Chapter 35- Brave New World Pt2

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"What do you mean your withdrawing from the race?" Archie asks Reggie who has his arm around Josie. I cuddle up into Sweet Pea who places a kiss on my head
"It's clear, Reggie Mantle is not ready to be a leader of men"
"And my mom and I had a big talk after the riots. I am an artist, not a politician. I need to get back to what I am best at. Music"
"And then there was one" Veronica looks at Archie
"Don't forget Ethel Muggs" Josie points to a photo of Ethel on the door "who's running as a third party candidate"
"We have to go" Pea says to me
"Jug will be waiting for us. We will see you guys later" I grab my bag and Pea and I walk out of the student lounge hand in hand.

We're now sat in an empty classroom
"So this is how is ends huh? not with a whimper but a memo from Weatherbee" Jug shakes his head throwing a screwed up piece of paper on to the floor
"Riverdale high is now suddenly overcrowded" Toni sighs "so starting next week all former Southside High students will be bussed to Seaside High, which is two hours away" she finishes
"Meaning he blames us for trashing the school during riot night" Pea says annoyed
"Well to be fair Sweet Pea, you did. And Rory you as well? never been so disappointed"
"I was pissed about Fangs ok?" I fold my arms
"Whats our play Jones? do we have one?" Pea asks leaning onto a desk in front of him
"I dunno anymore guys. Can't keep fighting for a gang that doesn't exist"
"I'm sorry what?" I say shocked
"Well what about us? Or any of the other Serpents at the Wyrm?" Toni says annoyed
"What Serpents at the Wyrm?" Jug asks confused
"You don't know?" I ask
"Well obviously not"
"I thought you went to see him when he woke up" Toni asks
"Yeah I did, just thought he knew that the Serpents were at the Wyrm" I shrug
"Fancy ditching?" Pea asks
"Thought you'd never ask" I smile jumping down from the desk I was sitting on.

When we arrive at the Wyrm Jug looks around at all the Serpents sleeping on the floor or wrapped up in blankets to keep warm
"I don't understand" Jug frowns
"You saw what the Ghoulies did to most of sunnyside" Toni starts
"A lot of Serpents couldn't afford to leave Riverdale so we came here" Pea finishes
"I offered these guys to come to mine, but they wanted to help the others here"
"Does my dad know about this?"
"Yes" I sigh
"Why did he keep this from me?"
"I don't know. Sorry Jug" I place a hand on his shoulder

Cheryl came to the Wyrm to warn us about Sheriff Minetta and his invade at the Whyrm
"Take only what you absolutely need and can carry with you" Jug says stood in front of all the Serpents "we need to move quickly and quietly. Sheriff Minettas forces are all over the Southside looking for our blood. If we want our skulls to remain uncracked we have to go undetected"
"Go where Jughead theres nowhere safe" Sweet Pea says
"Weve been offered asylum on the Northside. Rory spoke with her dad earlier" I nod my head in response. Pea takes his bag and holds my hand as we walk out of the bar. We hide whenever there was a police car. We reach the bridge that divides the Southside from the Northside. Jug stops looking back
"Come on Jug, don't look back" Archie places a hand on his shoulder.

When we arrive at my house dad has already set up a couple tents in the back garden, some air beds are all set up
"Pea, Arch says you can stay in his room with him and Jug. Toni you can stay in mine"
"No Rory, Sweet Pea can sleep in yours, well if that's ok with Fred. I'm staying at Cheryl's"
"Well ok then. Dad said he went emergency shopping so there's plenty of food. I guess just find a bed or a couch" I shrug. Serpents disperses about the house
"I hope you are ok with taking shorter showers" Archie nudges me
"It's you who uses the hot water not me" I hold my hands up
"Kids get in the house" dad says from the porch, I only now realise that Just Archie and I are outside now
"Things are going to be ok aren't they Archie?" I ask looking at my brother
"I really hope so Rory" he throws his arm around my shoulder and we both head into our home, now full to the brim of people. Of course Vegas is going from person to person with excitement and all of the Serpents just adore him. I go up to my room to change into my sleeping clothes when the door opens. Pea walks in with a tired face
"Your dad said it was ok as long as your door stays open"
"Of course" I roll my eyes "go change. You need some sleep" I get into bed as Pea changes into something more comfortable. He then slips in next to me
"Thank you Rory, for this"
"Always. Just promise me one thing"
"Anything" I place my hand on Sweet Pea's cheek
"Don't ever break my heart"
"Wouldn't dream of it" Pea captures my lips with his, but before it goes anywhere there's a cough at my door. I look over and see Archie there
"Just saying good night so erm... good night" he awkwardly says
"I dunno why your acting like that. You and Veronica were the loud ones when we..."
"Ok ok I get it. Just, I dunno wait till dads asleep and just be quiet"
"Eww" I grab my pillow and throw it at my brother who laughs as he walks away
"Your brother basically just gave us permission to..."
"Go to sleep you hormone crazed boy" I laugh turning over. Pea wraps his arm around my waist
"Good night baby"
"Night Sweet Pea".

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