2. 796

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mentions of blood and k1lling

PEARL WOKE UP AND ALL OF HER BODY FELT SORE AND TIGHT. She groggily opened her eyes and looked down, realizing she was tied up to a chair. She had no memory of what happened before she fell asleep or how she even got here, but she continued to scan the room. A few feet from her, another girl was also tied to a chair, eyes closed. She studied the girl.

She looked familiar.

But how come she didn't know who the girl was?

Where she was?

What was her name?

Her deep thinking was interrupted by a man in a mask with a red screen covering his eyes. He walked over to the other girl, and lifted up her chin with his fingers. She watched as he studied her face, one hand behind his back. All she could do was stay silent, scared of the man.

Minutes passed, as the girl beside her started to shuffle. Her eyes opened, and dozily looked around the room. The mysterious man came out of the shadows and started to speak. His voice sounded robotic, which sent both of the tied up girls chills up their spines.

"Hello, both of you. Do you know where you guys are? No? Well, that would just be perfect!" He stopped there, then gave both of them water. It was slightly less clear than normal, some kind of thing swirling in there and making it cloudy.


What the hell? Where am I? This strange man has given me some water. The other girl looks hesitant to drink it, but I feel so dizzy, I might as well drink it to ease my dizziness.

I let it run down my throat, the feeling of dryness sitting in there gone. I feel relaxed now.

"I'll let you guys go back to your homes, and give you coordinates" He says, pausing to turn back and mumble a few words. "But you only have one mission.

"Wipe all of them out."

I look over to the girl, who seems totally relaxed with the idea. It seems wrong, but so right. The feeling of blood splattering, the feeling of sinking a knife deep into peoples skin, but not yet. I have the perfect plan. The man looks over at me. "So, I guess it's time to bring you guys back!" He said, voice cheery with a hint of sinister.


"Has anyone seen Pearl? I surely haven't." I say, voice concerned and breaking as I look over at Grian, Impulse, and Scar. We all look up at her mountain. It's been days since she had last talked to us. We've tried talking to her on the communicators, but no response. I gulp with worry as Grian starts to speak.

"I've been hearing the same thing's happening with Gem too. Have you guys seen any of them with anyone recently?"

We all shake our heads.

"I'm just so worried for them.. what if something happened?" Impulse said, with Scar silently nodding.


Weeks later, and still no response. I decided to go to her starter base, but I got a message from Grian.

Grian: hey mumbo, wondering if i can buy potatoes in bulk

MumboJumbo: Yeah sure, i'm just going to head to pearls starter base first to investigate. I'm pretty sure i saw her there

MumboJumbo: Ill respond right after just give me 2 seconds

Grian: alright

I shove the communicator back into my pocket and knock on Pearls.. doors..

I hear walking and my heart starts to race, is it truly Pearl?



I gasp. "Pearl! Is that truly yo-"

"I'm sorry, who are you..?" Her nonchalant voice cuts me off, cocking her head to the side and slightly raising an eyebrow. My expression changes from relived to.. to nervous. Does she remember me? Does she not?..

"I-i'm Mumbo.. y-your friend..?" I stammer.

Her expression changes, immediately turning into the familiar happy Pearl I know. She smiles. "Right! Come on in!"

I come in and look around, realizing everything is still the same as she left it. I take in a small breath of relief. She pulls me in for a hug, in which I hug her back. The warm feeling of her embrace really soo-


W-what?.. I feel something in between me.. no t-that's not right..

I feel something..

In me.

Blood runs down my clothes and down my chin.

I can feel her mouth near my ear, whispering cunningly.

"One down, 3 more to go. Heh."


Ok. Where is Mumbo? I look back on my communicator and re read our texts. He said he would reply back in a few..

But clearly I don't see a reply.

Where is he?

in her eyes. | a hermitcraft storyWhere stories live. Discover now