8. 918

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"HEY.. WHO ARE YOU..?" Grian sluggishly looked at Pearl, then Gem, then EvilX. Pearl nudged EvilX by kicking him in the calf (the back lower part of his leg) as he stumbled. Zedaph had also woken up in this time, and a puzzled expression laid on his face.

"Mind if I-"

"Aha, it worked. Welcome."

The room was dimly lit as only one light was above them, and it acted like a spotlight. There was also a table infront of them. EvilX slammed the table as Grian and Zedaph jumped.

"You both have 1 mission, and it's the same as these fellow girls over here." He used his hand to show them, Pearl staying still and Gem waving. They both then whispered at each other as Grian glanced curiously.

"Wipe them all out. Those people over there have failed, and we decided to bring more people in."

Grian's eyes widened at the idea. His face lit up as he nodded. "Of course."

Zedaph looked over at Grian, and he gulped. His face looked like he just saw someone died.

"W-what? Grian.. no.. you can't possibly be aboard with this idea!- Why would you want to kill your friends?- How would you trust a guy like-"

Zedaph's lab coat collar got pulled by EvilX as he looked him in the eyes.

"You right there."

"Y-yeah?" He stammered.

"Do you understand that those 2 can kill you in 5 seconds? If you aren't aboard with this idea, clearly I haven't done enough experiments on you." He pointed to Pearl and Gem, both holding their swords, ready to draw them out. "You have 2 choices. Go through all those tests again, or be board with this idea."

"Or of course, you can be slaughtered." He said casually as he shrugged.

Just then the effects kicked in, and his tone changed.

"Y-yeah. Of course boss."

"There we go." EvilX let go of his collar. "I was starting to think the potions weren't working." He scoffed as Zedaph and Grian just sat there. He brushed his clothes before starting to speak again.

"So, why don't we start preparing already? I believe we have wasted quite some time."

"Prepare for.. what exactly?"


As the others were gone, the rest had started to plan. Some planned to search for them, even though there was a split debate and almost started a civil war. Some planned to create an actual building where they can plan, heal and do just about everything in case something happened. Most of the building was a hospital, stuff from the Swaggon HQ moved to there.

"Aaand, done!" Mumbo had just placed down the last block, as the others flew down with their elytra, and some with their scaffolding.


"Now to just finish by putting stuff in! All this work I do-" Stress huffed, crossing her arms.

"You guys can start that, I'm gonna go check on Shishwammy." Keralis used his thumb to point behind him, pointing at the HQ. Xisuma had moved all his stuff there, specifically the office the floor above, desperately trying to fix the respawn system. Whoever had done, had tampered with the time good. The current cooldown was set to 1 000 000 hours.

Keralis travelled the bubble elevator, and looked at Xisuma. The room was dimmer than usual, curtains closed and him frantically typing.

"Are you sure you don't wanna go outside? You haven't been out in ages."

"This is more important. I just want to save my friends. Have you seen Hypno?"

"Err, yeah. He's resting. He was one of the more badly hurt ones."

"Oh, very well. Thank you."

Keralis made his way down opposite bubble elevator, walking over to his friends. Some raised an eyebrow at him, meaning they were asking how he was doing. Keralis had just shrugged, as he didn't get any info out of the admin.

Speak of the devil, Xisuma was running over to them. He was waving his communicator in his hand.


False crossed her arms. "You found out how to fix it?"

"No.. erm.. But I tracked down EvilX's locator! Check this out, he's at the coordinates XX, XX, XXX." He flipped his communicator around and showed them.

The group of builders rushed over to the admin, some actually not believing him. But it was true, and the communicator flashed in and out, with a range around it, showing true proof that he was there.

"If he's there, then I bet Zedaph and Grian are too." Bdubs exclaimed, trying to get a grip of the communicator to get a closer look. Everyone had just realized that and immediately started to prepare their elytras and clipping them on. It was chaos, shulker boxes and ender chests placed everywhere.

"Everyone packed their swords? Err.. mostly everyone?" Xisuma said as he looked at Mumbo nervously as he flash-backed to a statement he made a while ago, on a podium.

"Even though I want to save my friends, I'm still sticking to Peace, Love, and Plants."

"Hey! Why is everyone laughing at me?! I swear if you don't stop my kill history will be bloody!"

"Yup, let's go." Everyone nodded and said in agreement.

"Alright, just follow me."


hi, im sorry for the lack of the words in this chapter, but i hope the recent updates are making up for it.

i'll try to fit more words (aiming for 2k) in the next and hopefully add some more angst?

thanks for reading though <3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2021 ⏰

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