Chapter 23- The Blackboard Jungle Pt1

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Riverdale has become one of those towns that just seems to continuously have bad things happen. The most recent thing to happen is that the Black Hood turned out to be our school janitor

"Archie hurry up" I whine as Archie is taking forever to pack his school bag "we're gonna be late"
"Ok ok just hang on a minute"
"Hey guys" dad walks into Archie's room "did either of you talk to anyone about my medical bill?"
"No why?" I frown
"It's been paid all $86,000 of it. Something called an angel donation"
"No. Well I mean Veronica, but she wouldn't...." I give Archie a look as if to say 'really' "I'll ask her"
"I'll get to the bottom of it. You guys just focus on school. Haven't see that guitar for a while" dad nods to Archie picking up the guitar
"Yeah well I've been busy. But I spend a lot of my breaks writing songs. I'll start a band like the Fred Head. Maybe Rory can play something or sing"
"Ha ha very funny. You know I can't sing or play any instruments"
"You can be the background dancer swaying in the back" I roll my eyes "I'm kidding. You can sing ok definitely can't play an instrument but your better than what you think" Arch folds his arms
"Well if your gonna do that do it in the garage that's why I sound proofed it for you" Archie and I walk out of his room and make our way down the stairs. We walk out of the house and cross the street making our way to school
"There's Veronica. I'll see you later" Arch says before running off to V.

I walk into the student lounge and sit down next to Kevin who is reading
"Hey" Kev looks to me then goes back to his book
"How was your Christmas?" Reggie asks joining us
"Good thanks. What about you?"
"Was alright" Reggie looks at Josie and smirks
"Ok spill what did that hot Serpent get you?" Kevin asks. I lift my finger up showing him the ring he got me "oh my god" Kevin's eyes widen. Archie and Veronica walk in kissing
"Ewww my eyes" I cover them making everyone laugh
"Students of Riverdale High, this is your principal" we hear Principal Weatherbee over the speaker. We look at each other confused "emails have been sent to your parents but effective immediately Southside High School is shut down. It's students will be transferred to other schools in the district including this one" Betty and I look at each other then at Kevin who mouths 'oh my god' to us "I believe the statement we're releasing will address your concerns"
"Ok guys let's not overreact" Veronica says while the other students start to either panic or get annoyed
"You should receive it shortly. I'm sure you will have many questions" Principle Weatherbee continues
"What the hell" Reggie yells and storms out
"It goes without saying we are welcoming these students with open minds hearts and arms. Thank you that is all"
"Or if your Rory open lips" Kevin nudges me
"Ew Kev" I chuckle
"Wait what does that mean?" Archie asks
"It means Jughead is coming back"
Betty are you ready for that?" V asks
"Hey I'm gonna ring Pea. See if he's coming here" I get up and take my phone out. I dial his number and after a few rings he picks up
"Hey baby I'm guessing you just heard the good news?"
"Yeah. What school are you going to?"
"Yours. So is Jughead, Toni and Fangs" I do a little squeal and I hear Pea chuckle "I'm going to take that as your excited"
"Very. When do you arrive?"
"Tomorrow. Want a lift to school?"
"No that's ok I'm going in early tomorrow morning so I'll see you then"
"I can't wait. Maybe you could tutor me in science" I can tell he's flirting by the tone of his voice
"Oh yeah. Any science in particular?" I flirt back
"Well we have chemistry down and physics but I think I need a little help with biology. Sex ed in particular" I can feel my face turn bright red
"Yeah yeah whatever. I'll see you tomorrow"
"See you tomorrow Ror"

That evening I finish cooking and start plating it all up. The back door opens and dad walks in
"Well that's one mystery solved. Hmmm smells good"
"What?" Arch asks
"Hiram and Hermione paid my hospital bill" dad takes off his coat and hangs it up
"Dad you can't except that money"
"I already did. Traded 20% of Andrews Construction to cover the 86 grand. A pretty good deal" dad sits down at the table to start eating
"What dad no"
"Arch I can't take out another mortgage on the house. Lodges will let me but it back piece by piece were good"
"That just puts us in deeper with them"
"They just bailed me out of a jam. What's the problem? Now let's talk about this merg. Rory have you spoken to Sweet Pea?"
"Yeah. Said he, Jug, Toni and Fangs are coming to Riverdale High"
"Archie make sure they feel welcome, and Rory don't let your grades slip because your boyfriend is there to distract you"
"I won't dad. Promise"
"And no more skipping classes, please"
"Ok ok I won't. V said something about making a welcome group, stand, thing where we can help the Serpents get their schedules"
"Sounds good. Archie what do you think?"
"Yeah erm sounds great. I'll help"
"Thank you and please just play nice with Pea"
"I'll try"

The next day I set up the welcome table with Veronica, Archie, Josie and Kevin when the doors bust open and I see a sea of leather jackets. I try to contain my excitement as I watch them walk over to us, my eyes mostly staying on a certain tall Serpent
"Friends. On behalf of the students and faculty here at Riverdale High welcome to your new school" Veronica says smiling. I squeal and run over to Pea who picks me up and kisses the side of my head. I know we are probably being stared at but when I look back to my friends they're all smiling  "to ease this transition I've set up a registration desk where you can get your locker assignments, class schedules and a list of sports and extracurriculars" Veronica continues "we encourage each and everyone of you to drink deeply from the cup that is fair riverdale"
"We have History together" I look up to Pea
"You know my classes?" he raises an eyebrow
"I may have had a tiny peek" I use my fingers to show how tiny I mean
"Stand down Eva Peron" I groan hearing Cheryl's voice. I turn around from looking at Pea and see Cheryl walking down the stairs with Reggie by her side and the other cheerleaders and Bulldogs behind them
"Theres the school spirt I so fondly remember" Jughead says. Cheryl and the others walk towards us 
"Cheryl" Veronica folds her arms "no one invited fascists barbie to the party"
"Wrong Veronica. No one invited Southside scum to our school. Listen up ragamuffins. I will not allow Riverdale's Highs above average GPA to suffer because of classrooms overcrowded with underachievers so please find some other school to debase with your hardscrabble ways"
"You wanna come over here and say that to my face?" Toni moves forward clearly irritated by Cheryl and to be honest I don't blame her
"Happily queen of the buskers" Cheryl steps closer
"Ok guys. Everyone" Archie gets in the middle of Cheryl and Toni "can we just put our Northside Southside differences apart and start over? A new slate" I walk over to Archie to show that I stand with him on this one
"You don't speak for the bulldogs. And need I remind you these greaser snakes showed up at your place to kick your ass" Reggie comes forward "also Aurora, you've had your fun. I've let you have your rebellion but it's time to come back to the right side" Reggie goes to hold my hand but I quickly move it from his grasp
"What the hell man get your hands off her. You know what, I think it's time to finish what we started" Sweet Pea says angrily. Jughead stops Pea by holding his shoulder, Fangs does the same and Veronica steps in
"I am so over the toxic masculinity in this hallway right now"
"Hey look at me" I put my hand on Pea's face. He looks down at my face and he instantly looks calmer "he's not worth it ok"
"Alright. Enough pomp and circumstance. Everyone let's get to class. Now" I hear Principal Weatherbee. He walks over to us and waves us away to our classes. My first class is Math, Toni is in this class with me and so I walk her to it and sit next to her.

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