Chapter 29- Primary Colours Pt2

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"I still can't believe she punched you" Pea says holding my face
"I'm fine, promise" I smile as Veronica walks into the student lounge "speaking of the devil" I mumble
"Friends I have exciting news. I'm running for student council president against Reggie the misogynist mantle"
"You've got to be kidding me" I groan
"If yesterday's dramatic event taught me anything, it's that Veronica Lodge is not a victim nor will she ever allow herself to be on"
"No said you were a victim. Me and Reggie were the ones who got punched. Why do you have to make everything about you?"
"I'm not"
"You're parents are taking over Riverdale, you wanna take over the school. What's this part of mommy and daddy's evil bidding" Jug says unamused
"Jug, Aurora I get they your in bad moods because you haven't eaten in..."
"Bad mood because I haven't eaten. This is a joke right"
"Babe come on let's just go"
"Happy to. I got to get to cheer tryouts anyway. Toni is trying out" I get my back up off the floor and we head out "oh and by the way. You won't be getting my vote" I say looking at Veronica "or the Serpents"

Pea walks me to the changing room and gives me a quick kiss
"I'll see you later. Meet me at the boys locker room"
"See you later baby"
"Oh and errr keep the uniform on" Pea smirks making me smile. I open the changing room door and see Cheryl getting changed
"How's your eye?" she asks looking genuinely concerned
"I'm fine" Toni then walks in and I had over my spare uniform "knock em dead" I smile at her and get changed myself.
Not long later we are in the gym and Toni is trying out. Veronica and Betty come in late they try to stand next to me but I move away next to Cher. Once she is finished we all clap
"Well" Cher walks forward facing us "I don't think there anyway you amateurs, except you Rory, could top that. Practice is over Vixens. Inner circle Vixens hang back, you know who you are" we all walk towards Cher "in honour of Toni joining our squad I think we should celebrate with a mandatory slumber party at Thistlehouse. Fancy dressing gowns are appreciated. You've all seen The Beguiled right?" Cher asks around "dinner at 8 parlor games to follow" Cher walks off
"I'm only going if you go T" I turn to face Toni
"Sure" she smiles at me and we walk back to the changing room. I gather my things up
"Not getting changed Rory?" Josie asks
"Nope. Sweet Pea asked me not to"
"Oooo" Josie wiggles her brows at me
"Oh shhh. I'll see you tonight at Cher's" I walk out of the changing room and wait outside the boys locker room. I knock it and then enter to see my handsome boyfriend coming out the shower with only a towel on.

That night I'm at Cheryl's, she doesn't seem her self. Half way through brush each other's hair she gets up
"Inner circle, cousin Betty" oh that's right Betty and Cher are cousins! "I didn't just bring you here for a girlish slumber party. The truth is I'm terrified of being alone here. There's a stranger in my house, my uncle Claudius. He's mad as the sea and ever since he blew in I feel like I'm in mortal peril"
"Whist is this real or are we playing a game" Toni asks
"All to real TT. I fear they're plotting against me and nana Rose. Momzie cultivates esoteric herbs in the conservatory, tannins root, jimsonweed. I'm afraid to eat in fear of being poisoned"
"Cheryl" Josie says getting our attention "are you sure your not, imagining things"
"Well if she is Josie then maybe I am too. There's a stranger in my life as well. Chic. With him lurking behind every corner, house feels..."
"Dangerous. Deadly"Cheryl finishes Betty's sentence "I sympathise" I get up and hug Cher
"Things are going to be ok" I stroke her hair "you call me any time of day and night. Ok. I think we should all get some sleep" I bring Cheryl to her bed. I lay down next to Betty on the floor and soon fall asleep.

I'm woken up by a crashing from downstairs. I look around and see the other girls are now all awake as well. We follow Cheryl out of her room and look down the stairs to see nana Rose on the floor. Cheryl obviously screams and runs downstairs to her while Josie rings an ambulance. I decide to ring Sweet Pea to come and pick me up. We go back to my place and go to my room. I immediately fall asleep when my head hits the pillow.

The next morning I hear shouting and knocking
"Rory moms here" at that I shoot up out of bed seeing Pea looking at me
"Quickly get dressed" I throw Pea his clothes "coming Arch" I call out as I get changed myself. When I'm changed I run down the stairs to the living room where mom is. I throw my arms around her and hug her tightly "I missed you"
"I missed you. Nice to see you to Sweet Pea" I turn my head and look at a nervous Sweet Pea
"Just want to say I picked her up last night from Cheryl's and she fell asleep immediately. I just crashed here because I didn't want her to be alone"
"It's ok Sweet Pea" dad says handing him some food. Mom has legal documents in her hand
"I wish you had called me in earlier Fred. Before you gave the Lodges 20% of Andrews Construction"
"Mr Lodge says he'll work this out. He'll keep his word"
"Hmmm" I hum
"Son. Your mother and I have known the Lodges a lot longer than you have"
"Meaning what dad?"
"Archie" mom scolds and I snicker
"It's ok. I better get to school anyway"
"So should we. Come on"

At school Veronica is doing some sort of kiss for a cupcake? I'm not sure something to do with her campaign but I really don't care. The Serpents and I are in our class room having a chat
"This isn't a demolition notice it's a notice of extermination" Jug holds up a flying in his hand then crumples it up
"We've already said our goodbye to Southside" Toni says
"Today it's Southside High tomorrow it's the Wyrm" I rub my head feeling a little light headed
"Ok I don't care what you do Jughead with this hunger strike but Rory is eating. She literally gonna pass out" Sweet Pea says rummaging threw his bag
"Here" Fangs hands me a sandwich
"Thanks" I say before unwrapping the clingfilm
"Look. Everything that makes the Southside home is gonna disappear. If we roll over now, it's all over"
"It's just a building Jughead"
"Toni I'm not sure that we're fighting for the building I think it's more like we're fighting for the Southside"
"The Uktena fought and died trying to protect that land. Our parents fought to keep it safe during the riots. Now it's our turn it's our time. This is our fight so who's with me?"
"I am. But I need to eat Jug or I'll die" I chuckle as I stand up
"Who else is ready to go to war?" Jug asks.

The boys have all decided to tie themselves to Southside high. So the last couple of days I've been bringing them drinks and blankets but today is different. Archie and the Bulldogs arrive with cutters while a lot of people are chanting 'save our school outside' I stand next to Sweet Pea as I watch my brother walk up the Jughead with bolt cutters
"Cops may let you by red but you come in here acting like a big man and I'll knock you down" FP says standing in front
"Dad don't. They'll throw you in jail don't give them an excuse"
"I've never been more disappointed with you than I am right now Archie. Im ashamed to call you my brother"
"Im sorry Jughead, Rory"
"No your not" I scoff
"Im not gonna fight you Archie" the rain starts to pick up "look aground. May have taken a couple of days but now people know what Hiram's doing. What's happening here. This fight isn't going away. We're not going to go away so go on. Cut us down. I want them to see you do it" Jug hold his hands up and Archie cuts him down. The other Bulldogs do the same to the other Serpents and lead us away from the school. I hold on to Sweet Pea's hand to try and comfort him.

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