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"WHY ISN'T HE RESPAWNING? WHY ISN'T ANYBODY RESPAWNING?!" Stress panicked as she fiddled around with medical instruments she had, messily laying around everywhere. Grian had felt bad for her. Besides Zedaph, she was one of the only ones on the server that knew how to properly aid to people. She had tried everything to stop the bleeding.

Impulse and Zedaph were severely injured after Pearl came to visit. They thankfully got her out though when Ren and Doc came to rescue.

Zedaph got stabbed multiple times in many different places, and Impulse got stabbed in the leg.

"Stress.. please calm down.." Grian went behind her and put a hand on her shoulder. His voice had a hint of shakiness, worried for her. She stopped panicking and slowed down, then sighed.

A buzz from 3 communicators rang and Impulse almost jumped.


Xisuma had temporarily flew back to his base as he was trying to figure out what happened to the respawn system. So much people were down, but not respawning. He had no idea what was going on, and he was clearly panicking. His only thought was that EvilX had fiddled with the system and messed everything up.

"D-darn you EvilX!" Xisuma shakily typed on his communicator.



The room went quiet as nobody made a noise. Grian slightly shuffled and peeked from Stress' communicator, and that's when he gulped and immediately got up. He ran towards the main factory 'door' as Stress tried to stop him.


Stress sighed as she let the boy run.

"Impulse, can you get some healing potions?"


They knew it wouldn't do anything, but it could be worse.


Grian ran with all his might out of the factory courtyard and to the Boatem Hole. He couldn't fly or soar in the dark sky, but that was the least of his worries. His vision felt blurry as he panted as he kept running, trying to get a closer look at the scene. He had so much things flowing through his head.

Where is Scar?

Or Pearl?

Is everyone ok?

Please.. please let everyone be ok.

His legs started to give up on him as he fell to the ground, halfway reaching the Boatem Hole. He squinted it, not seeing anyone moving. It was still dark, and hard to see. Strong winds blew the torches out. He fell to the ground out of exhaustion. Feelings of wet drops started to slowly trickle down his hair, then everywhere around him.

"I.. need to get there.." Grian mumbled. He sat with his head down for a few minutes. He felt defeated and helpless.

He felt a tap on his shoulder and he felt chills go through his body. He turned around to see


His eyes scanned his appearance. His weakly smiling face, bleeding gauze wrapped around his entire lower stomach.

"Mumbo.. what are you doing here..?" Grians eyes start to tear up as he quickly wiped them away with his sleeve. The only thing that stood between them was droplets of water.

"We're heading to Cleos gym to heal up more. Stress told me it's safer incase Pearl finds us again." He slightly chuckled in his happy voice. His weak, small voice but just loud enough for him to hear made him smile delicately as he couldn't stop the tears of joy running down his face.


As Stress and Impulse were the only ones who were able to walk, it took a fairly long time for them to get there, including the fact that it was raining over at Boatem. But it was all fine now, as everyone sat out near the gym and Impulse grabbed some water from a cooler behind the counter. He held the bottles in between his arms, limping and stumbling at the same time.

He went back to see that Grian and Zedaph were gone.

"Stress? Where did they go?"

"That's the problem, I don't know! I turn around for a quick second while Mumbo, Grian, and Zedaph were resting, and they're gone!" Stress said, turning around to Impulse and then turning back to keep looking for them. "But at least Mumbo's still here."

"Well, there's no way Pearl or Gem could've done it."

"So who did?"


"I see you've finally dealed with them, EvilX." Pearl said as she looked at the unconscious Grian and Zedaph, stern eyes and crossing her arms. She went over to Grian and lifted up his chin with her finger, inspecting his lightly paled face. They were both tied to chairs, tightly. They didn't care how much pain it would cause to Grians wings or Zedaphs legs.

"It was simple, really. I wished there was more of a challenge."

"Don't say that! It being simple just means we get an advantage!" Gem pushed EvilX aside as they got into a pushing fight. They eventually took it outside the lab we they were in, far away from almost everyone as Gem's last words were "Pearl, deal with them for u-" Pearl looked back at her and nodded.

She waited and waited, tapping her foot as her arms remained crossed again.

"If they aren't waking up, I might as well wake them up for them." She grumbled.

Pearl came back with 2 buckets of ice-cold water and dumped it on their heads, then tossing the buckets to either side of the room. Screams could be heard seconds after drenching them from the water. She chuckled from their downfall as one of them almost fell from being startled.

"P-PEARL?!" The winged boy scowls as me. He tries to move in his chair as he barely attempts to break any ties.

"Now that you're awake, I guess EvilX can start with converting you guys. Let me go get him." Pearl said nonchalantly as she left the room. Both Zedaph and Grian waiting for the second that Pearl left the room to start talking. They looked at eachother.



"W-where are we?"



Silence engulfed the room for a while as they slowly looked away.

"I'm so cold.. I miss my friends.." Grian mumbled as he looked at his drenched hoodie, as he felt cold and silently cried. Zedaph looked back at him, a wave of worry hitting him too. Would the respawn system ever work again? He would never know.


"Zedaph? Are you awake?" Stress said as she shook him slightly. They were all resting in the middle of a oak forest as Impulse and Stress were finishing up setting a camp. Zedaph's eyes lazily opened as he propped half of his body up, rubbing his eyes. It was their second night travelling, and their second camp.

"Yeah.. I am."

Stress and Impulse looked at each other for a second before Impulse slowly nodded.

"Zedaph.. we.. got something to tell you.. please don't be shocked."

"The respawn system stopped working."

Zedaph's eyes went wide.

in her eyes. | a hermitcraft storyWhere stories live. Discover now