Chapter 32- Prisoners

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Today is Midge's funeral. I'm stood next to Cheryl who is singing. The River Vixens are all behind us wearing black cheer uniforms. I look over to Sweet Pea, Fangs and Toni who send a sad smile over to me, Fangs in particular looks upset. When Cher finishes we all raise our black pom-poms
"I also feel it is my duty to say that like the Furies of Ancient Greece who pursue blood atonement when a crimes been committed the Vixens and I vow that we will not rest until those responsible for the murder of our sister is rightly punished" I take Cheryls hand in mine and squeeze it showing my support.

During this time Sheriff Keller also speaks to all of us about Midge and our relationship with her
"I don't know what happened. I didn't see her before the musical started. We we friends I guess but we didn't hang out after Reggie and I broke up months ago"

Sweet Pea takes me home after the funeral. I walk into the kitchen where Archie and dad are, Arch sighs while leaning on the table
"I can't stop thinking about what the Black Hood wrote dad" I walk up to them both and place my hand on Archie's back "all those escaped me before will die" Archie says repeating what was wrote next to midge "maybe you should leave town. Go stay with mom" Archie suggest
"And where would you and Aurora stay? here? alone?"
"I mean I could stay at Sweet Pea's I shrug
"No" dad points to me "good try but no. Look Sheriff Keller put a deputy outside"
"Midge was murdered in an auditorium full of people. You really think a deputy can stop the Black Hood"
"God how did none of us hear her or even see who did it" I shake my head "school is going to be so weird without her"
"That it will" Archie leave the kitchen and goes upstairs
"I don't want you out late even if your with the Serpents and Sweet Pea"
"Dad?" I look up at my dad "me dating Sweet Pea. It's not a sin is it? the Black Hood won't come after me as well will he?" dad gets up from his seat and comes over to me. He pulls me in for a hug which I gladly take
"You have nothing to worry about. Just don't be out on your own, and anyway I have a sneaky suspicion that the Serpents won't let a thing happen to you" dad kisses the top of my head and pulls back "this Black Hood will be caught and things will go back to how they were soon" I smile at dad then walk out of the kitchen and up to my room. Archie comes out of his and down the stairs making me frown after hearing the door shut. Where is he going?

Not long later I get a phone call from a frantic Veronica. Archie went to some creepy house and Nick St Clair rung V up saying that he wanted money or he's going to 'take his anger out' on Archie. She said her parents won't pay the money. She's asked me to help her in getting Archie back, that's why I'm now sneaking into Veronica's dads office with V
"The money will be in here, but I need help with the lock" Veronica says pointing to a safe
"Well you've definitely rang the right person. Spending time with the Serpents teaches you a few tricks" I knees down and listen out for the sound the dial makes as I turn it. Soon enough it opens to reveal not a lot of money "erm V how much do we need?" I take out a few wads of money. Veronica sigh
"Not enough"
"Then we fake the money, have the Serpents as back up" Veronica nods her head and dials Nicks number putting it on load speaker so I can hear
"Let's skip the pleasantries. I have your money Nick"
"Well done Ronnie" Nick says as I put the money we do have into a black duffle back "meet me at that delightful Chock'lit Shoppe of yours in say an hour? and come alone or Red loses even more blood" the line disconnects and Veronica looks worried
"He's bluffing. Me and the Serpents will stay back"

At Pops I sit in the booth behind Veronica with Sweet Pea, Toni and Fangs. There's a few other Serpents dotted around. The door bell rings and in walks Nick
"Veronica" he smiles as he walks over to V, Toni, Fangs and Pea are making small talk as I sip my drink listening in to Nick and V's conversation "you look lovely"
"Before we do anything I need proof that Archie's ok"
"Archie oh my god" Veronica says as Nick shows her his phone. I can't see much but from Veronica's tone it's not great. I tighten my grip on my mug, Pea notices and takes one of my hands Squeezing it "where is he your barbarian"
"First the money"
"I'm going to kill him" I mutter so only my table can hear. V puts the bag on the table and Nick scoffs
"There's no way that's all of it"
"Let Archie go and I will get you the rest"
"How?" how are you going to come up with that kind of cash if not from your parents? unless you give me something else"
"Dare I ask what?"
"How about, what we started in New York. What we should have finished back at the Five Seasons. What I'm owed"
"Is he asking her to pay him in sex?" Toni whispers to me but I just nod
"A night together, I'll book my usual suit"
"My god Nick. Your a reptile"
"Kinda insulting" Sweets says making me nudge him
"Even if.. I did agree. What guarantee do I have you'll let Archie go?"
"Why my word as a gentleman of course" I laugh and roll my eyes.

I'm stood outside Nicks suit with Toni, Fangs and Pea
"Why are we doing this again?" Fangs asks
"To save Veronica from being raped and to also save my brother from being killed" I sigh leaning on the wall. I get a text from Veronica who manages to find out where Nick has Archie "Fangs, Pea I've sent you the location now go help my brother" Toni and I watch as the boys leave and we continue to listen to what's going on in the room.
Not long later Archie, Fangs and Sweet Pea come charging down the hallway
"Why are you just standing there?" Archie yells bashing into the door
"I couldn't barge in until I knew you were safe. We were never going to let Nick do anything to Veronica I promise and anyway V can handle herself" Archie gets the door open
"Veronica" Archie looks past Nick who's lying on the floor
"Archie your face" Archie kisses V. I turn my head not wanting to see that making Fangs and Toni chuckle
"What happened? did he hurt you?" Archie asks
"No, not a bit. I have Nick a taste of his own medicine. I roofied him. Thanks Sweet Pea" Veronica smiles at my boyfriend
"Your welcome. Now it looks like your both safe and I promised Fred I would get this one back from our date soon" Pea winks at V and Arch to tell Archie to go along with the story
"I'll see you when I get home later Rory" Archie smiles as I walk out with Sweet Pea's arm around my shoulders
"Thanks for today" I say to my friends and boyfriend
"You don't have to thank us. That's what friend and family are for" Toni nudges me
"I love you guys"
"We love you more" Fangs says looking at me as he's stood next to Toni.

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