Chapter 28- There Will Be Blood

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Somehow I have ended up having dinner at the Pembrook with V, her parents, Arch and dad
"If you remember, the only house in Riverdale with a pool was Thornhill" Hiram says with Hermione and dad agreeing
"There we were, two drunk teenagers looking to cool off..."
"Why didn't you just go to the Quarry like Rory does? or Sweetwater River?" Archie interrupts dad
"Arch what do you think Rory does at Sweetwater?" V says laughing
"Hey, my dad is here"
"Anyway from what I remember is that someone borrowed the school van for a joy ride. You and Mary" dad points to Hermione who shakes her head
"No that was Alice not us"
"This sounds like an episode of saved by the bell" Veronica takes a sip of her drink
"So Aurora, you listened to my advice then. Your no longer with Reginald?" Hermione asks
"No, we decided it would be better to be friends"
"What she means is she preferred the tall ass Serpent" I blush at V knowing she is right
"Hey Fred, before you go why don't you join me and Hermione in my study. I have this 30 year old rum. You'll love it"
"Well I can't say no to that" dad gets up and the adults all walk to the study leaving me Arch and V
"What's that all about?" I ask
"Ok so between us the deputy mayor who took over for Josie's mom is on the verge of stepping down. There's going to be a special election and my parents think your dad would make the ideal candidate"
"What?" I frown in confusion
"They want our dad to run for mayor?"
"It's business and politics. They go hand in hand"

"Dad is this something you're seriously considering?" Archie asks now that we are in the truck on our way home. Dad sighs thinking about what he is going to tell us
"Being mayor is something that I dreamed about ever since I was a little kid, in the back of my mind. And I know Riverdale has had a lot of downs lately, but maybe I can help get it back on an up swing"
"You don't think it's weird Mr Lodge is asking you to run?" Archie asks and I can't help but think the same question
"He's not dumb. He spends a lot of money in Riverdale. It makes sense he wants a friend in the office"
"What about your campaign dad, is he paying for it?" I ask leaning towards dad and Archie who are obviously in front
"He offered to make a donation to help me get going, but to be clear guys if I decide to run for mayor it wont be for him. It would be for Riverdale. For me. For you two"
When we reach home Archie and I head up to our bedrooms
"Is this sitting funny with you?" Archie asks
"Yeah, thinks were so much simpler before they showed up"
"Hey, thats my girlfriend and one of your best friends"
"I didn't mean it like that, but Archie think back to last year, how much easier things were"
"What, you mean mom moving out? you dating Reggie and hating on the Southside?"
"Ok hang on, I never hated on the south side, but when you put it like that yes we still had shit to deal with but look now, the Black Hood, Hiram, the Ghoolies. I dunno Arch I just wish things were easy again" I sigh and retreat to my bedroom.

The next day is Saturday, I have plans meeting Toni and Pea at Cheryls, well Pea will be coming here first. Cher asked me to go to her place for emotional support alongside Toni, something to do with her fathers death and legal stuff. Sweet Pea is coming with me to, I guess keep me entertained
"Rory, Archie come check this out" dad shouts from downstairs. I run down as I just finished getting ready, dad and Archie are looking at something on the table
"When I applied to collage to be an urban planner, this was before grandpa Artie got sick, this was the presentation that I made for some  program I never got into. Riverdale 2020 small town with a big future" (weird typing that knowing what happened in 2020)
"Dad this is awesome" Arch says just as theres a knock on the door
"I'll get it, it will be Sweet Pea" but before I could even move out of the dining room I hear the door open and a female voice saying
"Hello. Archie, Mr Andrews, Aurora?" she then walks into the room we are in "oh goodie you're all here"
"Nope I'm not" I say as I hear the sound of a motorbike "I'll see you guys later" I smile at my dad and brother before leaving them and Veronica.

"I Clifford Cochrane Blossom being of sound mind and body do here inscribe the terms of my last will and testament" some guy at the front says holding what I'm guessing is Mr blossom's will. Betty, Polly and their dad are also here, which I guess isn't strange because of Polly and Jason and now their twins "firstly ownership of Thistlehouse..."
"Why are we here again?" Pea whispers to me
"Because I'm supporting a friend"
"A crappy friend"
"She's trying. And anyway we have to there for Toni"
"Why, whats up with Toni?" Pea scrunches his face up
"Nothing, but if what I think is correct, we gotta watchout for Cher as if she were a Serpent. Thats what the other did for me before I was a Serpent right?"
"Babe what are you on about?"
"I think there might be a spark between Toni and Cher" Pea and I turn out heads to see the two holding hands
"The first half will be distributed equally to anyone in Riverdale who can prove, with medical authentication, that even one drop of Blossom blood flows threw their veins" just then the door opens and in walks Alice and Chic
"I knew it"
"Alice what the hell are you doing here"
"What's a family reunion without a little drama?" Sweet Pea whispers earning a nudge off me
"Accusing you publicly. You only wanted a divorce so that you could cheat me out of your big fancy Blossom payday"
"It's not just my payday. The girls share Blossom blood too"
"My lawyer is gonna rip you apart. Isn't that right Attorney MacCoy" didn't even notice she was there "I will be taking half of whatever blood money you get from this inbred cesspool of family. Yeah that's right I said inbred" Pea Toni and I are doing our best to try and not laugh at this
"Would you please just leave?" Cher's mom gets up from her seat
"Shut your face you half melted 10 cent trollop"
"Oh how I'm glad you made me come now"
"Oh shut up" I laugh at Sweet Pea.

Alice is removed from the building and the man at the front reading the will continues
"Now that the uh interloper has been escorted out of the premises we can finish our business. As I was saying, the other half of my fortune will go to my true heirs,  Jason and Cheryl" Cher stands up and walks over to the front
"As the one true Blossom heir I feel its my sacred duty to say a few words. The Blossoms have been bathing in blood since great grandpappy Blossom killed his brother. The original Sinner of Riverdale. Well I stand here before you to say no more" I smile with encouragement at Cheryl "no more blood. No more madness. No more horror"
"Hear hear" we all turn our heads to a man that looks exactly like Cheryl dad walking in through the door "couldn't have said it better myself" I turn back to look at Cheryl who looks like she's seen a ghost, well I mean I guess she kinda has. Cheryl then faints hitting the floor hard. Toni is first to run up to her
"Everyone go home" Cheryl mom says kicking us all out.
Pea and I walk to his bike
"What now?" Sweets asks me
"I guess you could come back to mine for tea?" I raise an eyebrow at him
"Your dads going to hate me coming over all the time" Pea chuckles as we get on the back of his bike
"No he won't. My dad loves you"
"Seriously? he isn't bothered your dating a Serpent and now you are one?"
"No. Oh and guess what"
"What?" I place my arms around Sweet Pea's waist
"Dad might be running for mayor"
"At lest we will finally have someone on our side if he does" I lean my head on Pea's back as the bike roars to life.

The next day we find out Hermione Lodge will be running for Mayor and dad has decided not to do it for the Lodges.

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