Chapter 29- Primary Colours Pt1

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Hey everyone just to let you know I added more to the previous part so even if you have already read it I'd suggest you go back and read the last part. Love you guys ❤️

I walk into the kitchen where dad is reading the paper. Archie has his head in the fridge looking for, I'm guessing something to eat
"Dad I know you think a prison is a bad idea for Riverdale, but Mr and Mrs Lodge have thought it through"
"You're back defending them because of your girlfriend" I sigh sitting next to dad
"Come on that's unfair. You'd do the same for Sweet Pea"
"No I wouldn't. I'd slap some sense into the boy. Archie doesn't this seem, strange to you"
"Your still siding with Jughead?"
"Of course I am"
"The only reason you are is because your a Serpent and dating a Serpent. See no different to me"
"Will you two knock it off?" dad rubs his hands over his face "but Arch your sister has a point. A prison would rip the soul out of the Southside. So I'm not going to support that plan or Hiram and Hermione. I'm severing tied with the Lodges and SoDale. All of it. I'm done"
"Just like that? will they let you walk away?" Archie asks
"I'm not asking his permission. They will or they will have a hell of a fight on their hands"
"Exactly and the Serpents would have your back 100%" I pat dads shoulder. Dad gets up from the chair and walks out of the kitchen "come on Arch, time for school" I throw him his back pack.

I walk over to the core for with my lunch tray, Pea isn't here. Him and and Fang had Serpent business to attend to. I place my tray down just as Jug starts talking
"I just loved your spin piece in the paper, Olivia Pope"
"Can we not Jughead"
"Did you know about Southside closing down or the Prison?"
"Of course not. That was all her parents right V" Betty says trying to keep Jug quiet. V sighs and looks nervous
"She didn't know Jughead so back off" of course Archie defends her
"Her face is telling me a different storey"
"Rory stop"
"I'm going on a hunger strike to protest Southside High closing. Rory you in?"
"Err you on a hunger strike?" I raise an eyebrow
"Your always eating. Good luck with that" Archie laughs
"Hey it's Jughead's prerogative to protest peacefully so we're gonna support that aren't we" Betty says
"Veronica" Ethel comes over to our table with a shake in her hand
"Oh hey Ethel"
"For crimes against Riverdale , everything you and your family have down and continue to do we find you guilty. Your sentence is this" Ethel throws the shake at Veronica. I try and hold back a laugh as Betty takes V to get cleaned up
"Looks like it's not just us Jug who aren't happy" I pick at my food
"Are you actually friends with Veronica, because the way you act is like you don't care about her"
"Oh my god Archie. Of course I'm her friend but I'm not going to put on a fake smile and pretend everything's ok when I don't agree with her. I'm not fake" I take my left over food and dump it in the bin "Jug, I'll be joining you on that hunger strike" I say before walking out of the cafeteria.

I walk down the corridor and see Reggie putting up flyers #reggieforprez
"Your not really considering this are you?" I ask stopping next to him
"Bored of the Serpents yet? wanna be my partner?" Reg smirks at me
"No thanks and no of course I'm not bored how can I be bored when Sweet Pea so kind, caring and has a huge..."
"Don't say it. Hey Veronica. I heard you just got a full face of dairy. I've got some nuts to top off that shake"
"Really" I frown at Reggie
"Leave her alone Reggie"
"You do not want to push me right now"
"One question I gotta ask. As future student body president what are the odds your dads the first inmate in that prison he's building oh man that's heavy"
"Reg don't be daft her dad controls the police and guards. Isn't that right V your dad could be the Black Hood and get away with it" both Reggie and I get punched. Thankfully I don't get punched as hard as Reggie "what the hell Veronica
"Rory I.."
"You really are your fathers daughter. Get the hell away from me" I walk off to the nurses office to get a ice pack.

When I get home I walk into the living room
"What happened?" dad asks looking at my now black eye
"Veronica happened. Punched me because Reggie and I were just telling her the truth"
"Damn that family. You want me to..."
"No dad it's fine. Just gotta hide this from Sweet Pea or he will go mental" I sigh sitting down
"He's a good kid. Yeah I know he can get into mischief but when it comes to you hes good"
"Thanks dad" I smile at him as Archie walks through the door
"You ok Rory. I heard what happened" so no hiding this from Pea then is there. Anyway why do you care?"
"I care because your my sister"
"Whatever" I leave the room and go to my bedroom flopping down onto the bed. I then groan at the fact I just remembered I have to go to my shift at Pops. Sluggishly I sit up and grab my work clothes and put them on before I try to cover up this black eye.

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