everyone starts cheering "In unrelated news for the foreseeable future all former Southside High students will remain at Riverdale High that is all" I jump off Peas lap and pull him up. He leans down and kisses me. Reggie even pats Pea on the back
"Congrats guys"
"Thanks Reggie" I hug him quickly then turn to face Pea
"We cool bro?" Reggie asks. The room falls silent waiting to hear Sweet Peas answer
"Yeah we're cool" they shake hands causing everyone to cheer again.

Once school is out the Serpents all head to Sweetwater river
"Fangs" I yell and run to him and pull him into a hug
"Hey, carful"
"Sorry. How are you?"
"I'm good thank you" he gently hugs me. FP whistles as he stands on a platform in front of us all grabbing everyone's attention. Pea wraps his arm around my waist
"Listen up now. Alright listen up. Some 60 years ago the very first Serpent meeting took place on these same river banks. It's makes sense this is where we gather where I...." FP pauses "where I say my goodbye. Jughead will you come here son" I look confused as Jug goes to stand with his dad
"I'm retiring from the Serpents for good this time"
"What?" I say shocked alongside everyone around us
"My boy has never stopped fighting for this crew. Hell he almost died for it. That's why I'm giving you the mantle" the Serpents all cheer hearing this. FP then hands a red jacket to Jughead
"I think you know what to do with this" Toni and Cheryl move to stand next to Pea, Fangs and I
"Alright alright. All I can say is, I love you dad. And the Serpents will not die out. Not on my watch" Jug says he then slips the jacket on to Cheryl. I clap with the rest of the Serpents. Cheryl comes down from the platform
"Well it definitely suits you" I smile as I hug her "welcome to the Serpents Cher" I say.
The same night dad gets a phone call to let him know that he didn't get the votes, this is definitely going to harm the Serpents.

Today is the day Archie accepts being our student body president. I have just finished our cheer performance and now I'm stood between Pea and Fangs while Josie is singing the national anthem.
Half way through the song, the doors bust open and in walks Sheriff Minetta and other cops
"Archie Andrews your under arrest for the murder of Cassidy Bullock. You have to right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law...."
"Pea...." I shakingly say grabbing hold of his hand
"What I didn't kill him"
"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. Do you understand these rights?"
"No!" I shout "he didn't, he wouldn't, please no"
"Miss you also can remain silent or else you can also be arrested" my eyes widen in shock
"Rory" I hear Fangs say as he takes my other hand. I watch as they remove my brother out of the school gym. I let go of Fang's hand and grab onto Pea and cry into his chest
"We will get you brother out. That's a promise" Pea whispers to me and kisses my head.

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